Tag: a fine frenzy

the 31 best of 2009: 6-10

6: Silversun Pickups – Swoon
Silversun Pickups really remind me of high school a lot, in that their music reminds me of the way that I felt when I first truly knew that I loved music. Much like the way early Smashing Pumpkins got me into alternative rock, the Silversun Pickups picked up that torch and keep the race going for me when I first heard their insanely good debut, Carnavas. Naturally, when I found out they were releasing a new album last year, I was bouncing around with excitement, and after hearing Swoon, I have to say, that Silversun Pickups really outdid themselves with this album. From the insane distortion-love-fest that is There’s No Secrets This Year (which, in my opinion, may be their best song to date), to the incredible lead single, Panic Switch, and throughout the rest of Swoon, Silversun Pickups proved that they were not going to settle for a sophomore slump; in fact, I more than happy to proclaim that Swoon soars above their debut. While I don’t really understand the ways in which they chose people for the “best new artist” category for the Grammys (for which Swoon got them nominated), it doesn’t surprise me in the least the Swoon managed to get Silversun Pickups on a lot of people’s radar this year, because this truly amazing band is making some fantastic music that MUST be heard, shared, and enjoyed. This is one of those albums that is perfect to put on when you are driving around, and want to just rock out; and that is just what I did many, many times last year (and continue to do now!). I am so glad that Swoon turned out to be as amazing of an album as it is, because it really builds on the taste that Cavarnas alluded to, and just how amazing and talented the Silversun Pickups turned out to be. Standout Tracks: There’s No Secrets This Year, Panic Switch, The Royal We, Substitution, Sort Of.

7: Mat Kearney – City of Black and White
What can I say about Mat Kearney other than he’s just simply wonderful? After falling pretty much head over heels for him with his “debut” (I use quotations, because it was more aptly described as his major label debut) Nothing Left To Lose, I was more than excited when I found out he would finally be releasing a follow up earlier last year. When I heard the lead single, Closer to Love, I became even more excited for the album, because it is definitely one of his best songs to date. When I finally got City of Black and White, I realized that it was worth the wait; Mat has grown as an artist, and taken something that he did so well before, and transformed it into something simply amazing on this new CD. From his heartfelt vocals, sweet rhythms, and rhymes woven throughout each track, and the way in which he melds rock and roll with a twinge of hip hop, City of Black and White is a truly wonderful collection of songs that show just how talented of a musician Mat really is. The cherry on top for me, was seeing Mat live again last year, and as he was the first time I saw him, he was practically flawless. This is one of those musicians that I will always be on the lookout for, because of just how consistently amazing his music has proven to be; with this most recent release being certainly no exception. Standout Tracks: Closer To Love, All I Have, Here We Go, On and On, New York To California, City of Black and White.

8: A Fine Frenzy – Bomb In A Birdcage
This album’s lead single was certainly an appropriately titled track; Bomb in a Birdcage was certainly one that would blow me away in 2009. I never really gelled with A Fine Frenzy’s first album, but once I gained a true appreciation of the aforementioned lead singleBlow Away, something told me to pay closer attention to her upcoming release. What I found, was an amazing album that captured my attention like she had never done before, and I found myself loving this album so much more than I was expecting. From beginning to end, A Fine Frenzy has created a beautiful, upbeat, catchy, and down right amazing pop album; one that I just can’t seem to get enough listens of. If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you should know by now that I am a sucker for a female piano-driven pop artist, and Allison Sudol (aka A Fine Frenzy) has solidified herself as one of my favorites with the release of the amazing Bomb in a Birdcage. The songs are so well written, both lyrically as well as the layered and beautiful arrangements, and I with each new listen, I actually find something new in each track that makes me love it more. There isn’t a misstep in sight with this album, which is fantastic from beginning to end. I am glad that I sat up and paid more attention this time around, because missing out on this album would certainly be a tragedy. I really can’t say it enough: A Fine Frenzy’s Bomb in a Birdcage is magnificent and it will blow you away, just like it did to me! Standout Tracks: Swan Song, Bird of the Summer, Blow Away, What I Wouldn’t Do, New Heights, Electric Twist.

