Tag: 5SF

5SF: leap year day!

Every four years, we get an “extra day”, and how great is it that it is also a Friday this year? Perhaps the extra day is a sign that I am coming out of my music lull, because I have some fresh stuff for you today. I am also going to bring you some fantastic beats from Mother Gem herself, regardless of all the haters out there. Let’s get to it, shall we?

JES – Around You
When I downloaded JES’s most recent compilation CD Into the Dawn, I had NO IDEA that she was the amazing voice behind one of my favorite dance songs to have ever been recorded, As the Rush Comes by Motorcycle. After listening to her record, I completely love how many of the retooled down-tempo chill tracks completely showcase the ache in her voice. It is a little bit Portishead and a little bit Kosheen; and a lot of greatness. There is something about this song that just begs to be played over and over. It is simple and a perfect song “for the bedroom”, if you know what I mean…

MGMT – Time To Pretend
This is one of MANY songs that I have heard, and been like, “eh”, and then never got back to it. Then, I hear it on the radio, and I am all, “wow! I kinda love this!”. So yeah. I really enjoy this song, mostly, because it really sounds like it has a huge influence from the amazing Peter Bjorn and John, whom I love. I love the electronic distortion, and I really dig the beats. This is definitely a fun track, and one that is getting attention; and even some more from me!

Styrofoam – Couches in Alleyways (feat Ben Gibbard)
Whoa. I was driving home yesterday, and I was flipping through the radio stations, and I heard this song. At first, I didn’t hear the singing, because it was near the beginning, but I remember thinking, “this is really good… sounds a bit like the Postal Service”. Then, much to my surprise, the lead singer of the Postal Service Ben Gibbard’s vocals came through my speaker. Holy cow! Who is this? I thought. Well, turns out, Styrofoam, who has done a couple of remixes of Postal Service songs, released a record a while back, and this great song is on it! He has a new one coming out soon, and I look forward to hearing it when it arrives. Great random find.

The Faint – Glass Danse
A good buddy of mine was telling me about The Faint the other night, and I promised that I would check them out upon his recommendation. Glass Danse was the first song that played when I went their myspace (which, isn’t that the only thing myspace is good for? music? anyway…), and I instantly loved it. I haven’t really gotten too much into their other stuff as of yet, but this song sounds a lot like Shiny Toy Guns with a touch of the Killers. This song has a lot of intense electronic energy, and a lot to get you going.

Leslie Hall feat. Elvira – Zombie Killer (revisited)
Alright, now I must bring the love to the Mother Gem, as promised. I know very well that this will not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that is fine, but I must tell you, that I love me some Leslie Hall. As I blogged about earlier, I saw her last weekend, and she is glamorous and fabulous in so many ways. I have been listening to all three of her CDs all week long, and I have been having such a great time with each one. She is hilarious, and has this talent to her act that is just refreshing and delightful. This song is hilarious, and even has guest vocals from none other than the amazing Elvira Mistress of the Dark!! Leslie warns us… The zombies are seeking beat-box revival… you must shoot them in the brains! How can you beat that?? A song about zombies featuring Elvira? I can’t believe I am privileged enough to type that previous sentence. Amazing. SHAZAM! If this makes you smile at all, you should check out more from the fabulous Leslie Hall… she is a midwest diva/tiger-colt, and she is hear to bring the freshest jams in all the land to you. Sweet lady rapper, sing your songs to me!! I want to be a junior gem!

Well, I hope that everyone is having a great leap year day, and I hope that you enjoyed the music!! As always, let me know what you are listening to… I really do take all of those suggestions and listen to each one! Have a great weekend everyone!

5SF: february 22

First of all, let me apologize for two things: one, I am still in a music lull, and haven’t really found that many new things to share with you. Second, we had the floors in our office torn out and replaced this week, and as such, I am without my computer, so even the few things I could have shared are locked on my unplugged computer. No matter though, I still have five songs for ya, and regardless if they are new or old, they are at least something for you to check out!

