Category: show the love

I feel bad about it, I really do!

Lately, I feel like a bad blogger; I haven’t been reading and commenting on other blogs as much, mainly because I have been super distracted. It has nothing to do with the bloggers themselves, or their blogs, and I wanted to post this so that all of you out there know what is going on; I feel bad about it! Hopefully, I will be able to shake this distraction, and go back to enjoying all of your wonderful blogs, so keep your eye out for me; I haven’t forgotten about you, and I wanted you to know that.

I do miss you all, and I feel bad… Let this be an apology or message of atonement; whatever you need… I promise I’ll stop by soon. Thanks for sticking with me, and know that I am still with you… promise.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Is this a real holiday? I googled it, and here’s what I found: (from

Saint Patrick’s Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck. Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick’s Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide.
So, why is it celebrated on March 17th? One theory is that that is the day that St. Patrick died.

So, basically, people get shit faced on green beer to celebrate the death of the guy that brought Christianity to Ireland? Sweet! It’s like the world’s way of pouring a 40 on the pavement for old Saint Patrick! What what! Now, that I know the significance, and to celebrate my Irish heritage (have you ever seen me eyes? but seriously… my family does have some Irish desent), I am going to go out tonight and drink several for old Saint Patrick; I may even do a few Irish car bombs… anyone in?

Oh, and I didn’t even wear green today; I forgot. I had plenty of time to think about it while I sat on the freeway at a dead stop though, 85N was closed on my way to work… people need to learn how to drive and NOT CRASH in this city. geez… Anyway…. I usually don’t care that much about stuff on my cat, but this was too appropriate and funny to pass up:

But Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

[picture from]

…but it was all worth it.

Here’s the fruits of my labor: (aka, a slideshow of the new living room!!!)
First, let’s start with what it looked like before (circa December 2004… you know, there were changes in the mean time (between 12/04 and last weekend), but I guess I don’t take a lot of photos my house because I see it every day; so just go with it, it is only for comparison purposes anyways!)
To begin: Two living room shots…

And, pictures of the bedroom that would become the new living room…
From Sept 2004…

and December 2004…

Like I said… Apparently, I didn’t take a lot of pictures of things, at least not as much as I would have liked, so perhaps the “change” factor may be lost; especially since I didn’t take before photos (D’OH!). But either way, here is the unveiling; the new salon/sitting parlor photos (which is now the artist formerly known as the living room):

AND!!!!! The NEW living room (which is now the artist formerly known as the bedroom we didn’t really use):

Now, we have a cozy little living room that we can enjoy; a new AWESOME couch we can lounge on; and a sitting parlor/salon to gay up the place a little bit. I can’t wait for the chance to entertain in this place, because it now has so much usable space, people may come out of the kitchen!! I am exhausted, so I am going to go and lounge on my new couch! Happy Sunday everyone!

obligatory valentine’s post

Now, like many out there, I don’t necessarily believe that today, Valentine’s Day, is actually a day worth celebrating. I too believe that it is a day that was created by the greeting card companies and the florists of the world, in an effort to foster a great first quarter profit margin. I do believe that the hype of the cards, the balloons, the flowers, the candy, and the plush bees with the words “beeee mine” embroidered on their asses is a little too much. But, let us not forget that Valentine’s is good for one thing; being on the receiving end of any and or all of that shit makes you feel good.

Getting the box of chocolates when you are obviously on a diet (hello Abs diet!, day nine, for those of you counting!), getting flowers that will surely not live past next week at this time, and having tons of those little conversation hearts everywhere (like in between the seats in your car), is just part of the “celebration”. Having your partner (or lov-er, as today is all about love, right?) scrounge through the mob of people frantically trying to secure that last box of He-Man and She-Ra Valentine’s cards for little Suzie’s class at 9pm on the Monday before Valentine’s, just to piece together some semblance a card, some candies, and a toy you never want to see in your house the day after Valentine’s, is all worth it. It is all worth the feeling that overcomes each of you as you exchange your candies and whatnot’s, and you feel, well, in love. But you were in love yesterday, and will be in love tomorrow… so you don’t necessarily need this day to affirm that through treats and goodies; but it sure as hell feels nice.

Well, despite my “silent” protest on the commercialization of yet another day in the year to make money, and make other people feel bad; this year, I kind of went a little overboard in Valentine’s department, let me explain.

blogger partay at my house!

