Tag: choice

what to blog… what to blog…

Hmm… I have been sitting here wondering off and on to myself all day, “self, what should you blog about?”, and honestly, I haven’t come up with much of anything. I would love to say something about Bush and his speech last night, but I couldn’t stand listening to him long enough to make it all of the way through. What I did hear was a bunch of promises that I don’t see how he can meet; but we will see. At least it is a start. On the other hand, I did agree with pretty much everything Senator Jim Webb said after the SOTU speech. He is one smart and brave guy, in my opinion.

I discovered Netvibes last week, and just started using it today. We will see how long that keeps my interest.

Also today, I am in a sort of debate with Recovering Baptist about the whole abortion = murder thing, and I honestly still can’t wrap my head around why people tend to be all or nothing on this issue (i.e., there are no circumstances in which abortion isn’t murder, etc.). I can understand that one would be against abortion; fine, but abortion isn’t murder, and it is also important to point out that there are regulations on abortion to prevent it from becoming murder (i.e., not allowing them in the 3rd trimester in almost every state; because the third trimester is widely held as the first time a fetus can live outside of the body, with very being able to survive few before that). So I just wonder, why am I seen as advocating the murder of a child, when I am not? What I am advocating, is the right of a woman to choose what happens to her body, her uterus, and her life; not whether a potential child should or should not be allowed to grow and become a separate living, breathing person, which again, isn’t murder. I am not advocating or promoting abortion; if it were me, I don’t know if I could honestly say that I would have one… but I would at least like the choice to be made by me, for me.

I think, and will always think, that abortion rids the body of cells, cells that are part of the mother, cells that could become a child if allowed to continue growing and developing; but a collection of cells nonetheless. I also feel like I try to see other people’s opinions on things, even if I don’t agree and don’t change my own, but on this issue, I find that most pro-life supporters tend to (with the exception of some) be, unfortunately, very narrow minded, which I find frustrating, because it doesn’t solve nor shed any light on the argument. I know we can all be narrow minded, but I TRY not to be, and wish everyone would. I just wish that everyone could have the right to make choices about their lives; but obviously, I wish this within reason. But, I do know that this is something that is a matter of opinion, and anything that involves religious belief is impossible to truly argue for or against, so, I assume that the discussion will always go on. I know I will not be able to change most opinions on choice or abortion (even though that would be great!), but I talk about it, in order to add a voice to those that advocate freedom and choice, in order to have someone speaking against those that will advocate religious-based controls and the stripping of personal rights for women. These aren’t meant as jabs, they just are what they are; different sides of an issue… in this case, the right to choose.

Other than these random things, I have really been enjoying some great music today. I finally made a new mix cd, and I am very happy with it. I am also going to be getting stuff ready for the music podcast that I want to start doing for the Georgia Podcast Network, which is something that is motivating me to check out new stuff. Sometimes it feels like pushing a rock up a hill to get anything at all done in my life; so I tend to cling to the things that come easy and motivate me (of which, there are very few). Perhaps these things will jump start the rest of it. I also thought about posting the mix (like for DL), but wonder if anyone would actually want it. If you do, let me know… and I might just tell you what’s on it!