Category: school

well, I guess that wasn’t SO hard…

I just finished my second day of clinical rotation at Grady, and I can definitely say that I am going to learn to breathe exclusively through my mouth when doing certain tasks.

Overall, the experience has been extremely overwhelming, but I think that with time, I will be more accustomed to things. I knew nursing wasn’t an easy profession, and I knew kind of what to expect in the beginning, but seeing it in your face, full glory-spread eagle is quite another thing entirely. Here’s to taking things one step at a time, and the learning process.

With regards to the 5SF, I am going to have to do it every other week, because as it stands now, I have clinical every other Friday, and when I have to get up at 5:30, I really don’t have the energy to focus on the 5SF after my rotation. Sorry folks. I will see you next week, though!!

first day of clinical tomorrow

So as the title of this post indicates, tomorrow is my first day of nursing clinical rotations at Grady hospital.

I am officially freaked out; mostly because I don’t know exactly what to expect. I am just hoping that fear/stress turns into confidence/belief in myself very early on in the day, because while, deep down, I know I can do this, I am filled with doubt and worry.

I guess that’s normal, but I still don’t like it. Not one bit.

what’s going on with me

I am finishing up the semester, and thank goodness; doing 3 classes in a mini-mester is ridiculous. Nope, it’s beyond ridiculous. All in all, I don’t ever want to do that again, but I am glad to have it (almost all of the way) behind me.

That being said, I appreciate your patience (if you are still reading) in waiting for my top 31 CDs of 2009 blogstravaganza. I promise it’s coming, and I am almost ready to unleash lots of music goodness on you; I am just putting the final touches on the order of the list. Stay tuned! Sorry for all of the run around; things have been crazy in my life!

june’s ending, so here’s a list

There have been several little things going on with me lately, but nothing big, so I figured a list would do the trick. Here we go:

  • As I mentioned a few times, we got a PS3 earlier in June. Yesterday, I noticed that they had a bundle with Little Big Planet (the game I bought the same day I got the PS3) and Wall E included (for the same price I paid for just the system). I went to Best Buy and asked for my copy of LBP and Wall E, and they said I’d have to return the system; so I did. I got $65 store credit for my opened copy of LBP, $30 store credit for Wall E, and a new PS3. Saving almost $100 was well worth me going back home, packing up that massive system and taking it back in. I think sometimes that I probably pay too much attention to ads and deals, but when things like this happen, I just pat myself on the back for being so aware.
  • After some discussion at brunch yesterday, I decided it was time to whiten my teeth again. I have the custom trays, but they hurt my gums, so I have been avoiding them for quite a while now. The Crest White Strips were recommended to me, so I picked up some of the Pro Effects strips today. I hope they work, as I have been feeling like the bright white smile I used to have has been a little dull lately.
  • On my ongoing attempt to become a nurse: I applied to Georgia Perimeter’s associates program again, and this time, I actually had the appropriate Transfer student status!!! If I get in, I am jumping on that opportunity, and definitely starting that program. I also applied to Kennesaw AGAIN, and was able to fix the whole “out of state” situation (which, as it turns out, was just a mistake). So here’s hoping I get in there; because going straight for the BSN would obviously be ideal (I would probably transfer the classes I take at GPC, if I get in there, to KSU). Either way, the baby steps are still being taken, and I hope that some big kid steps are in my near future.
  • The bathroom (I know, I know) is like 99.7345% done. Pictures soon, I PROMISE. Part of the problem, was that I decided to paint the other one, and get a new medicine cabinet for it too; which has obviously meant way more work for me.
  • James doesn’t like the idea, but I am definitely thinking that we need to get a pool. It is too fucking hot, and I think that our friends would want to come over and swim! I LOVE pools, and even if it is only a ~5ft deep pool, it would make summer so much more fun. It may also motivate me to get to gym more often and be less of a fat fuck. (I recently started back at the gym, so I am hoping that dream will become a reality).
  • I think that’s all for now.

5SF: june 26

JESUS it is hot. HOT HOT HOT!!!! I can’t get over how hot it already is this year; it just makes me want to stay indoors at all times. Other than the heat, I got some good news today: I filed for residency at KSU, and it was accepted!! Now… to get into the nursing program… baby steps… But enough about that; it’s time for today’s five songs!

Gossip – Pop Goes The World
Holy song of the summer, Batman! Seriously, this one is going to make the hot months much more bearable. I have posted about the Gossip in the past, because I absolutely love the unique and powerful voice of the amazing Beth Ditto. Well, they released their newest album, Music For Men, this week, and so far, this is my favorite track on the album. This song is almost impossible not to dance and sing to; I love the tribal drumming and sticky sweet backing synth. I LOVE the crescendo the song grows to at about 1:25 in; it is epic!

