Tag: more-ankle-tattoo

checking in….

It has been a few days since I have posted; and not without good reason. I am BUSY!! School is continuing to flex its muscles; seriously, this statistics course is acting like a grad level course. I wonder if the professor knows it is supposed to be intro? Either way, I just hope I can make it out of the class with a good grade. Also, my first anatomy test is this week, and I am studying like mad to make the best grade possible… here’s hoping for an A on the first test.

Other than that, I got more tattoo on my ankle yesterday, and it looks so much better. While I liked just the flowers, I thought it was rather plan, and Malia agreed, so she added some waves and rocks to make it more of a “piece”. I think it looks amazing, even though it hurts like crazy, and I will try to get some pictures up soon… as soon as I am finished with my anatomy test!

Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is having a great week… I know that I have been enjoying this much cooler weather; I have even been kind of cold riding into work these past few days, as I have been riding with all of the windows down and the sunroof open. MAN, I love fall!!! Bring on the fleece!!!