Tag: macro

still playing with the new lens…

1836, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

I mean, how much fun can this thing be? A lot, I tell you! I also picked up some of those “under the cabinet lights”, which are essentially long fluorescent lights, and using two in tandem gives a pretty great light effect.

I am going to build kind of a photo box type set up tomorrow with some 2x4s, and solve my poor light problems of the past. I don’t know what took me so long to get this stuff to be honest… Oh well, I am sure that I will have to re-explore my adventures with fruit photography now!

It is also great, because I won’t have to take pictures of everything outside!! How novel, eh? I also need a tripod, but I guess a little a time, right? Hope everyone is having a kick ass weekend!

what a great day!

stamen & pistol, originally uploaded by duanecmoody.

I got to work from home today, because I was waiting on a package from Fedex that I had to sign for. The package, drum roll please, was a new 60mm f/2.8 EF-S USM Macro Canon lens for my Digital Rebel!!!! AH!! I already love it. I mean, how intense is this photo? This isn’t even as close as I could have gotten.

Rock star!! Thanks Wendy for the the amazing hook up, and I hope that everyone has a great relaxing day. I have to say, working at home is a great thing!!! Even if you aren’t receiving gifts in the mail!

Now get out and enjoy this weather everyone!