Tag: little boots

5SF: june 19

While today’s selection of songs is going to start out a little on the slower side, by the end, I should have you up on your feet, dancing the afternoon away. However, make sure you stay well hydrated, because it is fucking HOT out there!!

William Fitzsimmons – I Don’t Feel It Anymore (Song Of The Sparrow)
William is yet another fantastic discovery that I came to via nothing more than a picture of the bearded singer. Sometimes, all it takes is some bearded goodness to get me interested, and luckily, William’s music is so beautiful that it drew me in even deeper. I discovered his album The Sparrow and The Crow through iTunes, where it was just released back in April; even though searches on the internets show that it actually came out late in 2008. I might have to ignore that fact, because this fantastic folk album could easily find a spot on my top albums of 2009, because it is incredibly beautiful, and each song is even more beautiful as the last. I have a weak spot for those bearded folk guys… what can I say? And it doesn’t hurt when they are incredibly talented to boot!

Matt Nathanson – Gone
Matt’s 2007 release, Some Mad Hope, actually made my year end best of list, but recently, I gave it another listen, and remembered how much I loved it. I love his vocals and the way in which he weaves a pop rock anthem. This was one of those experiences when I “re-discover” something on my ipod, something that I hadn’t listened to in such a long time for no other reason than I hadn’t thought to. Matt’s single, Come On Get Higher is making the rounds on radio right now (part of the reason I dusted his album off and gave it another listen), and I hope that he will release Gone as a single too; both are favorites of mine from the album. I can’t wait for new material from Matt, and I hope that his success will signal something new very soon.

Dan Black – U + Me =
This is the free download of the week on the UK’s iTunes, which is awesome for them, but unfortunate for us; since we can’t download it in the US. However, some searching the internet proved fruitful, and I was able to find this amazing track to bring to you today. I love the blaring backing snyth of this track, and the pulsating beats that go along with it. It really reminds me of a recent discovery, Miike Snow, with a similar energy and ferocity to it. I hope that when Dan finally releases his album that it is filled with more great songs like this one; because this song is fantastic.

Booty Luv – Say It

Perhaps one of the funniest names of a seriously amazing dance band, Booty Luv recently released their new single, Say It, and I have been LOVING it more and more with each listen. It has a similar floor stomping beat that the best tracks off of their debut, Boogie Tonight, had when it was released back in 2007. I am hoping that this song is an indication of what we have to look forward to on Booty Luv’s highly anticipated follow up. If that truly is the case, the release date can’t come soon enough. This song makes me want to fucking dance all night long, and is definitely one of their best to date.

Little Boots – Remedy
Little Boots is one of those greatly hyped acts that for whatever reason, I grew instantly skeptical of. Perhaps it is the stubborn side of me that likes to make things difficult, but whatever it is, it made me ignore Little Boots’ release Hands (other than my instant love for previously featured track, New In Town). Well, in steps one of you guys (fellow music blogger John), with this suggestion, and it snapped me out of my stubbornness, and caused me to fall deeply in love with even more Little Boots (as well as forces me to question why I can be so stubborn in the first place). This song is going to be a huge song of the summer for me, and it is one that it best listened to on full blast. Like I told you at the beginning of today’s post, I would have you dancing by the end; and I was right, wasn’t I?! Thanks John for the MASSIVE suggestion!!!

Alright, you guys, what did you think of this week’s selection? We ran the gamut from sweet and slow folk, all of the way through some dance floor fillers perfect for the summer! As always, please let me know what you think, as well as what you are listening to; as you saw this week, it may find its why into a future 5SF!!

5SF: may 15

TGIF. We are STILL working on the bathroom, and will be for a few more days. I can see the end in sight, and I am definitely getting excited. I will probably take an hour long shower once it is finally finished; I deserve it! Well, enough about that… let’s get to today’s music selection.

Elizabeth and the Catapult – Just In Time

Let me start with a one word description of Elizabeth and the Catapult’s most recent release, Taller Children: Amazing. Elizabeth and the Catapult is one of those finds that I still can’t believe I stumbled upon, because of how magnificent they are. What drew me in initially, was the really cute cover, which has brought me to some fantastic music in the past, and certainly did so again this time. The whole album is magnificent, and will certainly be amongst my top records of 2009. The record has a softer side, as well as an eclectic feel to it, and the singer’s voice often channels the might and gusto of singers like Inara George, Aimee Mann, and even Ann Wilson. This was a fantastic find, and one that I am more than happy to sing praises about to anyone who will listen. I LOVE when I find stuff like this on the random!

Death Cab For Cutie – My Mirror Speaks
After seeing Death Cab for Cutie last week, I have been listening to them almost non-stop, and I am constantly reminded of how much I love this amazing band. Seriously, Ben Gibbard’s voice and his diction are both amazingly delicious, and are a total treat to my ears. I have been a Death Cab fan for a few years now, and with each subsequent release, they only get better, in my opinion. The recently released EP, the Open Door, is where this fantastic track comes from, and was released to coincide with them beginning their tour. I love every song on that EP, and I was pleased that they played almost all of them at the show. They are amazing live, and I am glad I got an opportunity to finally see them perform.

Matthew Barber – Easily Bruised
This was a free mp3 download from Amazon (as of this writing, it still is, so go and get it!), and I am glad that I checked it out; it’s a beautiful track. I’ll admit that I was initially drawn to it because of the bearded beau on the cover (what can I say… I am a sucker for beards), and I was pleased that he had the musical prowess to really draw me in past a simple glance at the album art. His sound reminds me a lot of Ryan Adams, with just a touch classic rock, updated for the hear and now. This is one of those songs were beautiful music, rugged vocals, and eloquent writing all come together to make some really great music. While this is the only song of his I have currently heard, I am definitely going to check out his recently released album, Ghost Notes.

Great Northern – Story
As a fan of Great Northern’s 2007 debut, Trading Twilight for Daylight, I was excited when I saw that they were releasing a new album a few weeks ago. While I regrettably haven’t had a chance to give it a proper listen, the first track really struck me instantly, and I really liked it right off the bat. Perhaps what struck me most, is how it has a harder, edgier sound than their previous softer stuff. The marching beat coupled with the distorted guitars, and the lead singer’s haunting vocal make this a fantastically “darker” opener for their new album. It has definitely gotten me excited to delve deeper into the rest of the album; which if it is anything like this, I am sure I will enjoy.

Little Boots – New In Town
Little Boots is one of those artists that everyone is shouting about how wonderful they are, and for some dumb reason, I just roll my eyes and move on. In fact, I think that I ignore songs like this out of spite. Maybe it is the defiant side of me that just won’t give in? Who knows, but I think it was because I heard a Little Boots track a while back and I wasn’t blown away, so I just moved on; clearly, I must have thought, that it was truly just hype. However, she is back on my radar, because this is an insanely catchy track that is tearing up the radio waves in the UK, and I found myself falling for it after all. It has a little bit of the energy and feel of some of Ladyhawke’s work, which definitely bodes well for Little Boots (especially in my book), because of how great Ladyhawke has proven to be. I don’t know if this one will make a big splash on this side of the pond, but I know that a bunch of my readers will really like this one (that is, if they haven’t been enjoying it already, while I was being stubborn).

Well, there’s your Friday five, what did you think?! I hope that you enjoyed these tracks, and with some of them, you really should do yourself a favor and check out the rest of the album. Elizabeth and the Catapult is definitely one of those discoveries that I am beaming about lately, and I highly recommend the whole album. As always, let me know what you are spinning, and let me know what you think about my choices for this week. Have a great weekend!