9: Lady GaGa – The Fame Monster
So if there was any doubt in the lead up to Lady GaGa taking the throne as the next big thing in pop music, she pretty much put the death nell in that notion with the release of The Fame Monster. While it started out as only an 8 track “addendum” to her debut album released in 2008 year, The Fame, GaGa fought the music moguls and won the right to have The Fame Monster released as a separate album in 2009 (along with it being packaged with The Fame in the deluxe edition). However, regardless if it was an add on or not isn’t an issue, as with Monster, GaGa takes her innovative brand of pop and pushes it to the next level. From the insanely catchy, RA-RA’s of Bad Romance, all of the way through to the innovatively amazing album closer Teeth, GaGa just shows that not only is she not going away any time soon, but she plans to up the ante while she’s got our attention. On this album, I feel like GaGa has shared a lot more of herself; giving more raw performances with each track, matching her live show much more closely than ever before. Speaking of the album’s lead single, Bad Romance, GaGa also upped the ante on her equally innovative performance art, and released what many will agree was the one of the best music videos of the decade. Certainly she must be tired, because based on the consistent quality of her trail blazing take on the pop music scene, GaGa is only setting the bar higher and higher for her pop peers and herself; and she doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. For me, The Fame Monster solidifies GaGa as one of the biggest (and best) things to happen to pop music in over a decade; and if this is any indication of the future, I expect to see a lot more GaGa, and I can’t wait. Standout Tracks: Bad Romance, Teeth, Speechless, Mouth, Telephone.

10: Passion Pit – Manners
The first time I heard the MASSIVE single Sleepyhead, I was instantly sitting there wondering to myself just where in the hell this amazingness came from. There have been tons of indie pop groups out there shovelling similar stuff down our throats for years, but never had I heard something as catchy as the amazing Sleepyhead. Well, several months later, they released the follow up track, The Reeling, which would be the lead single for their proper first album, Manners, to be released early in 2009. Needless to say, I realized I had stumbled very early on to something amazing, and I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on the then upcoming Passion Pit debut album. When Manners finally came out, what I got was nothing short of fantastic, and I instantly fell for this amazing indie-pop concoction. While Sleepyhead is still my favorite, there are many tracks on the album that make me wonder why these guys are more popular than they are; they really know what they are doing, and have made a pretty fucking amazing debut album. I am so glad that I found this one in 2009; it really deserves to be on a shitload of best of 2009 lists, and I know that I would have been kicking myself if I had missed out on this gem (and thankfully, I didn’t!). Standout Tracks: Sleepyhead, The Reeling, Little Secrets, Moth’s Wings, Let Your Love Grow Tall.

5SF: september 18

I’ll be honest, I didn’t post the 5SF last week because I was wrapped up in the Eagle raid. That being said, I am still in awe that it happened, and as more information comes out about it, I am more and more surprised at how it looks to be blatant homophobia. It’s extremely disappointing all around.

I am not skipping this week, though. This week’s picks are all strong, and most of them are major finds. I hope that you enjoy them, and I hope it gives you at least a few minutes to take your mind off of the whole debacle mentioned above. Let’s get started!

Priscilla Renea – Dollhouse
I discovered this song when I stumbled on the cutesy video on youtube one day last week. I instantly loved the production and arrangement of the song, and I was sure that it was another gem from production genius Max Martin. Interestingly enough, it isn’t him, but Benny Blanco, who’s worked with a lot of the same artists (which is probably why it sounded like similar production to me). I love the energy of the song (which has a lot of the spunk that major hits like My Life Would Suck Without You carry), and I especially like Priscilla’s voice; which sounds like it has some major power underneath it. This is such a cute little song, and one that I would expect to hear on the radio 1000 times.

A Fine Frenzy – Bird of the Summer
A Fine Frenzy’s new album, Bomb in a Birdcage came out last week, and I have found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with it with each listen. There are some incredibly beautiful tracks on it (this one being one of the best), and while many people fell for A Fine Frenzy with her debut, for whatever reason, I wasn’t pulled in. However, that is no longer the case, A Fine Frenzy has delivered one of the best albums of 2009 with Bomb In a Birdcage, and this song is one of my favorites from the album. It is light, airy, and beautiful all over. I am glad that she snagged my attention this (the second) time around.

Noah and the Whale – Blue Skies
I posted about Noah and the Whale last year around this time, when I fell for their song, 5 Years Time; after it was featured in a Saturn commercial. Unfortunately, I didn’t fall any further for Noah and the Whale, and my interest never materialized past that one song. However, they recently released a new album, and I figured I would at least give it a listen to see if there were more gems like 5 Years Time on it, and what I found was surprising, and wonderful. This song stood out to me, because I absolutely love the arrangement. The vocals remind me of Peter Bjorn and John, and the music is something that should be played at a pivotal scene in a beautiful movie. After hearing snippets of this album, I am back on board with Noah and the Whale. It’s just like A Fine Frenzy, sometimes, it takes time… or another album.

Weezer – (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To
I will start by saying that I consider myself to be a fairly die-hard fan of Weezer. The Blue Album was one of my first CDs that I remember buying, and loving each song on it. Additionally, it is an album that really shaped the beginnings of my love for music. Each subsequent album showed that Weezer is a pop-rock band that is of a consistently high quality, and I have been a fan ever since. Amidst rumors of a break up after Make Believe (one of their best albums to date), Weezer quelled the fears of fans that didn’t want a break up to happen by releasing the Red Album, which unfortunately, I never really got into. There were some great songs on it, and it was definitely a good Weezer record, but for me, it was somewhat of a letdown. Well, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine on twitter said Weezer had a new fantastic song out, and after listening for like 5 seconds, I was in love with it. This song has all of the energy and cheesy sweet lyrics of the Weezer that I love. Rivers Cuomo is back in FULL FORCE, and this song should be a massive hit. I am hoping that their next album thrills me as much as this song does.

