Tag: music-suggestions

five song friday

I was riding into work this morning, and I thought, hey, why not do a music suggestion post today; but instead of the usual “listen to this”, why not pick some stuff you can actually listen to… via the magic of you tube! I really haven’t been a big you tube post person in the past, but after posting the brenda home clip the other day, I was seriously questioning why not!

So here it is: the First Five Song Friday! Y’all ain’t ready for this!

The format’s simple: I post 5 you tube clips of songs that I think are totally worthy of you checking out. Usually, it is going to be stuff that I am currently listening to (which can also be found here), and it will always be stuff that you should be checking out. Without further adieu…

Esthero – We R In Need Of A Musical Revolution

Now, I picked this song, not only because it is amazing, but because I was organizing my CDs the other night, and noticed my Esthero CD, and realized I hadn’t listened to it in forever! In fact, I think I never gave it the chance it deserved, because she is quite brilliant, actually. I bought the CD based solely on the genious of this song, and upon finding it the other night, I am giving the rest of the CD the chance it deserved. I can say this… I am liking what I hear, and wondering why I occasionally neglect certain CDs. Weird, really, because it is random, and without reason… yet it still happens. As long as I come back around to it, I guess it doesn’t really matter, right?

Rilo Kiley – Silver Lining
Wow. I have heard about Rilo Kiley before, and was always like “meh, I’ll get to them eventually”, and I never realized that I should have been saying, “hey wait, let me listen!”. This song is amazing. I love everything about it, and ran out and bought the CD because of it. I am enjoying the CD, even though nothing is quite as catching as this song is, but that is because it is pretty damn close to gold. Great form Rilo Kiley!

Peter, Bjorn, and John – Young Kids
Oh how I resisted this song… but no longer. I remember the first time I saw the video, and I was all, “that’s a cute video”, but I honestly didn’t care that much for the song. Cut to earlier this week: I was at Decatur CD, and they were playing the Peter, Bjorn, and John CD because they were performing that night. Unlike the first time I saw the video (seriously, it has been a long time), I was really bopping my head to what I heard. Now, I can’t get enough, the whole CD is a good listen, full of these great beats. Be warned though, this song WILL get stuck in your head. (The beat makes me moist.)

Brandi Carlile – The Story
Oh, Brandi, how I love you. Seriously, this song is her powerhouse, but the whole CD is magnificent. If you are a fan of bands like the Indigo Girls, then you have got to check out Brandi. I absolutely love how she manipulates her voice, and uses it to just pierce you with emotion. The whole album is heartfelt and well crafted. If you like this song, just know that it is pretty much the “hardest” one on the record, as she is a bit more acoustic in her style (again, think Indigo Girls). I personally think it is one of the better albums to come out this year.

Kanye West – Stronger
Ah… Kanye West. Yes, I do think he is a great musician, but he is pretty much a bitch. I mean, how much do you need people to love you and bow before your feet before you stop complaining about all of your fame and fortune? Apparently, Kanye needs more. That aside, he can turn out some great music. Maybe I included this one because the CD came out this week… who knows. I have been listening to his CD all week, and while there are some gems, I don’t think overall it is as solid as his last album. That being said… I like him. And this song is great… but I think that it is great more because of Daft Punk… and I freaked when I heard that he sampled it… I was all “I’m IN!”. (cos I loves me some Daft Punk!)

Hope you guys enjoyed this first installment of a hopefully, sort of regular, music suggestion post. Five song Friday is on! Enjoy the music, and enjoy your weekend! Let me know what you guys think of my suggestions, and hell, make some of your own!

weekly music suggestions: will young, tracey thorn, and the pipettes

In keeping with the music suggestion thing that I started last week, I wanted to bring a few suggestions for you to check out. I hope that everyone that gave Great Northern, Imogen Heap, and Silversun Pickups a listen are still enjoying those mighty fine CDs; I know that I am (and more so with each listen).

This week, I want to suggest something a little different. All of the suggestions from this week come to us from across the pond, which (at least for me) continues to be a great source for great music; the UK!

The first, is the most recent CD by Will Young, Keep On. While I am sure that most people haven’t heard of Will here in America, I can assure you that he is pretty big in other parts of the world; specifically in Britain, where he won the first Pop Idol competition (their American Idol equivalent). I bought Will’s CD quite a while back, and didn’t really feel it at the time, and as a result, dismissed most of the disc. The couple of songs that I got it for pleased me enough for me to focus solely on them, and not give much thought to the rest of the CD. Recently, a friend of mine played a Will Young song for me that I hadn’t heard (from his first CD), and I liked it, so I gave the CD another listen (also, renting Mrs Henderson Presents helped… he is in the movie and sings quite a bit in it). The result: a newfound love of Keep On. I honestly can’t believe that I didn’t like it before, because it is actually quite wonderful all of the way through. I suggest you check it out. It also houses one of my favorite songs, All Time Love, which literally gives me chills every time I hear it. Let me know what you think of this sadly overlooked disc. It is on heavy rotation for me, after realizing my mistake in passing over it.