Hayden – Bad As They Seem

I booked tickets to see the upcoming Feist show at the Tabernacle, and I was pleased to see a name I hadn’t seen in YEARS. apparently, Hayden is opening for her, and for those that don’t know Hayden, this is the first song of his that I ever heard. When I was in high school, we had a satellite, but not cable, and at the time, Much Music was the music channel that we got (instead of MTV). As such, I got to know several Canadian acts (like Our Lady Peace), and Hayden was one of them. I used to have a couple of his CDs, but they fell victim to that crazy period where I thought I should get rid of everything that I wasn’t listening to on repeat. I downloaded his most recent CD last week in order to see if I still liked him (and to get ready for seeing him with Feist), and I have been pleased with what I have heard. I can’t find a video of anything new, but if this song sounds good to you, you should check him out. He reminds me a lot of Ray LaMontagne with his darker, more somber folk, but I quite like what I have heard, and I am glad to have been reacquainted with this old favorite.

Nicole Atkins – Neptune City
Now, those of you that pay attention will notice that this isn’t the first time that I have mentioned Ms. Atkins, but to be honest, she is deserved of more attention, IMHO. I randomly popped her CD into my car player this morning, and I was instantly reminded why I sang such high praises for her initially; I really love her sound. So, what better song to include today? This one has a strange-ish video, but it is definitely a beautiful song. I love her voice so much, as it sounds like it is from another era. She sounds so weathered and has this professional quality to her that I just adore. Be sure to check out her CD, which made my top 31 of 2007; because it’s great.

From the Movie Across The Universe – Let It Be
Wow. I watched Across the Universe last night, the movie-musical that uses Beatles songs to tell the story, and I was simply and utterly blown away by the arrangement in this gospel re-tooling of Let It Be. It is already an amazingly emotional song, and paired with the visuals, and the powerful singing that they used in the movie version, it is hard not to get a little tear in your eye when you watch it. I loved a lot of the versions of the Beatles hits that they used in the movie, and I would definitely recommend seeing it if you are fan of musicals. A very interesting movie with some great remakes of great old songs. Just a note, there is some graphic violence in this video, so just be warned.

Bjork – Declare Independence
This next song is a bit of a weird one, which, if you know Bjork, pretty much goes without saying. It is off of her most recent album, Volta, which is definitely good, but didn’t hook me in the way that I thought it would. While I really love the album, there are a few songs that distracted me, and as such, my attention wavered. However, recently, I randomly saw this video, and was again, impressed by Bjork’s ability to not only craft some amazing music, but she also has this uncanny ability to use video to take it to the next level. This is one of those songs that the video takes it totally to another plain; I absolutely LOVE this video, and I believe that it is almost necessary for the song. It is inventive, and moving. It totally captures the call to “declare independence”, and really does it well. Bjork may be a little misunderstood, even by me, but there are some times where she totally nails it for me, and this is one of those times.

Janet – Feedback
Since her CD leaked this week, I figured it would be appropriate to post this naughty little pleasure of mine. I will admit that I wasn’t impressed at all when I first heard this song, but it has REALLY grown on me. It is quite a nice little dance number, and the video is just so weird that I couldn’t avoid posting it too! I have hopes that the album is good (she has had some stunners and some duds in her past), and if it is anything like Feedback, I am sure that it will grow on me. I do have to mention, that perhaps my FAVORITE thing about the video is how she is all Mario Galaxy at the beginning. Maybe Janet should make a deal with Nintendo? Either way, this is a guilty pleasure of the moment, for sure.

Well, that was interesting! I can’t believe that I pulled that out of my hat! I hope you enjoyed this week’s five song Friday; there are some great ones in there! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

5SF: february 15

I was actually scratching my head and wondering most of this week about what I was going to pick for my five songs this week, as I haven’t really been blown away by any of the stuff I have been checking out lately (new or otherwise). Maybe I am just in a lull? Who knows… however, it has allowed me to reexamine some stuff that I really love, and I figured it would be fun to post a few of those songs today. I am sure that there is a chance that it might be the first time someone is hearing it, or it may re-awaken interest in something you haven’t listened to in forever; either way, it’s all about the music. Since I have been in such a rut lately with finding new, great stuff, PLEASE send me your recommendations, okay? Now, on with the show!

Note: No videos this week, so feed readers, come by and listen up!

The Postal Service – Brand New Colony
One of my favorite records, Give Up by the Postal Service, drifted back into my focus recently, and I have been enjoying reexamining this fantastic album. I really hope that Ben Gibbard gets around to doing a follow up record at some point, because I would love to have some new Postal Service material. I love the whole album, but this is one of the songs that I tend to listen to over and over from the record; such great lyrics (a couple of which can be found in my header from time to time).