Last night, we had a little get together with some of the bloggers that I know IRL, at our house. I wanted an opportunity to hang out with some cool people, and if I do say so myself, it was a cool bunch indeed. Conversation flowed like the alcohol; all night long. I didn’t get very many pictures, but the ones that I did can be found on my flickr page, and will soon be added on my photographs page. I am really glad that everyone came, and I honestly wish that we could do more things like this! And! The floor didn’t fall in, which was a total plus!! Next time, we will have to integrate Irish Car Bombs somehow, rather than just talking about them…

PS: If I talked your ear off, sorry about that… When I get a little of the devil’s juice in me, I lose the ability to turn off my motor. Also, (especially to dave, barry, and rebekah) I have no concept of something called “the passage of time”, so sorry I was still trying to get people to go out at 3am; I didn’t realize it was so late!! THAT’S how much fun it was!

And dave… any time you want, I will still beat you at Soul Calibur III. I am a champion.

my tummy loves bloghungry

Those of you that know me IRL, and even some of you that don’t, probably know that there is stuff I am good at, and stuff that I am not really all that good at (I don’t really consider myself to be BAD at anything). Case in point; I am good at designing things and stuff like that (remember the kitchen that you all gushed over?). But one thing that I am not so good at, is the cooking. This is not because I am a bad cook, it is honestly because I never actually try recipes because it is usually too much effort. I end up making easy stuff that satisfies me and James; which is always good, but isn’t “great cook” worthy; like my old roommate Robert, now he’s a great cook. But that may have all changed; or at least, shifted.

There is a blogger out there that I follow, BlogHungry, whose blog focuses on delicious sounding recipes and cooking tips, and until now, I had never really tried one of his recipes. But last night I made a goat cheese stuffed chicken recipe that I found on his blog a while back, and to be honest, it was a meal of the gods. It was probably one of the best things I have ever tasted; and I was so shocked because I made it. I made it! I couldn’t believe it. And it wasn’t even that hard! Look at the picture I took, doesn’t it even look scrumptious?

Since my meal was so fabulous, I wanted to show BlogHungry the love he so very well deserves, and say thank you for this delicious recipe. I am definitely going to try out some of your other recipes, now that I have a new sense of cooking confidence in myself. Thanks for making my, and my man’s, tummy happy!

If you guys want the recipe, I have posted it below. For more, check out BlogHungry’s site; your tummy will be glad you did.

coolest. news. EVER.

Dane Cook is hosting Saturday Night Live on December 3. WHOA… SAY WHAT? That shit is so already tivoed, it is not even funny. AND, I burned to a DVD. I practically already have it in my collection, and have seen it like 1000000 times. Practically.

To tide you over:
Dane Cook – The Nothing Fight
Dane Cook – Making Up
Dane Cook – Someone Shit on the Coats

*and Amber, A cashew contours to the tip, as if to say, I’m a cashew, LET’S DO THIS!!!!

top eleven reasons why I want to be…

Lindsay Lohan:
11) Because she has a cool nickname; LiLo. (watch out JLo.)
10) Because she can sing quite well. (I have her CD, and I like most of it.)
9) Because she is loaded. (like, totally rich, ya’ll)
8) Because she was in Mean Girls.
7) Because she can really act. (if you don’t like her, tough, it is still true.)
6) Because she has great hair. (at least when it is red).
5) Because she gets to go out on the town and just be a superstar every day. (I want to be a superstar, specifically a superstar teen queen in a feud with Hilary Duff.)
4) Because she has a hot body and big boobs. (I don’t have boobs, so it might be fun, right? And everyone wants a hot body.)
3) Because she was in Mean Girls. (oh yeah, that’s right, I love Mean Girls)
2) Because she has a black Mercedes. (well, had a black Mercedes)
and the number one reason…
1) Because she is awesome.

And those are the top eleven reasons I want to be Lindsay Lohan. I don’t care if you like her or not, this isn’t the top eleven reasons you want to be Lindsay Lohan, it is the top eleven reasons I want to be Lindsay Lohan. I think that this may have something to do with my watching Herbie: Fully Loaded last night. But whatever; LiLo Rocks!

LiLo Radio:
Lindsay Lohan — Confessions of a Broken Heart
Lindsay Lohan — First
Lindsay Lohan — Rumors

Yeah, I admitted my love for Lindsay; don’t hate.

[photo from]

a halloween/autumn treat

Continue talking about the war in the previous post, okay (seriously, don’t want to interupt…), but I wanted to bring my lovely readers a wonderful gift for Halloween!! I took some pumpkin pictures, and, since my favorite color is orange, I made a desktop background out of one of my favorites, AND, I am bringing it straight to you, so you can enjoy it! No seriously, download the thing and enjoy it. NOW! Just kidding… If you want it, you can get it by clicking on the link below the thumbnail version:

Totally awesome pumpkin desktop (like around 320k or something)

yeah, I know it rocks… Happy Autumn!

And a Taste of More to Come:
Cardigans – Explode
Cardigans – Erase/Rewind
Cardigans – Carnival