Tag: elastica

5SF: january 18

TGIF is an understatement, and I am very pleased that this is a three day weekend for sure. With that said, let’s get to some music to brighten our afternoon, shall we?

Goldfrapp – A&E
First up, is the new song A&E by Goldfrapp; a decidedly different song from their previous effort. Going back to their more acoustic roots, Goldfrapp has managed to captivate me with this airy and beautiful song. While I have been spinning the whole album this week, this song definitely stands out to me, and makes me want to listen more intently to the rest of the record. I will personally admit that I like this new stuff better than their previous experiments in the more electro-pop stuff. I think that they got tired of everyone copying their sound, and went back to their roots; and the result is something beautiful for sure. Take note that this video is completely ridiculous.

Elastica – Connection
Earlier this week, I was listening to the lovely XM radio in the car (something I have been doing more frequently these days), and I was hit square in the jaw by a fantastic blast from the past. Coming through my speakers was the delightful, yet forgotten Elastica, a group that I so instantly fell in love with in high school. As soon as I got home, I downloaded their self titled debut, and relived a music moment that I hadn’t experienced in well over a decade. The best part, was that their songs are still as good to me as they were then. Needless to say, this blast from the past was more than welcome, and as you will see a bit further down, it inspired more glimpses into my music history. Note: I was going to post the actual video, but the audio is shit, so if you want to go and see it (it’s quite good), you can go and see it here; after all, this is five song Friday, not five video Friday, right?.

Christina Aguilera – Save Me From Myself

A lot of people really loved Back to Basics, but for me, it was just hard to get into, and as such, it was largely ignored. I liked the singles, especially Ain’t No Other Man, but that’s about as far as I went. Then, the other day, I was reading my blog-feeds, and Rich over at fourfour posted this amazing video. I didn’t even know it was on B2B, and I feel like I have been missing out of something really beautiful. This song is so touching, heartfelt, emotional, and beautiful. Christina has made a very mature and wonderful song with Save Me From Myself, and I am just happy that Rich showed me the light. This song only gets better with each subsequent listen. Bravo, Xtina. Bravo. Also, is it me, or is she more stunning than ever?

Blur – Parklife
After snagging Elastica’s debut, I was instantly craving a little more brit-rock from my past, and what better way to get that going, than to pull out my old Blur records and give them a go? While I have always loved Blur, and even consider them amongst my favorite groups, over the years, I have drifted away from listening to Parklife; which ironically, was the record that got me interested in them in the first place. With my nostalgic cap firmly on, I sat back and hit play, and was instantly reminded just how brilliant of a record Parklife truly is; and I was reminded of why I fell in love with Blur in the first place. While the title track isn’t my absolute favorite song from the record, it is the first Blur song I ever heard, and I felt it fitting to highlight it in my collection of songs this week. It has been really nice reminiscing about music, and tuning into stuff that I haven’t listened to in ages. Who knows what else will creep its way back onto my radar; I can’t wait to see what it will be!

Roisin Murphy – Let Me Know
There are heaps of Roisin lovers out there, and I have never really gotten it; her whole kit and caboodle it’s a little too much for me. That being said, after I saw her record making a lot of people’s best of 2007 lists, I pulled it back out, dusted it off, and gave it another go. I wasn’t really that into it this time either (sorry, it just isn’t my bag, y’all), but this song definitely stood out to me this time. It just makes me want to dance all night long. I think the reason that I really love this song, is that it sounds a little more like a Sophie Ellis-Bextor track, and gets away from the things that turn me off about Roisin. That being said, here you go, fans of Roisin, this is the song by her that I can definitely say that I actually really, really like. Some think that she can do no wrong, but so far, this is the only thing that she has done right for me.

Well, that does it kids, another five song Friday on the record and in the bag. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend, and does lots of great and exciting things. I also hope that you enjoyed the music on this very welcomed Friday, and as always, let me know what you are spinning. I have gotten some great suggestions lately, and I always want more, more, more! Till we meet again!