Tag: james-and-me

weekend walk through the park

Yesterday, James and I took the doggies out to the park for a nice walk, and I took my camera, and snapped some great pictures. Here are a few of them:
us at the park
mr. pickles looks intense
This was actually Mr. Pickles’ first visit to the doggie park. He had a lot of fun, while Sydney did his typical, “why are there other dogs here?” stand offish thing. It was a nice little Sunday afternoon thing to do with my family, and hopefully, will motivate me to continue to taking more pictures; something that I REALLY need to do.

six years

me and james

We’ve had some good times, some not so good times, and mostly, some pretty great times over the past six years together. I’m hoping for many, many more years and wonderful times together. Happy anniversary, to my wonderful lover!

I noticed a lack of photos of the two of us when I was looking for one to post; something which I really need to remedy. This shot is of us last summer in NYC, on top of 30 Rock (hence why I am sweating profusely in the picture).

four years… and one month

James and I were talking this week about what we wanted to do today, to celebrate our four year anniversary.

It dawned on my just yesterday (!), that in actuality, our four year anniversary was LAST MONTH. So, here’s to four years and one month, since we both somehow forgot that our four year anniversary was actually last month.

I guess we have both been a little busy/distracted, eh? No matter… so long as we have each other. Here’s to many, many more!