Wave Machines – I Go I Go I Go

Another free song offered on the UK iTunes, I Go I Go I Go is a fresh, and hip dance rock track for summer as well. It really reminds me of awesome bands like Vampire Weekend, and even the Lightning Seeds. This track is as fresh as recently laid out produce, and I have been loving it more and more with each listen. I LOVE when I find random, awesome tracks like this. Thanks UK iTunes (even though I couldn’t buy it/get it for free like the other UKers)!

Safetysuit – Annie
This one is a “discovered while my ipod was running on shuffle” track. I added Safetysuit’s album, Life Left To Go, a while ago, but I hadn’t gotten around to a real listen. This track really stood out to me during the shuffle, and hearing talent like this really confuses me even more why people still love bands like Nickelback. If you like their “style”, Safetysuit is doing it, only better, and without the repetition (admit it, all of Nickelback’s songs are the same!! Stop the madness people!). I, for one, am glad that I found Safetysuit, and this great track (which really reminds me of what I LOVE about Our Lady Peace; the story telling, unique male vocals, and blaring distorted guitars). I only wish Safetysuit were getting the publicity that NB is.

Michael Johns – Heart On My Sleeve
I’m going to be totally honest: I didn’t care very much that he was even in the top 10 on American Idol. Yes, I thought he could sing beautifully, but since he wasn’t a “front runner” in my eyes, it was easy for me to ignore him. However, being that I definitely think AI has gained a really credible means of spotting true talent over the seasons, I wanted to check out his release when I saw it on iTunes earlier this week. Well, this song, the first track off of the album, has all of the vocal grittiness of Daughtry, with a tendency to lean more towards a Take That style (not to mention that it sounds A LOT like their amazing track, Rule the World). Overall, if for no other reason that I found this great track, I’m glad that I gave Michael another chance.

Alexisonfire – Burial
At this point, there really shouldn’t be any surprise to any of you how deep my love for Dallas Green (aka City and Colour) runs. Be that as it may, Dallas sings in Alexisonfire, a post-hardcore band, which, I have to say, is NOT my cup of tea. After hearing City and Colour, it is almost a shock that Dallas is even a driving force in Alexisonfire at all. However, they released a new album this week, and with the last track on the album, Dallas injected a MAJOR dose of his folk sensibility into the record, and I couldn’t be more elated, as it is a gorgeous song. I’m glad that Dallas tenderized at least one track on the album, because it gives folk lovers like me a chance to love something about a band that I probably wouldn’t otherwise listen to.

Well, there you have it! Five fresh tracks that are definitely music to my ears; what about to yours? Let me know what you liked or didn’t like, and as always, please tell me what you are listening to.

I feel compelled to say, that no, I did not feel the need to post any Michael Jackson songs, as I am not what I would consider, a fan of his music. I liked some songs, but nothing to the level of “love”, so I didn’t feel any need to stretch that, just because of his death. Anyway, there really isn’t anything that I could “introduce” you to about his music, which is kind of the point of the 5SF in the first place, so there we go.

Have a great weekend, and STAY COOL!

I’m this close

…to completely giving up. I have applied, taken classes, kissed ass, sent in form after fucking form, and it is all apparently not enough. I cannot get into a fucking nursing program to save my life. I am really close to just saying, “fuck it, universe, you win”. I just got off of the phone with GPC to ask why my status wasn’t changed on their website, because I have sent in the “change of status” form 3 times now, and I have found out that they still haven’t changed it, and want me to resubmit it. What for? Just for shits and grins? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

If I hear ANYONE say anything about how they “can’t believe that there is such a shortage of nurses” in Georgia, I will let them know why. I am smart, have great grades, and most of all, the drive to do the damn job, and even I can’t get my foot in the door. I have been trying to get into other schools, and they keep listing me as an out of state resident, which both quadruples the tuition, as well as puts me at the end of the list, after all of the in state residents (which is practically an instant rejection, since there is such a shortage of these programs in Georgia). I can see why kids graduating from college in Georgia could have a bleak outlook for their future; good luck finding college in this state.

Needless to say, I am MORE than frustrated right now, but I am VERY happy that I at least have a job; no I am not that diluted by my disappointment to forget that majorly important fact.

/upset rant

they’re coming… I promise!

I am sure that at least one person out there in cyberland came to this very site yesterday in order to partake in the first of the massive year end countdown of my top 31 CDs of 2008, only to find nothing posted regarding the first disc. My apologies, as I had a TON of work to wrap up for my Microbiology lab (IT’S OVER!!!!), and rest assured that I will be getting right on top of the list as soon as possible; so check back. As for the list, I am excited and a bit overwhelmed at the same time, because there are some hard choices to be made as far as rank and order go, so things should be nothing less than interesting. See you soon!

