Tag: ipod

ipod in the muthafucking car… finally

After having several crappy FM tuners, and basically giving up the dream of being able to play my ipod in my car with decent sound, I have, ladies and gentlemen, WON the battle.

From the time I got my first ipod MANY years ago, I have always loved having my entire music library at my fingertips; in fact, I am rarely without one of my many ipods. The damn things are so handy. If I didn’t have to use iTunes to update them, they would be perfect; but that is a different post for a different day. In my old car, I had a tape player, so I used the cassette adapter with much success, but I was forced to bid it farewell when I upgraded to my fancy new Acura; leading to much dismay and disappointment when said FM tuners turned out to be complete and utter shit.

Cut to last week, when I finally decided to take the plunge, give up XM, and get the iSimple installed. I bought the kit, and set up an appointment, and started to say my bittersweet farewell to XM, all the while convincing myself that I wouldn’t miss it anyway. It was like turning my back on a child, so as to make them hate me, so they would leave for their own good. But here’s the kicker, I WAS MISINFORMED.

What is that you say? Someone working at Best Buy gave me blatant misinformation, which is no more useful than a off handed guess?! Say it isn’t so! Well, ladies and gents, it is true; the iSimple allows you to keep XM, and adds the ipod functionality; which is controlled through the radio, and displays the name of the track and artist information right there in your factory radio display!!! I honestly would have bought this thing YEARS ago if I would have known, but because of some dumb half-wit that worked in the audio section of Best Buy and touted themselves as an audio “expert”, I have written off this product for all of this time.

Shame. For real shame.

Now, I have the power to use my ipod in my car with crystal clear sound, sweetly coming from my speakers. Needless to say, I LOVE this feature, and even though iSimple’s interface is a bit wonky and hard to get used to, I am just pleased as punch that I have something that I have wanted for years back in my life.

Hear me Best Buy; I win this round. I WIN.

troubled times for satellite radio ahead?

I couldn’t help but be intrigued by this blog post that I read this morning, which if you are too lazy to read (it’s short!), suggests that satellite radio will not survive our current recession, and in fact, may be gone before 2009 comes to a close. I find myself wondering if I should fish or cut bait with my subscription, because I doubt they will refund people once they go under. Additionally, I have wanted to install an iPod adapter for my car ever since I got it, and through internet research, the best option (especially in radio-heavy Atlanta) is to get an installed option. However, there is a catch; it requires the XM/satellite radio link for my car’s model, and I would have to give up XM radio. So… should I just go ahead and give up satellite radio and get my iPod ready for the drive, or should I wait and see how things pan out? I am not going to make any decisions today, or even this week, but I will be watching XM/Sirius to see what happens with them officially in the coming months. I may finally get my wish of iPod functionality in my car!!! But at a price… no more BBC Radio 1; I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

apple event: kind of a let down?

As indicated by last weeks excitement at the announcement of the “Let’s Rock” event, I was clearly looking forward to the Apple event today. However, is it just me, or was it kind of a HUGE blah moment after they announced that not much was changing with the ipod Touch? I mean, I waited for nearly two months, and the only real benefit is that I saved $100 on practically the same thing that I could have gotten 2 months ago.

I just think it’s weird that they make such pomp and circumstance, and say “boom! bap! shazam!” and we are expected to be wowed; even when nothing major happened. The worst, is that I KNOW that as soon as I have had this ipod touch for 2 or 3 months, they will quietly release a 64GB version, and I will of course, be pissed that I didn’t wait. You are always doing this to me Apple! Every single ipod I have gotten since my 2nd Gen 10GB (which was $400 then!!), with the notable exception of my 3rd Gen Nano 8GB (probably because I bought it on a whim, just for fun), I have been “bested” by Apple mere months after I made my informed purchase. The worst was when I bought my 4th Gen one, and the photo one came out LITERALLY 35 days later (just long enough for me to be unable to return it). I wouldn’t bitch, but it isn’t like these are purchases around $100; all of the ipods I have gotten have been over $200; which is I guess a testament of being an early adopter of technology (hello $1000 Blu-Ray now being $300).

