Tonight’s APWBWGTTD was a lot of fun. It was cool meeting Brody, and talking with him, Barry, and Rebekah most of the night (as well as everyone else, who’s names I am surely forgetting… sorry)! I, for one, am super glad that APWBWGTTD has been resurrected. I really need to start getting out again; it has been far too long, and I have become far less social. Here’s to trying to get out more!

is APWBWGTTD dead? and listen to this!

First of all, tonight was supposed to be the monthly meet up of the APWBWGTTD, which has been a monthly tradition for more than a year now, and unfortunately, due to only one other potential attendee, I have decided to cancel it. So what does this mean for the future of APWBWGTTD? Well, you tell me. Do you want this monthly Atlanta blogger meet up to continue? Do you wish to see it resurrected in a different venue, on a different day, or under different circumstances? Now is your chance to chuck in your two cents on the whole thing, because we are literally marching towards the funeral here, and if you want to save it, you have to speak up. I for one am kind of sad that it might potentially be over, because I have made some amazing friends through these meet ups, and have always looked forward to them.

Many people complained about Manuel’s being the regular spot for the meet ups, but no one suggested different places. If this was your barrier, please, suggest somewhere new, or suggest some ideas for what you would like to see, in order to participate in future meet ups. Also, there was always talk of people’s schedules being too full, and being unable to meet up, and I understand that this will always be an issue; so how about suggesting some alternatives to the current one meet up, one time, plan? Would it be better to have two meet ups a month on different nights? Would it be better on the weekend? Let me know what you guys think.

I for one, hope that we can do some CPR on our dying friend, and save our APWBWGTTD, because I would honestly be sad to see it pass away. Since today was the day our meet up was scheduled, today is a good day to get to talking about planning the future of APWBWGTTD. Speak up please!!

Also, I just got the new CD Riot!, by the group Paramore, and I cannot stop listening to it! It is fantastic!!! It is like a little bit Weezer, with some Letters to Cleo, and a little of the type of rock those other All American Rejects-type bands churn out, peppered on the top. The lead singer also gives it a feel of Shiny Toy Guns, who are a band that everyone who listens to me, knows I freaking ADORE. The whole CD is a great listen, and is full of energy, and great songs. I rarely run out and buy a CD after checking it out initially, but this one is a definite exception! Be sure to check out my favorites: That’s What You Get, crushcrushcrush (OMG SO GOOD!), and, well I like them all, but these I listen to repeatedly. Now, go out and get it, and have some fun; I know I am! Apparently, there is a video too, so check it out!


I feel like I am disconnected from my body, and I am just on the inside looking out while it moves forward with the day to day routine. It is definitely a weird feeling, and it just makes me feel terribly uncomfortable, being disconnected from myself.

I don’t feel out of control, I just feel powerless. I feel run down, like someone forgot to charge me or something. I don’t like this feeling, and hope it goes away soon.

Someone egged my car last night, too. WTF is that about? I mean, it is just a random fucking Wednesday, and you egg my car? James is going to check the camera archive to see if there is video of it. If there is, then I will you tube it, and put it on here for all to see. Perhaps we can even make out who did it, which would at least be cool to see who the jerks are. Either way, it isn’t that big of a deal, but it just pisses me off. I just don’t understand why people have to destroy or vandalize other people’s stuff. I never did anything like that when I was a kid or a teenager, and I just don’t get the motivation behind it. I hope whatever they needed to get from egging my car was achieved, and hope that they don’t need to do it again.

I also got my new ipod skin, and I don’t know how I feel about it. It is pretty, but it is almost slippery; and it isn’t the iskin that I had. I don’t like change. Either way, there will be pictures post haste on flickr. No buyers remorse or anything, just a period of adjustment. It seems that everything is turning into a period of adjustment.

Tonight is the APWBWGTTD, so I hope that I feel more connected and like myself before then. If not, I might just skip it. I don’t like being in this state, and it certainly doesn’t add to being comfortable around others. I guess we’ll see where it goes over the next few hours.

Ugh. Meeting in 30 minutes. I should have stayed in bed.

beware the ides of march!

