Tag: life

what’s going on with me these days

Basically, I had an “epiphany” yesterday. I put it in quotations, because I have thought about it many times, but it never seemed like such a good idea until yesterday. Basically, I think that I should just focus on getting my RN, and then worrying about the BSN after I am already working in nursing. This way, I can transition quicker, which I REALLY need to do. I am almost terrified of change, but it is so necessary, because I just feel completely lost right now.

This semester is winding down, and I have finals this week and next. I will be so happy to be finished with anatomy, because it is one of the most useless classes ever. The whole point is to weed out those that don’t want it bad enough, and I am just ready to be done with it. I hope that I do well on my lab final, because I completely bombed the midterm, thanks to the distraction of my floors being ripped up that same day.

I was going to write a post about the Kate Nash concert, as well as one about the Feist concert, but it just seems like I don’t have the desire to do very much these days. I had a blast at both shows, and both Kate Nash and Feist were amazing. Also, Hayden opened for Feist, and I was glad to be able to see him after all of these years. All three artists are impressive, and put on great shows.

That’s about it really… just trying to maintain, I guess. Getting out of the bed is harder each day, and if I can come up with a remedy for it; I will market it. Trust me.

reconnecting and wow, time flies

It all started yesterday morning; I got several emails and comments from an old friend from college, one who I haven’t seen or spoken to in years. I was so shocked, because this friend was such a close friend, and when I moved away from college, we fell out of touch. I know now, that it was because of several changing aspects of my life (I came out right after college, which was MOST of the reason I just went forward, without looking back) that led to rapid changes, and leaving old friends behind; but that doesn’t mean that I ever forgot about them. And hearing from her was such an amazing surprise.

It was amazing to hear how much things have changed (she got married and has 2 kids!) in the last 7 years, and it really makes you realize how quickly things can shift and change, as well as how quickly time flies. We ended up talking on the phone last night for the first time in years, and it was as if we had seen each other the day before (but with more stories, of course); and it was great! There are very few people in your life that will have an impact on you, and Vanessa definitely had a huge impact on my life (as well as Beth, whom I am looking forward to reconnecting with soon too! Email me!). While I do regret that we lost touch for so long, I must say, that reconnecting is probably the best thing ever, because it clearly highlights that there is no reason for us to lose touch again. We have to hold onto those special connections in our lives, and this is a very good reminder of how important it is to do just that.

I was seriously on cloud nine last night, because it was amazing to reconnect with someone that I am so close to, even though it has been years since we have seen each other. I also makes me reflect on the changes and choices we make in our lives, and it makes me want to stop for a moment and think about how some of those changes have affected me, and my connections with others. I can honestly say that there are very few people in my life that I would truly consider “best” friends (I know that best indicates one, but I have a few, alright!), and I am just in shock that I was lucky enough to reconnect with one of mine. (Thanks Vanessa for contacting me!!) This blog, if it has served no other purpose than to give me room to share my thoughts and opinions, I can definitely say that it has provided an opportunity for me to reconnect with someone very special to me, that I haven’t seen in years.

How awesome is this world that we live in, that even though time, distance, hundreds of miles, several years, and everything in between can separate us for whatever reason, that sometimes, if we are lucky, we can come back to what matters most to us at some point in the future? Thank goodness for the internets!! You have served me well old friend!! And thanks to Vanessa for googleing me! I am just elated to day, ya’ll… That’s all I can say really; I am just happy to have been lucky enough to reconnect with a great friend, and I totally look forward to making sure that we don’t lose touch again!

well, it’s monday…

And there isn’t much going on. So, here are some different thoughts that I have been thinking about this morning:

