Tag: grandma

kids say the darnedest things

A while back, my grandma shared one of the many, many stories of my childhood with me, and for the first time in a while, the story was one I hadn’t heard anything about before. Grandma is always sharing stories with me, and many of them, I have heard over and over, and for the most part, they are fun to hear, because that is a part of my life I can’t remember much of. Seeing as I thought I had “heard them all”, I was kind of surprised by this one, especially since has been sort of a running joke ever since it happened.

Sometime when I was around 5, I was playing with a stick, poking the ground, when a relative/neighbor’s dog that was nearby went running to the road. Being a young boy, I naturally ran after the pup, whose name was Spike. Upon seeing me run towards the road, my grandmother yelled for me to come back to her, upon which, I stopped in my tracks. This is where Spike laid down, and I went back to poking my stick at the ground. Since I didn’t go any closer to the street, Grandma continued her conversation where she was, and not long after, I came back away from the road when I grew disinterested in Spike. Upon returning to her side, she yelled at me, and told me not to go near the road, and to especially not to run after the dog, because he would most certainly run into the road, and if I were to follow, I could be killed. Apparently, it was then that I looked at my grandmother and told her not to worry, and gave her a good reason as to why I was perfectly safe the whole time. I told her, “Grandma, Spike was not going to go in the road, he was just up there resting his pussy.”.

Kids say the darnedest things, don’t they? Apparently, I was no exception.

loving British telly and an account of my finger accident

First of all, my Grandma is feeling much better, and is out of the hospital; seems it was a bad reaction to some bad medication. I am just happy that she is doing much better.

I spoke earlier about the new season of Torchwood starting up, and how excited I was about it, since the show is fantastic. However, I didn’t mention the fact that I was going to give Doctor Who a go as well; especially since Torchwood is a spin-off of that series. I was curious as to the beginning of Jack Harkness (the leader of Torchwood), and found out that he got his start in the first series of the revival of Doctor Who. Well, I downloaded all of the new series, and I just finished series one yesterday, and I have to say that I have become ENTHRALLED with the realm of Dr Who. This show is amazing, funny, fantastically written, and engaging. The story is full of fantastic intricacies and sci-fi goodness that totally makes my inner nerd jump with glee. I don’t know what took me so long to get into it! I can’t stop thinking about it, and find that my hunger for British telly growing stronger and stronger with each show I get into to.

As I mentioned, I just finished series one, with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and it was purely brilliant. I loved every episode, and found myself a little upset when it was over. I can’t wait to get into series two, because I have heard that many like David Tennant as the Doctor better than the previous Doctor. Either way, I love this show, and I am so glad that I finally got into it. It is awesome too, because I can watch the episodes that I downloaded to my PC through the Xbox 360; which is pretty awesome in my opinion. Technology rules!

I also watched the last few episodes of the British comedy Hyperdrive last night, which is another British show that I have been watching after I ordered the DVDs a while back (mostly because it stars Nick Frost). I also had a great time with that show, and I think that it has made me really pay way more attention to what is going on at the BBC. I am going to regularly check out British shows, in hopes that I can find more shows that I enjoy as much as I have enjoyed these. Perhaps when I finish the Doctor Who series, I will give Spaced another watch; I have seen it twice now, and that show is just brilliant (and fucking hilarious) as well. Such good shows that hardly get any attention over here… strange. Perhaps something great has come from the writer’s strike; we get to see what great telly the Brits have to offer us!

Switching the topic completely, I had a minor accident last night, one that I swear I haven’t had since I was in middle school; I was getting out of the car, and I slammed the door on my finger!!! The worst, was that James had locked the doors before I got out, and I couldn’t re-open the door! I was just screaming into the phone (I was talking to Grandma), and freaking out. Luckily, my finger turned just the right way, and I didn’t break it. It is swollen today, but all in all, it is quite funny, since I seriously haven’t done that in ages. Silly, accident prone me.

