Tag: jack garratt

favorite albums of 2020

So, I have really been neglecting this blog, but really, I don’t have any excuses. Life is pretty crazy, and times aren’t like they were, BUT! Work is good, albeit sometimes stressful, and takes up a lot of my time. Life is good, but can also be stressful, and takes up the rest of my time.

That being said, I wanted to share some of my favorite albums from this year, as there were quite a few stellar albums released (I also included the songs from the cancelled Eurovision this year; there were some AMAZING entries, and it is sadly, another thing that covid-19 ruined). Here’s a playlist for you; play them in order or mix is up, it’s up to you! I know 2020 has been a crazy year for everyone, so here’s hoping next year is a little less traumatic!

(Note: The playlist is a lot longer than it appears… make sure you check out the full one on Spotify!)

I might make a playlist of my favorite songs, and if so, I will plan on another, rare post! Til then (hopefully)!!

Happy holidays, and happy new year everybody!