I was talking with my grandma on the phone this morning, and she is a hoot! She can make laugh at any time. I always love hearing her stories, and her dealings with people. It is weird to me how people will treat someone though; people are consistently rude to her, and I just don’t get it (especially since she is so much fun and so nice). Even her own son won’t stop smoking for 5 minutes to have her around, and since she can’t stand the smoke, they don’t see each other very often (even though they live within spitting distance of one another). People are just how they are, I guess, and sometimes, you just have to say fuck ’em, and do your own thing. She and I talk about that a lot, and it is something that I really treasure that we share; we love each other, and try not to focus on those that just want something from us, or expect us to be something that we are not. She loves me for who I am, and I really appreciate that, and cherish it. I am very thankful that I have such a great relationship with her, because other than her and my cousin, I don’t really consider much of my family, actually “family”. Sometimes, you have to build your own family from what you have; and even though I only feel close to two, that’s two that I can definitely count on.

I was thinking about (i.e., I definitely want to) getting another tattoo. I want something on my left calf, above the ankle band tattoo that I currently have there. I thought about a Japanese dragon, but the more I think about it, the more I want something kind of unique. I called Russ, and he has some open spots this week, and his new shop opens next week, but I think this week would be too soon; especially since I don’t have a firm idea of what I want. Since I am wracking my brain in trying to decide what I want, I have a question for all of you: If you could get a tattoo of anything in the world, what would it be and why? Don’t worry, I won’t steal your idea… that is, unless it is a good one! LOL No seriously, I want to hear your ideas. And none of this “you have too many tattoos” silliness, because you can never have too many.

Other than that, I had a pretty great weekend, hanging out with friends, and just enjoying life. I feel like I am starting to worry less about things that are out of my control, and really find myself focusing on being happy with what I have. I am applying to Perimeter for some classes in the fall, and that has given me this sense of purpose that I didn’t think would come from such a small step. I finally feel like, for the first time in 4 years, that I am moving forward. And that makes me happier than you could know. Let’s just hope we can keep this momentum going!

when I grow up…

I had my meeting at GSU yesterday, and I got more than I was expecting; I got a huge dose of hope. I went into the meeting a little bit apprehensive, because going back to school seems like the biggest step in the whole world, but I am more confident now, that I am going to make it.

Turns out, they are going to count many of my undergrad classes towards the admission guidelines (YAY!), and, of the courses that I have to take that are prerequisites, I can take them online, or at a another school. This is great news, as I was hoping to be able to knock out those prerequisites quickly, and doing them online will give me the opportunity to do just that. Additionally, I don’t have very many of those courses to take before I can apply to the nursing program.

This has been something that has been a long time in the making, and instead of feeling overwhelmed as I walked across the GSU campus, I felt excited. I am truly invigorated that I am making small steps at improving my happiness, and improving my life. My goals don’t seem so far out of reach now, and I honestly feel like this is something that I can do. I feel like I will be able to take the steps that I need, and never look back. I need to now focus on starting the journey, and realize that the end will come; as long as I keep moving.

It is funny, sort of, that I was so worried about going back to school. See, while I hated undergrad (mostly because of the school I was at, and just the issues of being in the closet), and didn’t do too terribly well, grad school was an amazing experience. I learned so much, not only about the world, and how people and culture adapt and survive, but about myself as well. I learned that I can really do anything I put my mind to, and I have to start believing that again. I actually liked school when I was in grad school, so it is funny that a BSN program seemed such a far stretch; when chances are, even though it will be tough, and probably difficult at times, I am sure that I will enjoy it, and I know that I can do it.

They are definitely right when they say that going to school later in life usually makes for a better student; you just don’t look at things the same way, and you have matured to a place where you know how important the whole thing is. Also, you REALLY know how much those classes are costing, so you take them more seriously (at least, that was the case for me).

So, now that I have made this step to find out what I need to go to nursing school, what next? I have a list of the prerequisites that I must fulfill, and I am going to begin doing some searching for programs and schools that I can take them at. I also would like to look into as many different options for nursing schools as possible; especially online programs, because of their convenience. Any help from any of you is much appreciated (hint hint).

Wish me luck. In fact, continue wishing me luck for the long haul; I am going to need it. Perhaps, in a few years, I’ll get to be what I want to be when I grow up…