Tag: environment

buried at sea: forgotten munitions

James and I watched this very fascinating documentary this weekend called Buried At Sea (sorta half ass link), in which they went around looking for the sites where munitions were dumped in the world’s oceans after World War I and World War II. What they found, was little to no accountability in most cases, and surprisingly, many more sites than were expected; many of which are not very far off the shores of the US, the UK, and so on. Basically, what happened, was after the wars, in which everyone had stockpiled chemical weapons, like mustard gas, the massive stockpiles of those weapons were taken out to sea and simply dumped. And, which is even more interesting, is that they didn’t really keep track of where they were dumped, and they don’t even monitor them or anything.

Now, I know what you are thinking, “why should I care?”, but what I find fascinating about this, is that for one thing, the dumping was done with absolutely no regard for the future. Millions and millions of tons of deadly chemical weapons and bombs are, in many cases, just a mile or so off of the coastlines of almost every continent on the planet. When they dumped these weapons, they didn’t consider the fact that the shells containing the chemical weapons wouldn’t last forever. It is therefore, conceivable, that these chemicals are going to leech out into the environment. I checked a CDC fact sheet about mustard gas, just to get a clearer picture about it, and it doesn’t mention anything particular about mustard gas in the ocean. What I find even more interesting about these massive stockpiles of WMDs in the ocean, is that mustard gas was the very WMD that Bush claimed Saddam Hussein had, and was going to use in Iraq. It was the reason used to justify us going to war with Iraq, and low and behold, there are millions of tons of it just off the coast! Yikes!

I just hope that no one goes down there and gets these WMDs that we KNOW exist. I find it interesting that we went to war with someone because we THOUGHT someone had these very same WMDs, and here they are, all over the world under the water. Weird, huh? Also, it is interesting that often times, these weapons wash up on the shore, and still, nothing is being done about it. One of the sites was off the coast of Savannah, so if you are at the beach, be wary of WMDs being possibly too close for comfort.

A final side note: If you don’t agree with me, or want to discuss your opinion with me, then do it here, that’s why comments are enabled. Don’t be a coward and blab about it on your blog behind my back. It’s time to grow a pair; I can take criticism and differing opinions, and even welcome them. You can do or say whatever you want with your own blog, but it just makes you look like a coward if you constantly talk shit about people behind their backs.

first step towards changing the world

James and I watched An Inconvenient Truth a week or so ago, and the film was so fantastic and so compelling, that it motivated us to take action. We want to do our part to lessen our burden on the environment, and we are doing so, one step at a time. If you want to help the earth, please go to this website, and see what you can do; because even the small stuff can make a difference.

I am definitely going to write more about the movie, but I have been distracted lately, and haven’t had it in me. The film deserves so much more than a distracted thought process, so I want to do it justice. If you haven’t seen it, see it… and if you don’t believe in global warming and climate change, you MUST see it, because science can change your mind… or at least, I hope it can.
goodbye incandescent
Our first steps towards changing our energy consumption, were to change out all of our incandescent bulbs for new, energy efficient compact fluorescent ones. Now, I know you make think that these bulbs are more expensive (because they are), but the energy you save by using them more than makes up for the price difference. Also, as a motivation to get them, if you go to a wholesale warehouse place (like Sams or Costco), you can get a 10 pack of the bulbs for only $10… that is a savings of over $6 per bulb. I am glad that we have taken this first step, and I know that we are only getting started in trying to make positive impacts on the environment, rather than negative ones. Go out and get your new bulbs today!!! Seriously, they are a hell of a lot brighter!!
hello energy efficient fluorescent!
Again, more to come about An Inconvenient Truth… Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Go Green!