Tag: little-five-points

a burst of creative energy

…and maybe even a well needed kick in the butt. This weekend, I managed to hang some kitchen things we bought at IKEA (one of which has been in the cabinet for well over a year!), and did a little tidying up around the house; both of which were much to James’ surprise. It was also a surprise to me, because I have been overwhelmed with apathy lately (see, it’s going on in many, many aspects of my life… not just the blog!). Well, the best part, was that I kept that momentum going, and ended up going for a long overdue, much needed photo stroll with Brody and Broderick (my “Bros”… Come on, I thought it was funny… HA!) in Little Five Points.
fierceness, you're doing it right.
I had an awesome time hanging with those guys, and managed to get more than a few pictures that I consider to be pretty darn good. I went with only my 10-22mm lens, because even though it is my favorite, I don’t feel like I use it enough, and I need practice with it. I am glad that they set it up, because I have been neglecting my camera and photography for months now, and while it has been largely because of my apathy, sometimes little steps like this are monumental for me. I hope that it signals an upswing of photography, and potentially, other hobbies of mine to take more time in my life. I do know that I mentioned to Brody that we should make this a regular thing, and I have to say, that I believe that to be a great idea indeed… so where do we go next?!

L5P photo stroll and exploring new music this weekend

bike secured, originally uploaded by duanemoodydotcom.

Yesterday, I finally got my trusty DSLR out and finally took some new pictures. Deb, Tina, and I went down to the always interesting Little Five Points, and I took about 200 pictures. Look for them to pop up slowly on flickr over the next few weeks; I don’t want to run out of new pictures to post by dumping them all on at once!!

I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. I have been listening to new music by Goldfrapp, Sia, and the pop-trashy Marie Picasso. Exploring new music can definitely take you down some interesting avenues. I really like Sia’s new CD, but it really reminds me of Nicole Atkins, only way more mellow. I have to say, that it made me want to listen to Nicole; which I promptly did. Man, music sure can be fun, can’t it?

Anywho… hope everyone’s Sunday goes by very slow… Monday is never a fun time!