Today is the day that Julius Caesar was famously murdered by his friends and fellow senate members way back in 44BC. Lesson? Pay attention when someone disagrees with you, they may stab you in the back to get their way. (But they got theirs in the end) Either way, I remember when I was in high school, our Latin teacher had us wear togas to school on this day; I never did, but always wanted to. Maybe I will wear one tonight in remembrance of Caesar…

Last night was the monthly APWBWGTTD meet up, and there were two new faces at the table: Richard (not Robert!), and Leah, both of which were nice to meet in person. Among other things, it the potential of moving the event to another night was discussed, perhaps Thursdays; mostly because there are SEVERAL groups that meet at Manuel’s on Wednesdays. Any other suggestions? I really like meeting at Manuel’s, so I think that one day later (Thursday’s) would be fine with me. Also, let it be known that the person that wanted the meetings on Wednesday has not been to a single one since we started having them on Wednesdays (where oh where are you?!). I’m just saying. Either way, last night was a lot of fun, and I managed to break a bottle of hot sauce on my way out of the restaurant. Classy. Thanks to Barry for making the napkin happen, and even more for posting it online. I am curious now though… I want to at least see what this cone is all about in person; without needing to “interact” with it. Also, it is agreed that Firefox is much better than IE, so stop using it if you are still holding out. I will send out an evite for next months meet up when I get your thoughts about the day, okay? (UPDATE: Leah provided me with a picture of the saucetastrophy (above), so I had to include it. Such sauce carnage… sigh)

Also, I turned on my ipod today, and put it on shuffle, only to hear a song that totally takes me back. I love when there are songs that can do that, put you right back where you were when you first heard it, or when you discovered it and started listening to it over and over. There aren’t many albums that do that to me anymore, but Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins will always be one of those albums. Just in case you wanted to know, the song was Hummer. God I love that record. Anyways…

I’m just doing too much thinking today, and will save you from it, but just know that my brain is full. Difficult to concentrate pretty much sums it up. Hope that everyone else is having a great day; I’m also plagued with a crick in my neck because I apparently fell asleep (according to James) with my head hanging off of the couch. Sweet. I mean, OW!

February’s APWBWGTTD

barry through the boozeLast night was our monthly meet-up, and we had a great turn out! I was glad to see 10 people show up, even though, most of us were the regulars… which is actually a good thing, and I wish we could add more to our regular APWBWGTTD line up. Fun was had, booze was consumed, and even a few people ate. We did have a good time, and I have say, that I am super jazzed to find out that Manuel’s has a non-smoking section! I didn’t know that before last night, but I can guarantee that it will increase my desire to go there for drinks and whatnot… I won’t have to leave smelling like a bar.

There were a few things that I observed last night that I would like to share here:

  • No one should be bribed with beer to drink Au Jus. Seriously, that is just mean. And gross.
  • Maigh is a fucking freak for fireballs. And rightly so, they are delicious. (see below for proof)
  • Sometimes being around someone that you haven’t talked to in months doesn’t have to be too awkward. So long as you are willing to just let it go; even if they pretend nothing happened. Oh well.
  • At Manuel’s (at least), you can order your own pitcher… no questions asked. Sweet!
  • Apparently, this super deluxe has some funny shit. And the President’s song isn’t as funny when it comes from three drunkards. Perhaps I will have to check it out for myself. And Barry loves kitty no legs. Whatever that is.
  • Anna Nicole is not a celebrity, and people should just shut up about it already. At least, according to dave.
  • Passing your camera around to let everyone have an opportunity to take pictures at different angles may or may not be a good idea for the future… Dave wanted to take it to the bathroom, and instead just ended up taking close ups of my head. Which I deleted. (sorry dave). Other than dave’s proposed adventures with my camera, we did get a bunch of fun shots of the crew.
  • When you schedule an event on Wednesday because one person wants it to be on Wednesdays so that he can attend, don’t expect him to actually attend, or you may be let down. I realize (and this is the only reason I took the reigns from Lori), that people are going to show up, or not, and it doesn’t really matter, as long as those of us that ARE there have fun (which we did).
  • There are a bunch of political groups that meet at Manuel’s on Wednesdays.
  • Apparently, a black eye (which I have from banging my head on my chest of drawers) can be perceived as eye shadow on some… like on me. I just think it is funny that some thought I was wearing eye shadow (period), and even more, that I was only wearing it on one eye. Classic.

maigh is a fucking freak for fireballs
Well, that’s about it… I am sure that everyone else could come up with some stuff from last night, but I will leave it here. I had a great time, and I can’t wait until next month. Be there or be a gelatinous blob, bitches! The next APWBWGTTD will be on March 14, so mark your calendars now… I will send out an evite shortly. Thanks for coming out! (photos are obviously on flickr, so check ’em out, if you want)