Hellogoodbye – All Time Lows
After the aforementioned disappointment that I have been having trying to find new stuff to check out, I also stumbled on Hellogoodbye again, which is one of those rare CDs that I loved instantly from beginning to end. I absolutely adore their electro-pop-rock sound, and after I saw them live, I became a permanent fan. These guys are awesome, and they totally rock that whole “nerdy-cool” vibe, which fits them, and makes me swoon like the other little girls at the concert were. If you like this song, I highly recommend the whole album; I am looking forward to more from these guys. Hearing this again is definitely a great reminder of some of the great stuff in my massive music collection.

RyanDan – The Face

Not only are these two identical twin brothers totally gorgeous, but they have this amazing harmony and quality to their singing. While most of their record is watered down with cheesy covers, the two opening songs are fantastic. The Face, which is one of those two openers, is my favorite song of theirs, and is one that I find myself listening to often. It is a totally beautiful song. Sometimes a cheesy ballad is EXACTLY what I need.

Lumidee – She’s Like The Wind

True story: recently, I was riding in my car to get some lunch, and randomly, She’s Like the Wind (the Patrick Swayze version) popped into my head. I had to turn off the radio and sing the whole song… cheesy, right? Well, I actually kind of love that song, and found out that it had been remade into kind of a great little hip hop number last summer. I have to say, that I kind of like this remake, the sample fits really well with the hip hop beat.

Sugababes – I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor
A long while back, my good buddy Stu was giving me a “crash course” in order to bring me up to speed with the Sugababes (who I hadn’t really heard much from at that time), and this cover of the Arctic Monkey’s song of the same name was one of the songs he exposed me to. Not only does it tower over the original version, but it truly highlights what one should do when attempting to cover a song; fucking blow it out of water. See, I don’t mind when you cover a song, and actually cover it really well. In this case, the cover is far better than the original.

Now are you beginning to see just how varied my music tastes are, right? I like a little bit of everything! As always, I hope you enjoyed the songs, and I hope even more that you have some feedback/suggestions yourself! Have a great THREE DAY weekend everyone!

5SF: february 8

It’s finally Friday, and it’s time for some tunes, right? This week, we have 4 tracks from female singers, and I realize that I seem to prefer female vocalists over anything else, for whatever reason. Also, at least a couple of these tracks are “rare” tracks that are either internet finds, or bonus tracks from international editions of that artist’s CD. Also, this week, we will have two flashback tracks, one from a sort of recent favorite film of mine, and one from a lot further back, so sit tight, and let’s get this party started.

Sara Bareilles – Any Way the Wind Blows

First up today is the amazing and beautiful Sara Bareilles, who readers of this blog know that I totally adore. I have been having such a great time watching her get loads of deserved attention these past couple of months, and have been playing close attention myself to iTunes and the blogs, as they keep offering up new live material for me to devour. The song was apparently a bonus track on an Asian release of Little Voice, and I am so glad that I found it, because like the rest of the record, it is fantastic. I bought tickets to see Sara in March earlier this week, so I felt it fitting to show some more love for the fabulous Ms Bareilles in this week’s five song Friday. Seriously, it is hard not to feature her every week; she is certainly one of my favorite artists.

Sia – The Girl

It seems that people are foaming at the mouth of Sia lately; you can’t walk into a Starbucks without seeing her new CD on display. Also, I have heard that song Day Too Soon all over XM, and quite enjoy her myself. However, I think that this is by far my favorite song from the record, which I like, but just can’t get that into for whatever reason. Also, I can’t help but think of the amazing Nicole Atkins when I hear Sia, because their voices have a very similar quality to them. I am definitely glad to see an out singer getting some attention here in the states, and it seems that there is no end to the great music coming from down under. This is such a fun track, and I just love the blaring horns, don’t you?!

Lily Allen – Mr Blue Sky

Oh Lily! I have adored Lily Allen for quite a while now, and highly regret not hearing her CD before the end of 2006, because it would have surely made my best of 2006 list; it is fantastic. I saw her in concert early last year, and I feel like that was what really got me to fall head over heels with Lily. She is fantastic. When I saw this song offered on one of my regularly read mp3 blogs, I jumped at it, and as it turns out, I fucking LOVE it. I hope that this is a taste of what she will be bringing on her next CD; which I hope she will get out sometime in the near future (I know she is working on a show, but I hope that she has time to record as well). I have said it, but I’ll say it again, I totally adore Lily, and this is a great song to add to her already impressive arsenal of songs in my music collection.

