Category: music musings

the wednesday run-down

Today, there are 5 distinct thoughts running through my head, so I thought I would give you a run down. In summation, here it is: 1) come on Dems!, 2) get this CD NOW, 3) examining relationships, 4) buying too much stuff?, and finally 5) comments on TV things. Let’s get started, but let’s keep it brief.

First of all, most people don’t think that I am critical (enough) of the Democrats actions. They are wrong. This is just great; now we can EXPECT an attack on Iran. Why were these guidelines abandoned? This just seems to keep getting worse and worse; if we don’t at least put caps and regulations on things, then things will continue to go in the same direction, and there will be NO changes. That can’t be allowed to happen! We need to send a message, that is LOUD and CLEAR to the president; no more occupation! No more war! Things just seem to be idling along, while real action needs to be taken. This is seriously disappointing, to say the least. UGH. We need some people that will take real action, fast.

In lighter fare, I am proud to announce the American release of a GREAT UK artist’s sophomore disc, entitled Back to Black. It is none other than the fantastical Amy Winehouse, and you must do yourself a favor and buy this CD today. It is only $8 at Target and Best Buy, and it is definitely $8 well spent. Let’s show our appreciation for bringing great artists to our shores, rather than leaving them as imports. Amy’s voice is an old classic voice, much like Billy Holiday, and it has power, class, soul, and life. The music is fantastic, like a hip hop jazz, and you will enjoy this if you enjoy great music. Do yourself a favor and pick it up today!

Relationships. UGH. Sometimes they are great. Sometimes they suck. Sometimes you realize that certain relationships in your life are not worth fighting for, but for whatever reason, they go on, because you let them. You don’t want yourself to be like them, so you do your part; even when they don’t do theirs. All that leads to is frustration, and the occasional cryptic portion of a blog post. I am just wondering what I will do next time they take it upon themselves to call. Perhaps I will just let it go for months on end, as it seems they prefer to do themselves; or maybe I will do what I did this time, and just suck it up, and sit through another fake attempt to maintain something that isn’t really there in the first place. Oh well… we’ll see. Relationships can really take it out of you. Thank God for the good ones.

I spent a lot of money yesterday and goodies that made me feel better. Sometimes, you just gotta pull out that card and swipe it. I am glad that I did, but I need to calm down. This is kind of a suggestion and a reminder of that need. Retail therapy! WOO!

Finally, I just want to say this, if you watch 24, were you not extremely excited that Martha came back this week? Even more than that, can you BELIEVE what she did to Logan?!?!? I LOVE YOU JEAN SMART!!!! YAY! Also, if that Sanjaya Malakar makes it through, I will be PISSED. Melinda, girl, you are my favorite, and I hope you win. Lastly, I wouldn’t mind having a three-way (or a four way if James wants in) with Chris Richardson and Blake Lewis. Those boys are hot AND they can sing!

Hope everyone is having a great hump day! That’s the run-down! I’m out!

POPcast episode 2, more soldier nonsense, and why Fox “news” is evil

A few weeks ago, I recorded the second episode of the Atlanta POPcast; a podcast where I highlight music that I want to get the word out about. As of yesterday, that podcast is now up, and ready for you to download, listen to, and enjoy!! Make sure you check it out. In this episode, I expose you to the greatness that is Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, and Jamelia, as well as a few fantastic singles. If you are hankering for some new pop music, this will definitely wet your appetite! I hope you enjoy my podcast, and know that I am already getting materials ready for episode number 3! I never thought I would like doing this, but it totally encourages me to find new music, as well as lets me share music I love with all of you. I am having fun with this, ya’ll!

