Tag: bald

sweetie… what is going on??



BRITNEY!!!! Bald??? While I do have to admit that you look seriously hot bald, why this sudden shedding of the locks? Were you just really hot one night and decided that it had to go (ala Napoleon Dynamite)? Did you watch V for Vendetta and feel a sudden urge to find your inner Natalie Portman, and so you picked up the clippers?? What is going on?

The reason I ask, is because there is no way that this is going to strengthen your case that you are a sound and sane person to have sole custody over your children. Seriously, K-Fed is trying his best to get a chunk of your hard earned money, as well as a wedge in the rest of your life by getting some custody of those kids… and you can’t let that happen!!! Find a good excuse as to why you decided on this new look, let us all know that you were filming a killer comeback video, and we can all salivate in anticipation of your new bald-headed comeback. Don’t let grubby K-Fed have another cent! Otherwise, you are in danger of starting to come across a little Anne Heche-ish, and we all know that you don’t want to walk down that road. The next stop on that highway is robot Katie Homles-town, and I would hate to see you end up there.

So, let me say a big congrats on the new look (seriously, you pull off bald pretty well), just be sure to let us know what was going on in that beautiful bald head of yours when you decided that the locks had to go. Hell, say you wanted to donate it to locks of love!!! Yeah!! Say that! Just don’t stick with the “I was tired of people touching me” thing that you reportedly used as your reason for cutting your hair, because that sounds a little close to a nervous breakdown to me. Perhaps you just need some R and R?? Take the boys, drop them off at mom’s for a week, and go on vacation somewhere they have sippy drinks and clear beaches… just make sure to take plenty of sunscreen for that newly shaven head… okay?

We love you, girl, and just hope that things are alright… We want you to have a glorious a comeback already!!! So take care of yourself!