Heart – Crazy On You

First off, is there anything better than that opening guitar sequence? Um… yeah, amazing. I picked Guitar Hero back up this week after a little hiatus, and I am glad that I did, I have been having fun with it all week. I have also been listening to some of my favorite songs from the games (I have 4 in all), and one of my favorites by far is Crazy on You by the AMAZING Heart. Seriously this song is fucking ROCK. I can listen to it on repeat, and it strengthens that part of me that wants to rock out in a band someday. If only I could be 1/10 the badass that Ann Wilson is. Damn. Love this song!

Hedwig and the Angry Inch – Origin Of Love

Finally today, is the amazingly well written Origin of Love from one of my favorite movies of all time, Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I randomly put on the soundtrack earlier in the week, and ended up watching the movie again last night for the first time in ages. I was reminded by how amazing this movie is, and how much I love the music from it. It is such a great movie, and the songs are just fantastic. Even if you aren’t a fan of musicals, I think that anyone would love Hedwig. I had the chance to see it performed a while back, and that made me officially a fanatic of the lady with the feathered bangs. Seriously, what’s not to love? This song is just fucking beautiful; as are many others in the film. NOTE: A word of caution about this video, it is pulled from the movie, and at the VERY beginning, there is some shouting from Hedwig’s mom, so turn down the speaker for a second or two. Also, there is a little cartoon-udity, which I don’t really think is offensive, but if that isn’t your thing, just heads up.

Well, there you go; my five songs for friday. I hope that everyone is having a great afternoon, and as always, let me know what you are jamming to… share and share alike I always say! Have a great weekend!

5SF: february 1

Welcome to this week’s installment of the five song Friday, everyone! Today is going to feature songs you may be familiar with, songs that you may have heard a while ago and forgotten about, a song that you may hate (as I did when I first heard it), and maybe some songs that you are hearing for the first time. So let’s get to it, shall we?

Yael Naim – New Soul
First up today is a song that is as catchy as hell, from those new Mac Air ads by Paris-born/Israeli-raised singer Yael Naim. The main reason I wanted to feature this song, is because there are many of us that have tivos and DVRs out there that never get the chance to watch commercials, and as such, may miss great songs like this one. Personally, this song was recommended by one of you (my wonderful readers!), who told me that I might like it; and you know what, he was right! I do (thanks for the suggestion, see, I told you I want to know what you are listening to!)! Another reason for posting this one, is because the video is just awesome, and I totally love it. Such a catchy song, and a great video, paired with an Apple endorsement? Yael is going places, people! Who’d of thought before Feist, that we would be looking to Apple for new, great music? Well, now we know that they are onto something!

Candie Payne – One More Chance
In this current era of music, the throwback sound seems to be the “next biggest thing”, with artist after artist streaming that sound of old, and making it new. Such is the case with Ms Candie Payne, who uses those old influences, and Mark Ronson beats, to churn out this fabulous song. I have certainly been enjoying this reemergence of the “throwback sound”, and the more artists that jump on this band wagon that are doing it as well as Candie are, the happier I am destined to be. Also, take note that her look is very “That Girl”-ish, adding to the hip, vintage feel… it’s a great song, and great video.

Linda Kiraly – Can’t Let Go
I was trying to decide between this one and another song for this week, and I watched this video again, and it struck me much harder than it ever has before. This song is fantastic. Linda has a beautiful and powerful voice, and the beat makes for a perfect pop song. The beginning is a little slow (perhaps the reason that I wasn’t hit as hard the first time I heard it), but at 40 seconds into the video when she stomps on those drums, you get to see why you came out to the show. This is her first single from an upcoming album, and I cannot wait to see what else she has up her sleeve. My buddy Stu always has these random acts up his sleeve, and I just love it when he let’s me in on the goods; especially when they are as good as this!

Patrick Wolf – Accident and Emergency
Now, for the ultra-queer Patrick Wolf, who I totally flash on the beginnings of Ziggy Stardust, and queer glam rock when I see him. I will admit this openly, I HATED this song when I first heard it. I don’t know what it was about it, but it was just a huge turn off for me. However, it got into my head, and I gave it another go, and after a few listens, I really like it. The other day when I was waiting for jury duty, I ended up listening to his record, and I really liked a lot of it, whereas previously, I was wondering why so many people were into him. Was he to be another Roisin Murphy for me, I thought? Well looking now, I figure, perhaps not… I am glad that I gave it another go, because it is quite the catchy little hit. I highly recommend you give this more that one listen; it took me several to get into it, but now I quite like it.