White Lies – Death
Sometimes hearing a song in context makes you realize how amazing it is; and that is exactly what happened to me with this song. I first heard this song back in March, when I posted about White Lies’ amazing track, Farewell to the Fairground. I really liked the song then, and really enjoyed much of their album, To Lose My Life. However, it wasn’t until I heard the song played in the background on The Vampire Diaries, that I realized just how incredible it was. It wasn’t even an important scene, but the way that it complimented the show, it really helped me to fully enjoy the song, and see intricacies and nuances I hadn’t heard in it before. I love when shows pay extra attention to the music that they play, because it is really appreciated by viewers like me; sometimes, that attention to detail will keep me coming back to the show time and time again. In this case, the show may be a bit hokey (think Dawson’s Creek… with vampires), but the writing is actually pretty good, and the music so far has been fantastic. It really sets the mood, and has done wonders for the show in my eyes. I can’t wait to see what gems they have for me peppered throughout each episode to come.

Well, there’s your Friday five. What do you think of this week’s selection? Please let me know!! Also, let me know what you are listening to, because I really, really want to know. Seriously, I love suggestions from people, and I always at least give them a go, so be sure to share them with me; you never know, I might feature one of your selections in the future.

5SF: july 31

Not too much is going on, so there isn’t much to report today. So let’s just jump right into the music, shall we?

Pixie Lott – Boys & Girls
A little bit Pipettes, a little bit Sugababes, and a little bit Amy Winehouse, this track sure is chock full of fun, and great pop influences. Pixie is getting a lot of buzz over the UK, and I am going to do my part, and bring the buzz stateside. This song is a fun, danceable song that has a drum beat that reminds me a LOT of Imani Coppola’s amazing hit from the 90’s, Legend of a Cowgirl. Damn, there’s yet ANOTHER great influence. This girl is harnessing some great stuff, and making fun, relatable pop with it. Um, did I mention FUN enough?

Ivyrise – 1000 Feet
I heard about this track from a fellow music blogger, and I liked it right away. It really reminds me of other pop-rock “boy bands” like The Script, and a LOT of BBMak, who unfortunately are no longer making music together. Since this is only a taste of a forthcoming album, I can only hope that I’ve stumbled onto something really great here. I love sound of the background guitar picking; it really gives it an ethereal feel that adds layers to an otherwise straightforward pop-rock song.

A Fine Frenzy – Blow Away
I had a hard time getting into this track initially, because it really feels like stumbling onto some kids doing double dutch, and you are instantly asked to join in. The beginning of this song starts at a running pace, and you really have to already be at a good pace to catch up (and to maintain, this track will not slow down for stragglers!). However, when I did finally do catch up, and got to the airy chorus where she sings, “blo-ho blo-ho oh-oh oh-oh away”, I saw the greatness in this saccharine sweet pop track. I enjoyed A Fine Frenzy’s debut album, and if this is an indicator of her forthcoming effort, I think that I am going to enjoy it as well; perhaps even a little more.

Ryan Star – Right Now
I will admit that I was originally drawn to Ryan’s EP because I thought he was cute; but I loved his smoky, deep vocals, and that is what got me to download it (think Chris Daughtry with more edge). Then, I kinda forgot it was on my ipod, and then Right Now came up on random one day, and WOW. I love how he uses familiar lyrics like, “we are strong, we are young”, and builds a MASSIVE rock and roll track for the youth of the world with Right Now. The message in this song of “cherish all that we have, for tomorrow may not come” goes from mere sentiment to power and stamina from Ryan’s amazing vocals. I’m defiinitly looking forward to more from Ryan in the coming months.

Aqua – Live Fast, Die Young
Yes. I posted a song by Aqua. The same Aqua that gave the world Barbie Girl. And YES. I am demanding that you listen to it, because it is FUCKING GREAT! Aqua recently released another greatest hits album, and while I wasn’t feeling the lead single (Back to the 80’s), this song REALLY stood out, and only has me questioning why they didn’t chose this gem as a comeback single? Either way, this is a great song that satisfies my nostalgia for earlier Aqua (and their particularly sweet style of pure-sugar driven bubble gum pop), and brings them into the here and now. Now, if they made more like this, I think we would all be ready for a whole album of new stuff, from Aqua! Take note!

Now the usual: 1) let me know what you thought of today’s picks, 2) let me know what you are listening to, and 3) have a great weekend!