Tag: enjoying-the-day

I said oops, up side the head

I said oops up side the head!

Yeah, I am in a silly mood. I have noticed though, as it has come to my attention several times, that I do seem to ask for the fight here on my blog. I mean, I know that I am just putting my opinions out there, but apparently, I attract a certain type of person that wants to disagree at all costs. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this, but it is just an observation. I guess I should own up to the part I play in the whole “asking for it” portion of most of the arguments I get into on here. I can’t help it really, because I really do passionately believe what I write, and it is hard for me to just let it go when someone says something that I believe is wrong; especially when they are refuting my opinions which I believe are based on facts.

This is not a personal attack on anyone; it is simply an observation of MY part in the whole “asking for it” thing. I don’t care if you agree with me or not, really, I just felt like it needed to be said (mostly for me).

Other than that, not much going on today. I have just been slumming around the house, and strangely enough, 3 hours just went by, and I really didn’t even notice. Some of that time was spent trying to edit my CSS page for this blog, only to be met with frustration, because most of the changes I tried to make didn’t do anything. I still can’t figure out why, because built the CSS for my last template, but I can’t seem to figure this one out. Oh well… not a big deal I guess. I did add a new more fun icon for the default gravatar, and made the other ones bigger. Sometimes, it’s the little things, you know? I am going to go and relax in front of the TV, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Update on the sewer: Everything was totally done yesterday!! I am so happy it was as painless as it was. They did find out though, that our septic tank is under the deck, which is only a minor problem. See, there really aren’t permits or regulation laws regarding them in Georgia, so technically, it can just be left there once it is pumped out. Which is good, because I really don’t want them to have to tear off our back deck. Hopefully, they will get the new sod in soon, and we can have a normal back yard again. I am just happy we didn’t have to spend one dime to get hooked up the sewer… we just saved thousands of dollars! ROCK!