The Darkness – I Believe In a Thing Called Love
Last, but certainly not least, is my “blast from the past” track for this week. I have to say, that I still remember the first time I heard this song; it was 3 in the morning, and my tivo started randomly taping an MTV video show (shock and awe! They were showing videos!), and the video for this song came on. I sat there, mesmerized, and completely freaked out at the same time. What the fuck? I thought. After it was over, I rewinded it, and ended up watching it 5 times. I was hooked. I haven’t listened to the Darkness in a while (their debut CD is quite fantastic), and this song came on XM the other day, and I ran home and put it back on my ipod (it was lost when iTunes decided to delete all my playlists a while back). Well, I am glad that I was reacquainted with the fabulousity that is the Darkness… their queer glam metal is pure music gold. I am such a closet metal lover, and this shit is just the type of thing that blows my skirt way up over my head. This is metal that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and in fact, makes fun of itself all at the same time. If only it were on one of the Guitar Heroes… perhaps maybe a future installment will include this gem! I certainly hope so, because this song is fantastic.

Well, there she is, this week’s 5SF is on the books. I hope that everyone found something that they could enjoy. As always, let me know what you are into, it may make a future list! Have a great afternoon, kids!

5SF: january 25

Guess what today is, kids!! It’s mothafucking Friday, and time to bring on the jams! What!?! Yeah, I am in a weirdly good mood today, but I have chosen to go with it, so I think that you should too. Let’s get to the music before things get out of hand.

Adele – Chasing Pavements
You may be thinking, Adele? Again? and you know what, you would be right. Adele is infectious. She is amazing. She is true talent, and her CD comes out this Tuesday in the UK, so I felt compelled to bring her to the forefront again. I have been enjoying my time listening to Adele this month, and I have to say, with each listen, I love her more. Fuck the haters that are bashing her (seriously, people are giving her shit for only debuting at number 2 on the singles chart… give me a break), this girl has a voice that is stunning, and weaves these amazing songs that capture your attention and leave you wanting more. This song, Chasing Pavements, is one of those songs that I just cannot let go of, and after a listen, it just stays with me all day. This is truly a wonderful song, and a reminder to pay attention to Adele; I have a feeling we are going to be hearing a lot more from her once the CD hits shelves on Tuesday. Also, this video is quite weird, but I like the quirkiness of it.

Bush – Swallowed

After posting two of my high school favorites (Elastica and Blur) last week, I got to thinking that it might be fun to feature at least one song every now and then, that I randomly heard recently, and was reminded of how much I loved it in the past. This week, Swallowed came on the radio, and I was all “holy shit I love this effing song, and I can’t believe I haven’t heard it in forever!”, and so, here it is. Whatever happened to Bush? Their first and second CDs were dynamite albums, and then I pretty much stopped paying attention. Oh well, at least we have the memories, right?

Kate Miller-Heidke – Mama

I heard about Kate on one of those many, many “ones to watch out for” lists that I randomly found on the internets, and after checking her out, I can see why she made that list; this girl is great! She reminds me a little of Regina Specktor, but with more spunk and panache to her sound (also, without that unnecessary double scoop of goody-two-shoes bubblegum flavoring). I chose this song, not because it is the catchiest from her record, but because it totally captivates me every time I hear it. I am drawn in by her desire to please her mother, which totally translates beautifully in this song, by the brash guitars and the shrill vocals. Love this song, and love her!

Georgie James – Cake Parade

So, I heard about Georgie James from a flickr friend, who recommended it in the Monday music suggestion group, and I must admit, that I was instantly enamored with this song. It is so playful and enjoyable, that it really reminds me of the fun I have listening to artists like MIKA and Fountains of Wayne. Also, the guy in the group totally sounds like the guy from Fountains of Wayne, so that probably has something to do with it reminding me of them. Either way, definitely a fun group with a great “throw back” almost vaudeville-ish sound, that I am totally into. A great suggestion from my friend, that I am pleased to pass on to you!

Number One Gun – The Best of You and Me
This is one of those songs that I heard of randomly, and was instantly all about. I saw Number One Gun mentioned somewhere, and I liked the cover of the album, so I went to their myspace, and The Best Of You and Me was the song that started playing. I instantly downloaded the album, and have been really grooving to this electro-rock piece. It has a mellow feel, but powerful male vocals really make it a great pop song.