Oh well, I know that this is “how it goes” with technology, but for some reason, I have been pretty lucky with most of my “devices”; with the ipod being the exception. I have a good track record with phones and gaming consoles (both portable and home), so I guess I have to give in to the innovation of Apple, which totally takes the bank, unfortunately.

Will I get a new ipod Touch? Most certainly. I have wanted one since they came out over a year ago; but I was hoping that I could get at LEAST 64gb… It looks like I am going to have “settle” (HA!) for 32GB. Life sure is hard isn’t it? /sarcasm I’ve been on the Apple music media bandwagon this long, I guess I should come to expect these sorts of things; but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it!

my tender, tender ear canals

I have extremely tender and sensitive ear canals. You know how you get those “in the ear” ear phones, and they have different sized inserts “for everyone’s comfort”? Well, even the smallest ones hurt my ears.

It has always been something that I have had to “deal with”, but I have been able to avoid the problem for a long time, since I got my awesomely amazing Bose around-the-ear noise canceling headphones. However, since getting lobes pierced last week, I haven’t been able to use my headphones, because they touch my ear lobes, and as such, I have fallen back on my in the ear phones. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I didn’t realize how much they hurt, because I have never had to use them for extended periods of time before.

I even tried using my friend’s amazingly nice Bose in the ear phones, but those hurt too!! I can’t be the only one out there with sensitive ear canals, so I wonder, if you have this problem, what ear phones are you using?? Let me know, so I can run out and get them today; because I can’t live without my music, and having to shove these devil’s swords in my ear is torture!!!

damn you itunes!!!

Yesterday, iTunes decided that it would delete ALL of my playlists.

ALL of them.

So, last night, I took a good 4 hours to back up over 16gb of music, and to remake every one of my playlists. It took forever. Sometimes, computer programs really have a mind of their own; I just hope that it doesn’t decide that it doesn’t want my playlists again, or I might find another program to use for managing my music.

Sort it out, iTunes!

so shiny, and so wanted!

So today, Mr. Jobs did it again; introducing the ipod touch… and yes, I want it!!!!!!!

But I think that I might wait… I want more than 16gb, after all. However… an ipod with internet?! Sweet! Also, does it take pictures? That would make it perhaps the most perfect piece of technology ever!!! Seriously though, how many of you are going to bite at this? How many of you are going to wait like me??

The only thing I could see getting me to give in is a moment of weakness… hopefully, I won’t have one of those! (because I KNOW that if I were to cave in and get this one, a better one would come out like 2 months later… that always happens to me!)

Also, I found out today that the glorious Pipettes are coming to ATL!!!! The concert is on October 16, at Vinyl, and I am SOOO there! Is anyone else interested in going? The tickets go on sale Friday, so let me know if you are in! I can’t wait to go and “pull shapes” with these lovely ladies! This is going to be an awesome show!

Hope everyone is having a great hump day!

OCD gets the best of me…

Kinda like Sophie Ellis Bextor, but with less panache. Basically, I have spent most of the afternoon organizing my iTunes library, so the damn album art will show up when you are playing the song on my ipod. You would be surprised at how many you have to manually put in there. At least I figured out how to do multiple items at the same time… that was uber frustrating at first.

Today has been pretty productive, I guess, because there is nothing like a little order to make things all better. We babysat for a good friend this morning, and ever since, the relaxation and organization have been a good team.

The only way it could be any better, is if I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow… but I guess you can’t have everything, right?

Since I have been spending so much time in front of iTunes today, I picked up several new CDs to check out. Here’s the list:
Mark Ronson – Version
James Morrison – Undiscovered
Ray Lamontagne – Trouble
Fall Out Boy – Infinity On High
Linkin Park – Minutes To Midnight
Arcade Fire – Neon Bible
Melee – Angels and Demons

So far, on initial listens, I am liking a lot of what I am hearing. As always, let me know what you are checking out! Share and share alike, right?