Tag: it-smells-delicious!

product edorsement: Burt’s Bees Carrot Nutritive Lotion

It isn’t often that I come across a product that is so amazing, and wonderful, that I feel the need to go on and on about it. However, that is the case with Burt’s Bees Carrot Nutritive Lotion. First, I’ll give you a little back story…

I have had Keratosis Pilaris for literally, as long as I remember. It is also known as “chicken skin”, but is nothing more than bumps on the skin, which usually occur on the upper arms. It isn’t very noticeable, but it is frustrating, as it manifests itself kind of like acne on your arms. Also, it prevents your skin from being soft and smooth, and is generally, very frustrating. I was worried that it would be an issue when I decided to get tattooed on my arm, but luckily, it isn’t (that would have really upset me). The condition itself is extremely common, and lucky for me, I fall into the category of those that have it.

Now, I have tried pretty much all kinds of lotions and a lot of things short of a prescribed treatment (which friends of mine have tried with little success), and I was sure that I would never be able to have smooth skin on my upper arms. It doesn’t REALLY bother me, but it is just one more frustration iron on my fire, you know? Well, recently, I bought a bottle of the Burt’s Bees Carrot Nutritive Lotion, only because I loved the way it smelled (it smells like carrot cake!). Much to my surprise, after using it for a week or so, I noticed a DRASTIC improvement in my keratosis pilaris! It isn’t totally gone, but the skin is definitely way smoother, and the condition has noticeably diminished. I wasn’t even looking for another possible treatment, but it seems that I stumbled on to it in this great product from Burt’s Bees! As such, I thought I would do an official product endorsement from me to you, because if you have dealt with the frustration that KP has brought me, then you should get yourself a bottle today.

thumbs up I say!I have loved Burt’s Bees’ other products for a while now, and I absolutely love that they are almost 100% natural, so it really makes me happy that this product came from them. Even if you don’t have KP, this lotion is really great on dry skin, and as I mentioned, it smells almost good enough to eat! I hate that perfume-y smell that a lot of lotions have, so the carrot cake-like deliciousness of this lotion is a welcome change.

Thanks for making such a great product, Burt’s Bees. People with keratosis pilaris take note; there isn’t a cure, but Burt’s Bees Carrot Nutritive Lotion will definitely impact the noticeability of your condition! It works great for me! I give this lotion and enthusiastic thumbs up (see, like in the picture!), and the duanemoody.com seal of approval!!!