The second suggestion for this week is the solo CD from miss Tracey Thorn, who many may know as the beautiful voice of Everything But the Girl. I have been a huge fan of Everything But the Girl for years now, and when I heard that Tracey was releasing a solo disc earlier this year, I was chomping at the bit to get a listen. Initially, I was only slightly impressed, which I believe was mainly due to my mood during my first go round. Sometimes, you really have to be in the mood to fully enjoy some music, and this was definitely the case. Upon several more listens, I have been enjoying this disc more and more. Tracey proves that she has more than just a beautiful voice with her solo effort, and manages to re-invent much of what I loved about the electronic sound from EBTG. I for one, am sorry that I let this one sit for months, because it is clearly one of the best CDs to come out this year. If you are a fan of EBTG, do yourself a favor and check this out.

Finally, I want to suggest a CD that I have literally been in love with for quite a while now, and yet, it still has the ability to stay fresh, and keep surfacing time and time again; the Pipettes: We are the Pipettes. This girl group take you back to the pop sounds of the 50’s, hearkening a sound from a basement party, and the result is a damn good time. Many of these songs are so catchy that you will find yourself humming them days after you listen to them. It really is hard not to love the Pipettes, so that is why I am suggesting that everyone check them out. I heard about them initially from my buddy Dewey, and I have to say, I realize now, that I should have taken his advice wholeheartedly, and embraced them immediately, because they are fantastic. Instead, I waited a few months, shrugging them off as nothing special, only to realize that I couldn’t have been more wrong. Thank God I came around!!! Also important to note about this CD, is that it just might be the perfect CD to work out to. I know that it can get me through a tough workout with a smile on my face and a increased beat in my step! Check it out!

As always, these suggestions aren’t meant to be a one way exchange. Let me know what you are listening to, as I am always searching for the next song/artist/CD that is going to calm my insatiable craving for good music. So let me have it! I need more music!!! Let me know what you think of these suggestions too, alright?!

alright monday… move on, now…

Today seems to be dragging a bit; perhaps I have a case of the “Mondays”? Either way, I can’t wait to get home this evening. Ah, relaxing… the joy of life.

A few jumbled, scattered, smothered, and covered thoughts for you to swish around your brain today:
Because everyone else is doing it, here is my “personality” profile; which is based on some pretty random questions. I expected pretty much everything, I have done a Myers-Briggs before, so nothing too unexpected, I guess… One thing I did get excited about, was that Nurse was listed as one of my career matches; maybe I should have taken this little test while I was in college? Either way, that is good to know that it will mesh well with my “advocate” personality style. I don’t really think these things are 100% accurate, but I do see how they can be pretty good generalizations.

All I have to say, is BWAHAHAHAHA!: Paris Hilton loses her $60 million inheritance because of her dumb ass behavior. Her grandpa is like, look Paris, too much ass, drinking, and going to jail is tainting my name, so you aren’t getting my dough! I wonder if she will have to work and earn money like the rest of us? If so, I fear for her, because I have seen the Simple Life, and if she has to rely solely on her “skills” (or lack thereof), she is royally fucked. I don’t think that she would even be able to get enough money to buy food for herself, if she actually had to work for a living. Poor, poor Paris… However, we all know that she will come out on top somehow; people like her always do for some reason.

Just because there are some people that still think the people of Iraq are all “Islamic extremists” out to kill us, which has nothing to do with any of our actions against them, their land, or their way of life; here’s more compelling evidence that all we are doing over there is making things worse (for us and them). I don’t get why pointing out the obvious stain that you made on the rug, and suggesting that it be cleaned up, is such a “radical” and “scary” observation and strategy for change. The shit has more than hit the fan, and it is pretty crystal clear that there are more and more people, who are just getting more and more angry at us for the very reason illustrated in the article; we are doing more harm than good, and always have. I have an idea, why not stop doing all that “destruction and death” mumbo jumbo, and focus on what we are SAYING really matters; helping the people of Iraq and ending terrorist plots against the US? I suggest this, because we are currently not doing that at all, and instead, our presence is making it worse; both for the Iraqis, and for us, because we are giving them more and more reasons to hate us. Another “revelation” courteous of the “omg this is so fucking obvious” news.

I was thinking as I was driving in to work this morning that I want to start what I hope will be something of a regular here: weekly music suggestion(s), that we share, explore, and recommend to each other. I am always hungry for new music, and often times, it can be hard to find. So, in the spirit of getting this thing going, I am going to recommend a few selections for you to check out this week. As evidenced by today’s selections, the recommendations do not necessarily have to be “new” as in “just out”; if it is new to you, it counts as new! Also, if it is something that you have heard and like, maybe it will just make it a rediscovery for you!

Here’s your music suggestions for this week:
Imogen Heap: Speak For Yourself (I popped this back in the CD player this morning on a whim, and was reminded at how fantastic this disc is!)
SIlversun Pickups: Carnavas (this CD is so awesome; I wish I would have discovered it sooner)
And sort of in the middle of the two: Great Northern: Trading Twilight for Daylight (fyi… this is a myspace link, which I am convinced is the only reason that myspace should even exist: marketing) (This IS new, and I am currently listening to/getting into it. Initial listens are definitely yielding a positive vibe… I am feeling that same little tingle in my body that I get when I hear Silversun Pickups… it’s a good thing.)

This whole “music sharing” idea was further pushed by my stopping by a little CD shop during my lunch break, and my finding Jude’s King Of Yesterday CD in the $1 bin. I had heard the song “King of Yesterday” on Felicity years ago, and remembered that I really liked it, and so I picked up the album. Always good to check out new things, right?

Now that you have your “Music Assignments”, hook me up with some suggestions too; this ain’t a one way street bitches!!! Bring on the music! Bring on the noise!