Alright, seriously, I read this today, and I really hope that it is an awful farce, or at best, an extreme exaggeration. If they are really sending troops that are deemed unfit for battle back to Iraq, that is unacceptable. I am disgusted and appalled that the soldiers that are risking their lives in this war are continually being treated so badly. I never thought that it was so dreadfully awful to be in the military (well, I definitely don’t want to be in it myself), but unfortunately, I am being shown more and more everyday what an awful position it must be for those that have no other choice but going into the military. Those that choose to serve our country deserve much more than respect, they deserve to receive our fucking support already. Shame on anyone that had anything to do with this, as well as the other injustices that continually come to light about the troops. I just can’t believe that serving your country seems to get you continually shit on. It doesn’t have to be that way, and it has got to change.

Finally, THIS is the reason why Fox “news” is not ever going to be right, unless you follow that “right” with “wing” and “propaganda”. Seriously, I have said it before, and I know that at least one person watches this program for his news, and I just don’t get it. This is an organization that “predicted” the election back in 2004, and as a result, threw a huge fuck up in the air, causing doubt, and an eventual turn of events. Making the false into something true is what Fox “news” is really good at. If you don’t want to be given false information, steer clear of Fox “news”, please. And if you do watch/read it, I hope that you are intelligent enough to question things that don’t seem to add up, especially when they are the opposite of what the rest of the media is saying. And get over this “the media is leftist liberal” bullshit. It isn’t.

a brief coulter note, band notes, and a few words about veteren benefits/care

I was going to call this post, Tuesday whatnots, but I have read that you are supposed to be clear about what your posts are about, so there it is. Enjoy the lengthy url as well, won’t you? Alright, let’s get this party started, shall we?

Based on the response to Coulter’s stupidity, and complete ignorance about what gay people go through as children “on the school yard”, people are pulling their ads from her website. Perhaps what I want to happen will happen; people will stop putting her in front of a microphone and cameras, and her voice will die out. That would be the best that could happen, in my opinion; although, I do agree that one great thing she does, is make the conservatives look even crazier. Even so, I would rather her be gone, because most conservatives do a great job of being crazy on their own. So whether or not you agree with the use of the word (which, I don’t really think should be up for interpretation, but whatever), people are obviously responding, and that is good, in my opinion. Maybe she’ll wise up? I doubt it.

Basically, the band notes are just a shameless plug on bands that I have discovered, and have been enjoying a lot recently. No one commented on the Mat/Matt post, but I figure that my music tastes may not be for everyone (even though Mat K is insanely good, so you are missing out if you ignore it). Either way, I have laud praise where praise is due. Right now I am spinning the Kaiser Chiefs newest CD, Yours Truly, Angry Mob. I fell into it through the single “Ruby”, and I have to say, it is bloody good. I have never really payed much attention to Brit-punk rock, but I am liking this. Also, I think the lead singer is pretty cute. Another CD I can’t get enough of, is Kellie Pickler‘s CD, Small Town Girl. I don’t usually go for country, but it is flawless. I love her voice, and I think she is super cute (and you know you agree… she totally owns the ditzyness). I think that if this is the direction her career is headed, she has a successful future ahead of her. And just think… she wasn’t even in the top 4 of American Idol.

Other CDs I am IN LOVE with as of late: Lily Allen – Alright Still (LOVE her… seeing her on March 19th, and I can’t wait), Amy Winehouse – Back in Black (Is is me, or is her voice like one of the most amazingly beautiful things ever? And the music… wow), The Good, The Bad, and The Queen (YAY! Damon Albarn gets back to more of a Blur feel! And it’s good!), Dashboard Confessional – Dusk and Summer (Um, first of all, the lead is HOT, and I don’t know why I ignored them before now… love them! I know… I’m so emo), and of course, Katharine McPhee’s CD is great… but I already told you that.