“family” woe and health concerns

Yesterday I got a call that NO ONE wants to get: my Grandma is in the hospital. I had spoken to her earlier in the week, and knew that she was having some adverse reactions to a new blood pressure medication, but I didn’t realize it was bad enough for her to need emergency transport and a hospital stay. I just talked with her, and she is feeling really good (other than having to deal with freezing hospital temperatures, and long wait times), and apparently, all of her tests are coming back normal. Whew. That makes me feel good to know that she is doing well, and it is probably that medication, as we were talking about the other day. Now, she can get a new medication (and a new doctor, IMHO), and hopefully, get back to feeling right as rain soon.

UPDATE: I just got the news that she is about to go home. YAY! I just hope that she is feeling good ASAP.

As I desperately tried to get in touch with someone who would have information after my cousin called me with that news last night (who totally came through for me, and has always been there amazingly… thanks cuz!), I was troubled that I hadn’t heard anything, and couldn’t get any information from the hospital as to her condition. After several phone calls, I finally got to talk with my Grandma around 9:30, only to find out that she was at the hospital by herself.

As of this moment, I haven’t heard a single word from either of my parents. What the fuck? As those of you that have read this blog may know, I clearly have family woes when it comes to my parents, but this just reinforces something frighteningly clear to me: the distance between us is not only geographical, and it doesn’t only apply to me. I was so angry when I talked with my Grandma, and found out that my sister’s husband was one of the people that came in the ambulance that brought my Grandma to the hospital. I was angry, because that means that not only do my parents have to know that she is in the hospital, that they neither saw it important enough to check in on her, nor alert me to her being there in the first place… and they wonder why I am “so distant”.

Care or don’t care, that is up to you, but it is glaringly clear to me what is truly important in the minds of some of my family members, and it truly makes me sad. I also wish that whole “why don’t you ever visit” mind game would stop; you KNOW why. I wish things could be different, but apparently, they are not going to get any better, and I have to deal with that. I have to deal with it, because they aren’t going to. I just hope my Grandma knows that I care, and that I am here for her; she is one of the only people that has consistently been there for me in return, and in my “family”, that is a very, very rare thing.

well, it’s monday…

And there isn’t much going on. So, here are some different thoughts that I have been thinking about this morning:

I was talking with my grandma on the phone this morning, and she is a hoot! She can make laugh at any time. I always love hearing her stories, and her dealings with people. It is weird to me how people will treat someone though; people are consistently rude to her, and I just don’t get it (especially since she is so much fun and so nice). Even her own son won’t stop smoking for 5 minutes to have her around, and since she can’t stand the smoke, they don’t see each other very often (even though they live within spitting distance of one another). People are just how they are, I guess, and sometimes, you just have to say fuck ’em, and do your own thing. She and I talk about that a lot, and it is something that I really treasure that we share; we love each other, and try not to focus on those that just want something from us, or expect us to be something that we are not. She loves me for who I am, and I really appreciate that, and cherish it. I am very thankful that I have such a great relationship with her, because other than her and my cousin, I don’t really consider much of my family, actually “family”. Sometimes, you have to build your own family from what you have; and even though I only feel close to two, that’s two that I can definitely count on.

I was thinking about (i.e., I definitely want to) getting another tattoo. I want something on my left calf, above the ankle band tattoo that I currently have there. I thought about a Japanese dragon, but the more I think about it, the more I want something kind of unique. I called Russ, and he has some open spots this week, and his new shop opens next week, but I think this week would be too soon; especially since I don’t have a firm idea of what I want. Since I am wracking my brain in trying to decide what I want, I have a question for all of you: If you could get a tattoo of anything in the world, what would it be and why? Don’t worry, I won’t steal your idea… that is, unless it is a good one! LOL No seriously, I want to hear your ideas. And none of this “you have too many tattoos” silliness, because you can never have too many.

Other than that, I had a pretty great weekend, hanging out with friends, and just enjoying life. I feel like I am starting to worry less about things that are out of my control, and really find myself focusing on being happy with what I have. I am applying to Perimeter for some classes in the fall, and that has given me this sense of purpose that I didn’t think would come from such a small step. I finally feel like, for the first time in 4 years, that I am moving forward. And that makes me happier than you could know. Let’s just hope we can keep this momentum going!