Well, there we have another five song Friday in the books, and some good songs to listen to this afternoon. I hope that everyone is having a kick ass day, and I hope that your weekend is even better. As always, let me know what you are jamming to, and we can make this music suggestion thing a two way street, cool?

5SF: january 18

TGIF is an understatement, and I am very pleased that this is a three day weekend for sure. With that said, let’s get to some music to brighten our afternoon, shall we?

Goldfrapp – A&E
First up, is the new song A&E by Goldfrapp; a decidedly different song from their previous effort. Going back to their more acoustic roots, Goldfrapp has managed to captivate me with this airy and beautiful song. While I have been spinning the whole album this week, this song definitely stands out to me, and makes me want to listen more intently to the rest of the record. I will personally admit that I like this new stuff better than their previous experiments in the more electro-pop stuff. I think that they got tired of everyone copying their sound, and went back to their roots; and the result is something beautiful for sure. Take note that this video is completely ridiculous.

Elastica – Connection
Earlier this week, I was listening to the lovely XM radio in the car (something I have been doing more frequently these days), and I was hit square in the jaw by a fantastic blast from the past. Coming through my speakers was the delightful, yet forgotten Elastica, a group that I so instantly fell in love with in high school. As soon as I got home, I downloaded their self titled debut, and relived a music moment that I hadn’t experienced in well over a decade. The best part, was that their songs are still as good to me as they were then. Needless to say, this blast from the past was more than welcome, and as you will see a bit further down, it inspired more glimpses into my music history. Note: I was going to post the actual video, but the audio is shit, so if you want to go and see it (it’s quite good), you can go and see it here; after all, this is five song Friday, not five video Friday, right?.

Christina Aguilera – Save Me From Myself

A lot of people really loved Back to Basics, but for me, it was just hard to get into, and as such, it was largely ignored. I liked the singles, especially Ain’t No Other Man, but that’s about as far as I went. Then, the other day, I was reading my blog-feeds, and Rich over at fourfour posted this amazing video. I didn’t even know it was on B2B, and I feel like I have been missing out of something really beautiful. This song is so touching, heartfelt, emotional, and beautiful. Christina has made a very mature and wonderful song with Save Me From Myself, and I am just happy that Rich showed me the light. This song only gets better with each subsequent listen. Bravo, Xtina. Bravo. Also, is it me, or is she more stunning than ever?

Blur – Parklife
After snagging Elastica’s debut, I was instantly craving a little more brit-rock from my past, and what better way to get that going, than to pull out my old Blur records and give them a go? While I have always loved Blur, and even consider them amongst my favorite groups, over the years, I have drifted away from listening to Parklife; which ironically, was the record that got me interested in them in the first place. With my nostalgic cap firmly on, I sat back and hit play, and was instantly reminded just how brilliant of a record Parklife truly is; and I was reminded of why I fell in love with Blur in the first place. While the title track isn’t my absolute favorite song from the record, it is the first Blur song I ever heard, and I felt it fitting to highlight it in my collection of songs this week. It has been really nice reminiscing about music, and tuning into stuff that I haven’t listened to in ages. Who knows what else will creep its way back onto my radar; I can’t wait to see what it will be!

Roisin Murphy – Let Me Know
There are heaps of Roisin lovers out there, and I have never really gotten it; her whole kit and caboodle it’s a little too much for me. That being said, after I saw her record making a lot of people’s best of 2007 lists, I pulled it back out, dusted it off, and gave it another go. I wasn’t really that into it this time either (sorry, it just isn’t my bag, y’all), but this song definitely stood out to me this time. It just makes me want to dance all night long. I think the reason that I really love this song, is that it sounds a little more like a Sophie Ellis-Bextor track, and gets away from the things that turn me off about Roisin. That being said, here you go, fans of Roisin, this is the song by her that I can definitely say that I actually really, really like. Some think that she can do no wrong, but so far, this is the only thing that she has done right for me.

Well, that does it kids, another five song Friday on the record and in the bag. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend, and does lots of great and exciting things. I also hope that you enjoyed the music on this very welcomed Friday, and as always, let me know what you are spinning. I have gotten some great suggestions lately, and I always want more, more, more! Till we meet again!