Now, at the risk of making this kind of long post longer, I have to say, I have been following this Walter Reed/soldier benefit atrocity, and I have to tell you, it makes me sick to my stomach. Regardless if you believe in socialized health care or not, if ANYONE deserves the utmost respect and full financial support from this country, it is the troops. First, we don’t give them the training they need for combat. Then, we don’t give them the equipment to safely patrol a war zone. Then, when they get hurt, we fuck them over again, by making them stay in a hell hole. Then, when they try to get their benefits, they don’t get what they need, or worse, they get rejected or denied benefits. What the fuck is going on??? People that keep saying that they support the troops need to throw a TON OF MONEY at them… NOW. It is unacceptable that people that fight for our country come home battered, bruised, suffering from disease (mental and physical), and we turn our backs on them? How can that be possible? Some of those billions and billions of dollars need to be going to these awesome men and women, and NOW. I am sick of hearing about soldiers that are homeless, denied benefits, denied care, and whatnot; that is just sick, and you can’t point the finger at anyone but the government. SO DO SOMETHING, GOVERNMENT! They are counting on you!

And that is what I am thinking about today. You?

two boys named matt

Well, close enough anyway; one of them has two T’s, and other one only one in his name. But that doesn’t really matter.

I have been in a rock mood lately, and I was lucky enough to stumble on two great CDs that I had to share with you; after all, I like sharing music when it’s good. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I know I appreciate finding new music, and definitely appreciate hearing about it from others as well. Now, onto the music.

The first CD, Nothing Left To Lose, is the second CD by Mat Kearney (obviously the one with only one T). I discovered him by randomly seeing his video for the song “Nothing Left To Lose”, and I loved the song enough to snag the CD. And after a few listens, I can say that I am in love with it. I love his voice, because it is soft and sweet to the ears; all the while maintaining a worn, harder undertone. He sounds a lot (vocally, that is) like a mix between Chris Martin from Coldplay, and Adam Duritz from The Counting Crows; but has a little bit of that hip-hop funk Jason Mraz likes to throw down (without the cockiness). His sound is sort of light pop-rock, but sometimes has an interesting blend of folk sounds with some hip-hop beats and rap-lite singing. The whole CD is definitely a good listen, and is one that I find myself craving a lot lately. A few of the songs are so infectious, I find myself waking up with them in my head. With the initial praise aside, I must say that the more hip-hop oriented songs were harder for me to get into, but after listening to this CD over and over for a few days now (I told you I loved it), I am digging the whole disc, start to finish. I was hooked on “Nothing Left To Lose”, and have been reeled into the rest, because, well, the CD is damn good start to finish. It also doesn’t hurt, that when I listen to his beautiful voice, I have a mental image of his beautiful face, and I just imagine that he is singing to me (*swoon*). All hail the hotness that is Mat Kearney; beautiful face, beautiful voice, and a great singer/songwriter to boot. I will have to see him when he comes to Atlanta, for sure. I am also going to have to pick up his first, more independent CD, because if this is his sophomore effort, who knows what gems may be on that one. I hope he gains more momentum, and gets a lot more attention, because unlike many artists today, he actually deserves it; and this CD deserves the full six out of six stars (). Standouts: Nothing Left to Lose, Undeniable (this will get stuck in your head!!!), In The Middle, and the beautiful, What’s a Boy To Do (probably my favorite).

Another CD that I have been spinning lately, is the new disc by Matt Wertz, titled Everything In Between. Since I reviewed the other Mat’s CD, I will start by saying that this Matt’s sound is a little like Mat Kearney’s sound, but without the hip-hop stuff. Also he definitely has more of a Mark Broussard quality to his music, as it is pretty upbeat, somewhat jazzy-poppy-rock (and even a pinch of country), and fun to listen to. He definitely uses more of a jazzy-rock influence to his stuff, and manages to create a mature pop-rock vibe with his stuff. There is a lot of guitar, mandolin, organ, and other great sounds on th CD, and his voice is extremely pleasant to listen to. For whatever reason, he really reminds me of someone, but I can’t put my finger on exactly who it is… I would say that he is probably a little bit Bebo Norman, Stephan Jenkins (of Third Eye Blind), and maybe a little bit of a less emphatic Gavin DeGraw; but not necessarily all of those things rolled into one. Either way, I love the slight raspyness of his voice, which really makes for some great songs on this disc. It is a little bit more rock-y than the other Mat, and definitely more pop, but that isn’t a negative thing at all. The whole CD is a good listen, and I like the ballads just as much as I like the upbeat stuff. Interestingly enough, I checked him out on, and he lists Jars of Clay as one of his influences, and he even started out by touring with them, doing Young Life concerts and whatnot. I find this extremely interesting, to say the least, because Jars have always been one of my favorite bands. Even though he got his start at religious concerts, I don’t think that he is a Christian singer, as he really doesn’t say anything about religion in any of his songs on this record, and, he doesn’t say one way or another on his website. Well, not that his religiousness really matters to me at all, I just thought the close connection to one of my favorite bands was definitely interesting. Overall, I liked this CD right from the first listen, and while I definitely like every song, for whatever reason, I’m going to give it a five out of six stars (); but not because there is anything about it I don’t like, it is mainly because there are CDs that I love, and this one falls just shy of that love. Either way, no need to split hairs, because it’s definitely good, and I am glad I discovered it. Standouts: I Will Not Take My Love, With You Tonight, Capitol City, and Carolina.

