Tag: mr pickles

weekend walk through the park

Yesterday, James and I took the doggies out to the park for a nice walk, and I took my camera, and snapped some great pictures. Here are a few of them:
us at the park
mr. pickles looks intense
This was actually Mr. Pickles’ first visit to the doggie park. He had a lot of fun, while Sydney did his typical, “why are there other dogs here?” stand offish thing. It was a nice little Sunday afternoon thing to do with my family, and hopefully, will motivate me to continue to taking more pictures; something that I REALLY need to do.

re-introduing Mr. Pickles

re-introducing Mr. Pickles
Since his official introduction came by way of mere information, I thought I would bring the true goods and show everyone a picture of the sweet, shy, and still warming up to us Mr. Pickles. He’s a bit bigger than Sydney, but he is all IG, and really pretty. We are glad to give a rescue a chance at a better life, and look forward to many adventures with Sydney and Mr. Pickles. Welcome home buddy!