5SF: january 11

Sorry for the late post today, kids… I have been in bed all day; called out sick with a head cold. No bother, I am feeling better, and well rested. So let’s get to it then, shall we? Quickly though; today’s my Grandma’s birthday… happy birthday Grandma!

Klaxons – Golden Skans
This is one of those songs that a lot of people instantly loved, and couldn’t get enough of; but not me. I just couldn’t get into it, even after several listens, but recently, I heard it again, and BAM, it was stuck in my head; and this time, I loved it. Sometimes, songs are like that, aren’t they? Well, this one is excellent, and totally reminds me of Blur (so I don’t know why I didn’t like it before…). Either way, this video is amazing: naked boys dressed in only ribbons, jumping about in slow motion, while throwing handfuls of glitter and smashing glass orbs. Now, that’s a damn video. I was late to the show on this one, but now I am dancing in the front row like everyone else. Beware: the course is insanely catchy, and will stay with you!

Stars – Take Me To The Riot
Next up is this amazing song by Stars, a Canadian group that I had never heard of until recently. I saw this video on NewNowNext a couple of weeks back, and it prompted me to check into them further. Upon more listens of this song, I realized how much I loved it, and as such, it has been getting a lot of attention from me. I really love how the guy and the girl’s voices intermingle, and totally make this amazing harmony. I am a sucker for groups that have more than one lead; and when they sing together, it is greatness!! After checking out some of their other songs, I think I have found a new group to pay attention to. Good stuff from our northern neighbor; even if their name is a bit generic, and makes it difficult to find their music. Note: I don’t care for the intro, or background noise in this video; but don’t let it distract from this fantastic song, will you?

Silverchair – Straight Lines
We saw Silverchair a few weeks ago at the 99x Mistletoe Jam, and I was instantly impressed by them as performers; but I remarked that I was not really that into the show, because I didn’t know any of their stuff. That being said, no one was more surprised at how much I LOVE this new song from them. It came on XM the other morning, and I literally had to run to my office and watch the video like 5 times. This song is awesome!!! It was way more “metal-rock” when we saw them in concert, and I remember liking at the show, but I totally love the more polished version. Also, is it me, or did Daniel Johns grow into quite a hottie? He got all half naked at the show, revealing some of that hotness… but I think that is fodder for a different sort of post, now isn’t it? Either way, this song is amazing.

Jack Penate – Torn On The Platform
Here’s another one of those songs that my buddy Deb was all about, and tried to get me into, but at the time, fell on deaf ears. I wasn’t ready. However, this week, I was looking for new music, and his name was mentioned on several of the “similar recommendations” regarding artists I love like Kate Nash and Adele. So, I checked him out, not remembering that I was told about him previously, and was instantly reminded that I have heard of him before. At the same time, I was instantly wondering why I was so resistant? Too much energy? I think that honestly may be it… he is like 5 shots of espresso, really, but it makes it fun, right? Well, this go round, it did; simple, guitar-based energy-rock, done fun, and done well. He also looks like a young Patrick Dempsey, doesn’t he? Either way, it’s clear this kid is having fun, and making good music too; the rest of the CD is just as fun! Also, a huge thanks Deb; I eventually get to the brilliance that you know right away!

Shiny Toy Guns – Rainy Monday
Last but certainly not least today, is a little “blast from the past”. Shiny Toy Guns were on my top CDs of 2006, because of how amazing they are, and I was recently reminded of that brilliance when I heard Rainy Monday on XM. I love when I haven’t heard one of my favorite CDs in a while, and then you hear one of the songs, and it totally gets you back into it; and that’s what happened this week. I saw STG in concert in 2007, and it was one of the best shows I saw all year; these guys are amazingly talented, and make incredible music. I love them! As such, I felt compelled to take a little trip down memory lane, and bring this Friday to a close with the amazing Rainy Monday; one of their best songs!

Well, that does it for this Friday. Hope that everyone has an amazing weekend, and as always, let me know what tracks are tickling your fancy; I’m always on the lookout for new stuff! Who knows, it may make a future edition of 5SF! Take care fellow bloggers!

5SF: january 4

It’s the first five song friday of the year!!! Make not mistake either, we are starting this year off with a bang. After counting down the best 31 records of the year, I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything to contribute today but a rehash, but alas, I was WRONG. I am here to bring some MASSIVE songs today! I am going to throw a couple that I loved in 2007, but just couldn’t get into the whole record, but now find myself loving on a new level. I also have one from a 2007 record that I am just now getting around to. All of these songs are totally amazing in their own way. You know what, instead of telling you about them, I will just bring them to you!

