Tag: artists that I can’t stand

a random list: music artists I can’t stand

I’m in a random mood, and unfortunately, I am constantly thinking of/compiling a list of music artists that I can’t stand, so I thought I would make a blog post out of it. It could be the voice, it could be the music, but most likely, it is a combo of the two that send me over the edge. If you like ’em, more power to you, but please don’t play ’em when I’m around; after all, I hate them.

The list of music artists I can’t stand (for record’s sake, I guess):

  • Nickelback: not only do all of their songs sound alike, they aren’t good. Additionally, Chad Kroeger’s voice makes me never want to hear again (not to mention the fact that he is a complete and utter tool).
  • M.I.A.: I still think that she is fucking with all of us. The music is annoying at best, and her vocals are like cats trapped in a plastic bag, being beaten with reeds. I don’t get how she is nominated for an Oscar.
  • U2: If I could use one word to describe U2, it would be arrogant. Or pompous. Either way, it is the self-righteousness that Bono practically sweats that gives me a physical reaction similar to nauseousness whenever I hear their music.
  • Matchbox Twenty/Rob Thomas: bleck. Overproduced rock pop at its worst. AND it’s played on the radio practically non-stop. I wish that someone, anyone, would MAKE it stop.
  • Gwen Stefani: Hollaback Girl is one of the worst songs of the century. Yes, I said that, and stand behind it, and you need to deal with it.
  • Fergie/Black Eyed Peas: Another extremely annoying addition to this list. It’s not that Fergie CAN’T sing, is just that when she does, it is the stupidest thing imaginable. No, I do not want to know anything about her humps.
  • Old Dirty Bastard/Big Baby Jesus: One of the worst, most raspy, and drunk sounding voices in rap. At least his name is fitting; well, the first one anyway.
  • Norah Jones: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz… I’m sorry, I’m sleeping.
  • Bob Dylan/Jacob Dylan/The Wallflowers: Bob and Jacob’s voices are so similar, that they get lumped together. Their voices are like nails on a chalkboard to me, which is unfortunate, because I actually think Bob Dylan is quite a brilliant song writer. I wish he would have just stuck with writing.
  • Linda Perry/4 Non-Blondes: They only really had one hit with What’s Up, but it is one of the worst songs that has ever been made. It’s almost like a knife in my heart when I hear it on the radio, because of the massive amount of ANYTHING else that could have been played. Definitely one of my least favorite songs ever. Another case of great song writer using their voice to torture the masses.
  • Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs: If I ever hear Because the Night or Carnival, it will be far, far too soon. I think that they play both of those over the PA in the elevator to hell.
  • Sonic Youth: Not music. Noise. Lots of random, chaotic, annoying noise.
  • Kid Rock: Trailer trash that somehow got lucky enough to get money, and is still, wait for it… trailer trash. Seriously, I bet he smells like an ashtray. Add that to the recent raping of an American rock classic, and there you go.
  • T-Pain: Swallow that goddamned vocoder already. Seriously. SWALLOW IT.
  • Jack Johnson: I am sitting, waiting, and wishing that he would stop making music. He falls in the same boat with Norah Jones; music in the genre that I love that is so boring that it puts me to sleep faster than a handful of Quaaludes.
  • KATY PERRY: she’s a bigot who makes no apologies for being so. Fuck her.
  • TV on the Radio: This isn’t music, it, like Sonic Youth’s “material” is just strange noise with very, very annoying vocals. Seriously, it sounds like the aforementioned cats in a bag.
  • Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam: whenever I hear Pearl Jam, one word always pops in my head: douche. Seriously Eddie Vedder sounds like he is trying to be as much like Bob Dylan as he can, and with regards to annoying me, he does it very, very well. There is only one song of their’s I like, because it is the only one that doesn’t sound like every other one they’ve ever done.

WOW! That list is longer than I thought it would be!! Well, I may add to it at a later date, but it’s a good start. If any of these artist’s songs come on anywhere around me, I do the best I can to get away from them, and if I cannot escape, I usually complain about them while it is on. I know that I am not alone here; let me know about those out there making music, that are like nails on a chalkboard to you.