introducing… the Atlanta POPcast

I want to welcome you to the very first episode of the Atlanta POPcast!! I just recorded my first podcast this weekend, entitled the Atlanta POPcast, and the first episode of the show is officially up and live on the Georgia Podcast Network. This is a new venture for me, and hopefully, it will be something that I do fairly regularly, and will help me continue my quest in finding the best pop music there is out there; and then bring it to you.

In this podcast, I explore none other than the beast that is pop music. Far too much music is released all over the world every single week for one person to sift through and find the good stuff, and as someone that has had a hard time in the past, I know how it can be frustrating to be left with only a few good choices. I also find it frustrating to rely on sources like the radio, because often they pass of utter crap as pop, and we are expected to buy it; but sometimes, it is just too much to bear.

Since my insatiable appetite for music only grows with each passing day, I am constantly on the look out for good pop, stuff that can literally be music to my ears, and I often find some really great stuff (often with the help of friends). Additionally, I, being a giving and caring person that I am, really wanted an opportunity to share this great music that I find with others; because there is a good chance that if I had to search hard for it, many others haven’t yet heard it! That’s where this POPcast comes in!!

I will use this podcast as a forum to play clips of songs from the albums that I feel are worthy enough to present, so that you can get a better feel of an artist’s album; from someone who likes the CD, not just a music critic. I will be doing my best each episode to bring you a few different CDs, and hopefully, we can explore some great pop artists and albums together. If I turn one listener into a fan of some great pop, then I have accomplished my mission. There’s so much out there we are missing out on, and hopefully, this can at least bring a few more CDs to your collection.

So, go to the Georgia Podcast Network, download my POPcast, and check out what I have been spinning; you may find music you too will fall in love with!! I will also be sharing singles that are tearing up my ipod, because sometimes, we have to face it, not everyone can pull together a great record, and one song or two may be all they’ve got. But that won’t stop us from loving what they have, right?!!!

I hope you will go and check out this episode of my podcast, as well as continue to check back for future episodes. Feel free to give me some suggestions if you have a great pop band out there that you want people to hear about… I am always in the market for new tunes, and it may end up on the show! Let me know how you like my podcast, okay?

some reviews for you to peruse

A gloomy cold day calls for some music, movies, and a video game review! Let’s get started!

