Tag: italian-greyhound

re-introduing Mr. Pickles

re-introducing Mr. Pickles
Since his official introduction came by way of mere information, I thought I would bring the true goods and show everyone a picture of the sweet, shy, and still warming up to us Mr. Pickles. He’s a bit bigger than Sydney, but he is all IG, and really pretty. We are glad to give a rescue a chance at a better life, and look forward to many adventures with Sydney and Mr. Pickles. Welcome home buddy!


Sydney put on his Halloween sweater today, headed out to a dog festival, and got micro-chipped.
ready for halloween!
James said that he wasn’t happy when they pricked him with the chip, but I am glad that he has it now. I have been thinking about getting him chipped forever, and it was only $10, so I figured we should go ahead and do it. Hopefully, this makes him just a little bit safer, in case he ever gets lost.

He does look incredibly adorable in that sweater though, doesn’t he?!

be wary of trusting little dogs…

sniff!So last night, James was a sweetie and made us meatloaf for dinner. While we were waiting for it to cook in the oven, James was playing Rome on his PC (which he does a lot these days), and I was editing new banners for my site. Once the meatloaf was done, James fixed us plates, and set them aside to cool, while we went about our computer distractions.

What I didn’t know, was the he took one of the plates into the TV room, and put it on the ottoman, which is just low enough for little Sydney to reach his little mouth up over.

After about 5 or 6 minutes of being totally distracted, James decided that the meatloaf was cool enough to eat, so he set off into the kitchen to get his plate, while I remained diligently editing at my computer. Upon entering the kitchen, he realized and remembered that the other plate remained in the living room.

It was at that same moment, that he realized Sydney had been missing for the past 5 or 6 minutes as well. Suddenly, I hear, “Oh my God!”, come from the TV room.

I quickly got up to run to James’ aid, only to find Sydney licking his lips, and licking the plate of meatloaf that was sitting on the ottoman.

He had eaten about half of the portion before he was discovered, and managed to drop enough of it on the floor to leave a lasting reminder of his little sneaky theft.

Next time we have meatloaf, or any meal for that matter, I will make sure to have James refrain from taking a plate of food into the TV room, and leaving it there unsupervised. Little Sydney might wander off and find it.

It will also be important to realize when he has wandered off, because he only disappears when he has gotten into something that he shouldn’t have. He’s done it before, you know.

Here’s a picture of the aftermath:
The aftermath
Silly little dog.