Tag: matt-nathanson

5SF: june 19

While today’s selection of songs is going to start out a little on the slower side, by the end, I should have you up on your feet, dancing the afternoon away. However, make sure you stay well hydrated, because it is fucking HOT out there!!

William Fitzsimmons – I Don’t Feel It Anymore (Song Of The Sparrow)
William is yet another fantastic discovery that I came to via nothing more than a picture of the bearded singer. Sometimes, all it takes is some bearded goodness to get me interested, and luckily, William’s music is so beautiful that it drew me in even deeper. I discovered his album The Sparrow and The Crow through iTunes, where it was just released back in April; even though searches on the internets show that it actually came out late in 2008. I might have to ignore that fact, because this fantastic folk album could easily find a spot on my top albums of 2009, because it is incredibly beautiful, and each song is even more beautiful as the last. I have a weak spot for those bearded folk guys… what can I say? And it doesn’t hurt when they are incredibly talented to boot!

Matt Nathanson – Gone
Matt’s 2007 release, Some Mad Hope, actually made my year end best of list, but recently, I gave it another listen, and remembered how much I loved it. I love his vocals and the way in which he weaves a pop rock anthem. This was one of those experiences when I “re-discover” something on my ipod, something that I hadn’t listened to in such a long time for no other reason than I hadn’t thought to. Matt’s single, Come On Get Higher is making the rounds on radio right now (part of the reason I dusted his album off and gave it another listen), and I hope that he will release Gone as a single too; both are favorites of mine from the album. I can’t wait for new material from Matt, and I hope that his success will signal something new very soon.

Dan Black – U + Me =
This is the free download of the week on the UK’s iTunes, which is awesome for them, but unfortunate for us; since we can’t download it in the US. However, some searching the internet proved fruitful, and I was able to find this amazing track to bring to you today. I love the blaring backing snyth of this track, and the pulsating beats that go along with it. It really reminds me of a recent discovery, Miike Snow, with a similar energy and ferocity to it. I hope that when Dan finally releases his album that it is filled with more great songs like this one; because this song is fantastic.

Booty Luv – Say It

Perhaps one of the funniest names of a seriously amazing dance band, Booty Luv recently released their new single, Say It, and I have been LOVING it more and more with each listen. It has a similar floor stomping beat that the best tracks off of their debut, Boogie Tonight, had when it was released back in 2007. I am hoping that this song is an indication of what we have to look forward to on Booty Luv’s highly anticipated follow up. If that truly is the case, the release date can’t come soon enough. This song makes me want to fucking dance all night long, and is definitely one of their best to date.

Little Boots – Remedy
Little Boots is one of those greatly hyped acts that for whatever reason, I grew instantly skeptical of. Perhaps it is the stubborn side of me that likes to make things difficult, but whatever it is, it made me ignore Little Boots’ release Hands (other than my instant love for previously featured track, New In Town). Well, in steps one of you guys (fellow music blogger John), with this suggestion, and it snapped me out of my stubbornness, and caused me to fall deeply in love with even more Little Boots (as well as forces me to question why I can be so stubborn in the first place). This song is going to be a huge song of the summer for me, and it is one that it best listened to on full blast. Like I told you at the beginning of today’s post, I would have you dancing by the end; and I was right, wasn’t I?! Thanks John for the MASSIVE suggestion!!!

Alright, you guys, what did you think of this week’s selection? We ran the gamut from sweet and slow folk, all of the way through some dance floor fillers perfect for the summer! As always, please let me know what you think, as well as what you are listening to; as you saw this week, it may find its why into a future 5SF!!

shhh… it’s a “secret” “bonus” 5SF!!

Well, I know that I said that I wasn’t going to be able to do any 5 song Fridays this month, because of the ginormous countdown, but after it was suggested that I include some music from the CDs that I have been pimping, I figured that this would be a GREAT opportunity to recap, and do just that; bring the music!

So, I picked 5 tracks from 5 CDs that have already made the countdown, and without too much flash, or pomp and circumstance, here they are: (and don’t fret, today’s CD will be up later!)

Instead of getting on about each track, I will just refer you back to the reviews that I did for each CD. Each of these songs are what I would consider to be pretty much my favorite tracks from each corresponding CD. Maybe these songs will draw you into checking out these great albums too!

Matt Nathanson – Bulletproof Weeks (countdown post)
Girls Aloud – Girl Overboad (countdown post)
Tracey Thorn – Nowhere Near (countdown post)
The Shins – Red Rabbits
(countdown post)
Hilary Duff – Outside of You (see! I told you it was brilliant!) (countdown post)

Enjoy! Now… back to our regularly scheduled end of year countdown!

the 31 best of 2007 – 31: Matt Nathanson – Some Mad Hope

So, now you must know that my threat was real! Here I am, bringing you the very first of my 31 top CDs of 2007. While there were many, many great CDs that came out this year, these 31 are the ones that I enjoyed most. While this really isn’t intended to be a “countdown”, per-se, rank isn’t necessarily assumed among star-rating classes, so I will be giving a rating to each disc (the top 31 are all either 4 or 5 star-rated). I don’t rank against different types of artists; my ranks indicate how much I liked the disc and how good I feel that it is. So, that means, these CDs are all good; placement on the list will only really affect those at the very top.

So, now that I have muddied this up as much as possible, let’s get to the first CD to make my “top 31” list this year: Matt Nathanson – Some Mad Hope.

Note: Since there were clearly more than 31 CDs that I really liked this year, I recommend checking out my favorite CDs of 2007 list for other great CDs from 2007.

The first CD on the year end list, is Some Mad Hope by rocker Matt Nathanson. A sound that reminds me of many single male rock singers, like Ryan Adams or Damien Rice (but not so depressing), I have to admit that I wasn’t initially interested in this record. I downloaded it before a trip, and was determined to give it a go while I was traveling. Unfortunate choice or not, the first song on the record is Car Crash, which isn’t really something one wants to hear while flying (the imagery was just too uncomfortable). So the CD went on my back burner.

One day, I was thumbing through my massive ipod library, and I happened to notice Matt’s CD yet again, and so I gave it a listen. I must say, that I am glad that I gave him a second chance. Like some of my favorite CDs of recent past (most notably, Matt Kearney’s Nothing Left to Lose,as well as a fellow 2007 best of list artist, Jon McLaughlin’s Indiana),Matt’s earnest rock sound, alternative-rootsy feel, and warm male vocals reeled me in. The piano and acoustic-twinged rock made me sit up and take notice of this guy whom I had never heard of, other than the mention on iTunes that only got me “sort of” interested in the first place. Clearly, there is something more to him than him being “another male alternative vocalist”; Matt has put together a damn fine CD with Some Mad Hope.

Several songs on his record are upbeat, and most are radio-worthy; but it is the few stand outs that remind me of one of my all time favorite artists, Bebo Norman, that get me every time. Those are the reason that this disc made my year end list, but the overall consistency of quality music on the disc is the reason it made the top 31. This is one of those records that people at the CW would look to for backing tracks on their teen dramas, as I am sure they may already have, and I think that they would have a great list of 12 consistently good tracks to choose for the right occasion. The entire CD is a solid listen, beginning, middle, and end; I can even think of a few songs that I would play during the right moment, and I am glad to have discovered them to enjoy for myself.

My Favorites from Some Mad Hope:
Come On Get Higher, Heartbreak World, Bulletproof Weeks (my personal favorite), and Gone.
