Tag: memorial-day

reflections on memorial day

To date, there have been 3455 (source) men and women that have died during this war. Today, I think of them, their families, and those whose lives have been changed by their deaths. We must all remember these that have died, especially on today. I for one, hope that this number becomes locked, and that no more are added, and that we can bring the rest of our troops home safe and sound. That is also what I hope most on this memorial day.

While today is designated as a day of memorial, I think that attention should also be paid to those that didn’t die, but were wounded in this war. To date, there have been 23549 (source) men and women that have been wounded, many of which are without limbs, genitalia, faces, ears, etc. This number does not account for those that have returned, and suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, and other consequences of fighting in Iraq. I have a friend that was among that number, who was seriously injured when a mortar attack struck near his base. He received shrapnel to the stomach, and underwent serious surgery, and a month of recuperation, before being redeployed. My friend is okay today, but I know that there are others that are apart of all of our lives that need to be thanked immensely for their sacrifice and the pain they endured. Additionally, I want him, and all those wounded, to know that I sincerely appreciate everything that you sacrificed for us, even though I don’t agree with the war, I do fully and wholeheartedly support you for doing what you were told would protect us.

Thank you. Today, and everyday, you will be in my thoughts, prayers, and you will continue to shape my politics regarding this war. I personally want to thank all of those that have sacrificed, as well as those families that have been affected.

Today shouldn’t be about hot dogs, burgers, and flying the flag; it should be about respect, honor, memory, and gratitude; and I for one am focusing on the latter. Hope that your memorial day has a similar level of perspective and graciousness. Additionally, let it be known, that because I focus on the current deaths and injuries of our military, that it does not mean I belittle or neglect those that have died and been injured in the past. I hope that all those that have served, and have been affected by their service, receive the attention, gratitude, and love that they deserve, especially today. Today is your day.