Tag: malia-reynolds

checking in….

It has been a few days since I have posted; and not without good reason. I am BUSY!! School is continuing to flex its muscles; seriously, this statistics course is acting like a grad level course. I wonder if the professor knows it is supposed to be intro? Either way, I just hope I can make it out of the class with a good grade. Also, my first anatomy test is this week, and I am studying like mad to make the best grade possible… here’s hoping for an A on the first test.

Other than that, I got more tattoo on my ankle yesterday, and it looks so much better. While I liked just the flowers, I thought it was rather plan, and Malia agreed, so she added some waves and rocks to make it more of a “piece”. I think it looks amazing, even though it hurts like crazy, and I will try to get some pictures up soon… as soon as I am finished with my anatomy test!

Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is having a great week… I know that I have been enjoying this much cooler weather; I have even been kind of cold riding into work these past few days, as I have been riding with all of the windows down and the sunroof open. MAN, I love fall!!! Bring on the fleece!!!

welcome Carlito Juarez to the family!

Yesterday, we spent the better part of the day at Ink and Dagger Tattoo Parlour, getting the color added to James’ amazing koi tattoo. I have to say, that Ms. Malia Reynolds completely exceeded my expectations; this tattoo is beautiful!!! She is one of the amazingly talented artists at the shop, and I am so glad that James could get tattooed by her!

James was a trooper, and managed to sit for almost 5 hours!! I have to say, that he really surprised me with that, and I am glad that he got such an amazing tattoo. If only everyone’s first tattoo could be this amazing, right?

Well, I know that is in large part thanks to Malia! As always, if you want to get amazing tattoos, be sure that you head over to Ink and Dagger, over in Decatur, because it is THE place to get tattooed in (or around) Atlanta!

This definitely makes me want ANOTHER ONE!!! HA!

Hope everyone is having a great 3-day weekend!

tattoo time in the moody-robinson house!

james gets a koi
So James finally went and got his tattoo! He decided on a koi with some cherry blossoms and a chrysanthemum, and Malia‘s design was perfect. For the first sitting, she took care of all of the outline, and I think that it looks great! He was such a trooper… he did complain as it got towards the end, though. I was honestly surprised that he took it as well as he did!

Also, James and I have talked in the past about getting the same tattoo, like kanji for love or something like that, and I asked Malia if she would do a part of his tattoo on me, so that we would have the same thing to show our love and commitment. She took three of the cherry blossoms, blew them up a bit, and behold:
I got tattooed too!
I got tattooed too! I really WAS NOT planning on this, but I am really glad that I got it; I really feel like by having something like this, albeit subtle, we have something that we can share and show our love for each other. It isn’t a ring, but it is definitely a symbol of our commitment and love for each other, and I personally love it.

I do, however, think that I may be slightly addicted to tattoos!!! Oh well… I guess there are worse things, eh?

(FYI: Malia is one of the artists at the awesome Ink and Dagger Tattoo Parlour, which is where I have been getting my red panda tattoo from Russ. I highly recommend you go here to get all tattoo work, because Russ and Malia are the best!)