Also, a huge happy birthday to the fabulous Ms. Britney Spears, who’s SIXTH album hits stores today. It’s definitely massive record for her, and will find its place amongst the forthcoming best of ’08 list!

a couple of quick notes about me of the now

  • As November gets closer to its end, I am more and more excited (and at the same time, anxious) about my annual blogging tradition of picking, and blogging my top 31 CDs of the year. There are some amazing records on this year’s list, and with each week’s subsequent CD releases, it’s only make things more difficult for me at this point. A wide variety of music tastes will be represented, so make sure you tune in all month long in December for each new entry.
  • I got the test results back for my fourth Microbiology test today: I got a 93. With an 87, a 97, and a 90 on the previous tests, as well as the professor dropping our lowest test, I am going into the final with a 93 test average. Let’s just say that this is very unexpected to say the least. Here’s hoping I can turn out an A in this class! I need it for my GPA!
  • Speaking of school, I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t get into Kennesaw for Summer. While I am definitely bummed about it, I am looking at it as a potential blessing; perhaps I wasn’t supposed to go to KSU? Perhaps I wasn’t meant to go that semester? Whatever happens, I am moving forward with GSU, and I am going to re-apply to KSU for fall. I am going to be a nurse, goddammit! You will not stop me! (I do have to say though, that the program at KSU is TINY, and they said that there were over 400 applicants, so I shouldn’t feel so bad about it. There just aren’t a lot of program options in Metro Atlanta for nursing; no wonder there’s a shortage.)
  • I got the shading done on my phoenix half-sleeve last night, and it is REALLY looking quite amazing now. I can’t wait for the color to be done, but that is at least a month or so out… right now, I am just tending to my tender flesh after last night’s needling. I have to say though, that it is no where NEAR as tender as it was last time for whatever reason; and I am not complaining in anyway about it!


James and I were invited to go see the Tech game this weekend with the lovely Mr. Pbody and hakeber, and after sitting in the direct sun for a few hours, my head is BURNED.

The worst, is that I cut my hear very short (buzzed), and as a result, my actual scalp is burnt. Since we are going on a cruise later on this week, I am going to be sure to pack two things indeed; sun screen and hats. Lots of hats.


In school related rants, I am half way into this Microbiology class, and I am more than over it! The questions on the most recent test were so detailed, and the amount of information required for the test was staggering to say the least. I will be happy when I have this one behind me for sure. The lab midterm is this week, and I hope that I do really well on it; especially considering it is 50% of my grade. Why do they have to do that in these classes? I mean, if you want me to LEARN it, why make it so I have to cram, and am more likely than not, most likely to forget most it? I don’t get it. I am still waiting to hear about nursing school at Kennesaw, so I want to be sure and do well in this class; but I don’t see an A in my foreseeable future, which does stress me out.

…deep breath… put on a smile… there you go…

So after looking back over the requirements for applying to GSU (again), it looks like I have to take two MORE classes BEFORE the program semester in which I am applying. I knew that I had to take them, but was unclear if I had to take them BEFORE the program started. Oh well, because there is no way I could have done anything about that before this spring anyway, because they have to be taken AT GSU, and I only got in recently for spring. So, I guess I will just take them in the spring, and postpone applying to the program, and instead, apply for fall; which is definitely frustrating, but not the end of the world. Seriously, it just seems like so many hurdles to go back to school; no wonder there is a shortage of nurses. They make it so difficult to do something simple (such as fulfill requirements), and it seems like time has got to be your friend… you need it to get where you can finally get into a program. Also, it is so difficult to work and go back to school… people that do it really know what I am talking about. Thank GOD my job is flexible.

Given this bad-ish news, the good news is that I did apply to KSU, and I don’t know the status of that application. I REALLY hope that I can get in there, which would make it more attractive to go there; I could start next summer. I like the idea of going to another school too, because I have already been to GSU; even though going to GSU is so much closer to my house. Additionally, I am scared shitless about what I am going to do for money during the time that I am school; I have no idea how to supplement my salary without working. I don’t want to take out a shitload of loans, but it seems like that might by my best option as of right now. I wonder how much they let students borrow; especially if they have loads of loans already under their belt? I guess I will find out, and then freak out accordingly. Again, how do people do this?!

I just feel so tied up, and I feel like I am wiggling, and wiggling, but the ropes are only slightly loosening. I just want to get there, and it seems like I have spent over a year of doing nothing but hurrying up to wait more… and all that lies before me is more waiting.

It’s just frustrating. Really, really frustrating. However, I KNOW that I just have to take deep breaths, put a smile on my face, and keep moving. But that doesn’t make it easy to do so. I guess I should just keep repeating that to myself, because days like this, it is really, really hard. Sorry to have a downer of a post, but eh, there it is. I’m dealing, so that’s all I have for you. Maybe something more upbeat will put a real smile on my face soon… here’s hoping.