Tegan and Sara – The Con
First up today is the powerhouse lesbian sister duo, Tegan and Sara. I have never been into them (and please don’t shoot me for saying this, fans of T&S), because I HATE that song Walking with a Ghost. I know that a bunch of people love it, but I am not one of them. However, I do LOVE this song, The Con, which has gotten me to listen to their record, and I am actually quite liking it. I saw the video, and found the song lingering in my head, so I downloaded it, and have liked it more and more with each listen. This might be one of those CDs that would have made my list; had I actually discovered it last year. Oh well, at least we are enjoying it now, right? I will warn you though; this song will get in your head and will not want to leave!

Dragonette – I Get Around

Here is one of those songs that I thoroughly enjoyed in 2007, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t get into the whole album. That being said, I recently listened to it again, and I have remembered how amazing some of Dragonette’s songs are; many of them are even standouts. This song in particular makes me seriously want to put on my dancing shoes and hit a disco; I have got to dance when I hear this. Also, that synth riff is so amazing, that it begs to played LOUD and on repeat. Such a catchy song, and a great one to get you ready for a Friday night on the town.

Adele – Hometown Glory
I can’t wait any longer to bring the MASSIVE amazingness that I hinted at earlier. This incredible song comes from someone who is sure to be the next big thing, 19 year old Adele from the fabulous UK. You can say that you heard it hear first folks; Adele is so incredibly talented, and all of the songs that I have heard from her are AMAZING. Her voice is like a blend of Etta James, Amy Winehouse, and Joss Stone, yet it has a softness and earnest feeling that make her stand out on her own. I watched some of her you tube videos where she is performing live, and this girl must know that she is something; there is such confidence in her voice, that she commands the song even live. I will be buying this CD the SECOND it comes out; because Adele is the next biggest artist coming from the the UK. Move over Amy Winehouse, Adele is here to de-throne you if you can’t get your act together. I will gladly admit that I have been listening to this on repeat.

Radiohead – All I Need
I know that I am not alone in loving this song, because in my opinion, it was the best song on In Rainbows. This is the second song from an album that I really genuinely wanted to get into last year, but for whatever reason, only a couple of songs made a splash for me. This song is quite amazing, and really showcases everything that I have ever liked about Radiohead as a band. It reminds me a lot of the songs that I loved from OK Computer; which happen to be some of my favorite songs by them. This song is truly amazing.

Jonathon Coulton and GLaDOS – Still Alive
Finally today, I bring you the lovable end song from the video game Portal, that I linked to the other day. The reason I wanted to highlight this song, is not only because, again, the game is amazing, but because the song, even by itself, is insanely catchy and fun. I heard it before I had even heard of Portal, and loved it from the first listen. When you find out what she is singing about, you will love it even more, because of the witty (and bitchy) backtalk the AI GLaDOS has the nerve to throw at you after you have defeated the game. There is a lot of buzz about this song on the internets, and I am here to throw one more log on that fire; this song is definitely as good as the hype surrounding it. Just remember, that the cake is a lie!

Well, that’s the first five song Friday of the year, folks, I hope that everyone is enjoying 2008!!! As always, let me know what you are listening to these days; I am always looking for new stuff!!

shhh… it’s a “secret” “bonus” 5SF!!

Well, I know that I said that I wasn’t going to be able to do any 5 song Fridays this month, because of the ginormous countdown, but after it was suggested that I include some music from the CDs that I have been pimping, I figured that this would be a GREAT opportunity to recap, and do just that; bring the music!

So, I picked 5 tracks from 5 CDs that have already made the countdown, and without too much flash, or pomp and circumstance, here they are: (and don’t fret, today’s CD will be up later!)

Instead of getting on about each track, I will just refer you back to the reviews that I did for each CD. Each of these songs are what I would consider to be pretty much my favorite tracks from each corresponding CD. Maybe these songs will draw you into checking out these great albums too!

Matt Nathanson – Bulletproof Weeks (countdown post)
Girls Aloud – Girl Overboad (countdown post)
Tracey Thorn – Nowhere Near (countdown post)
The Shins – Red Rabbits
(countdown post)
Hilary Duff – Outside of You (see! I told you it was brilliant!) (countdown post)

Enjoy! Now… back to our regularly scheduled end of year countdown!