Katharine McPhee’s self titled album came out this week, and based off of two songs I had heard already, I was definitely curious to hear this one. I know a lot of people are fans of American Idol, and I know just as many are against the whole show “creating” music, but if there is one thing it can do, is find a great singer. Now, what happens to that singer varies… they can get good material and go with it, or they can fizzle and go nowhere. And it’s clear that it can be hit or miss, as the winner Taylor’s CD isn’t doing to well, as it is steadily falling (almost) off the charts, but fellow contestant Daughtry’s CD is in the top 10. So where does that leave us with the runner up from last year? Well, over all, her CD isn’t what I was expecting from her. Sure, there’s a fair number of ballads and whatnot, stuff that you would expect from am American Idol, but she really branched out with her interpretation of pop. There are several danceable tracks, and even some more edgy/hip-hop sounding stuff; much of it using the current Nelly Furtado/Fergie formula, but making it better, well, at least better than anything Fergie did. While I don’t think the CD is flawless, as there are a few songs I could just do without, it is definitely well produced, and quite enjoyable. If you liked her on the show, and you like pop, I recommend the CD, because she has a great voice, and they even picked a few surprises for her to sing; as well as a few good surprises. Stand outs for me include: Over It, Love Story, Open Toes, Each Other, and Ordinary World (which sounds a lot like it should have been/could have been a Delta Goodrem song). I would say that this is probably akin to a JoJo or Christina Aguilera type of pop, with some Delta Goodrem gems thrown in, so if that is your bag, pick this up! i’m glad I did! I would give it somewhere between four and five stars, but since I don’t do half marks, I will just give it the benefit of the doubt and round it up to a 5 ; because the good ones are really good, which in this case, makes up for the not so good ones.

Now, the next CD I want to talk about is pure sugary syrup poured into the shape of a CD, and hardened. I am talking about the debut disc from the Lebanese Brit known simply as MIKA. Basically, I heard a lot of buzz about MIKA’s upcoming album (released sometime in Feb) from the uber-pop blogs, and that much attention certainly made me sit up and take notice. And boy I am glad I did. Let me put it this way, MIKA is equivalent to taking the Scissor Sisters, The Jackson Five, and Elton John, mixing them together, while having Freddie Mercury sing the vocals. The result is super catchy sort of kitschy songs that are definitely feel good, and hearken a sound used by groups in the feel good pop business, like the Monkees. This is dance-rock-pop that is just as happy-go-lucky sappy as it gets. He definitely has a sound that isn’t too mainstream here in the states, but my guess, is that he will do quite well everywhere else. There are a few tracks that are more down to earth, and slightly more “serious” but the feeling of the CD stays pretty consistent throughout; this is a great pop album. If you are in a bad mood, I would put this one in and you would definitely be smiling in no time. Stand outs for me include: Grace Kelly (probably one of the catchiest songs EVER), Lollipop, Love Today (which sounds like a Scissor Sisters track, which, many of them do), Relax Take It Easy, Billy Brown (gay content! which makes me wonder about MIKA), Big Girls (You Are Beautiful) (which is definitely the “follow-up” to Fat Bottom Girls by Queen, if there ever was one), and Any Other World. Overall, this is just a fun CD to listen to, and I definitely recommend it. Too bad it’s an import… Oh well. I enjoyed this so much, and do every time I listen to it, that this one definitely deserves the full six out of six stars !!! This is one that I will definitely keep listening to, over and over.

Today’s movie review is for the new Jennifer Garner movie, Catch and Release. She hasn’t been in anything lately, and when I heard she was in this, I had to run out and see it. You see, she is my favorite actress, after all. Now, I didn’t read much about the movie, and I am honestly glad I didn’t. It has gotten rotten reviews, and most of the focus has been on the strange vehicle for this romantic comedy. It starts with a funeral, and it is pretty dark for the first part of the film, and then quickly, it shifts gears to become the romantic comedy it was destined to be. While there are a ton of surprises in this film, the story is pretty sincere, and goes places that not many “feel good, chick flicks” tend to go. They really explore what would happen if you lost a lover, and found out some not-so-sweet things about them after their death. It also looks at who you can count on, and who you should watch out for. Overall, I really liked the film, and I think I will have to see it again to truly appreciate it; mainly due to the surprises I vaguely mentioned. There was a lot of laugh out loud humor in the movie, and I thought that Jennifer Garner really carried the movie (not to say the others in the movie weren’t great). The only problem comes from how quickly people seemed to move on, or change, but considering that it was a 2 hour glimpse into the fictitious lives of characters, it is forgivable. Suspend a little bit of your belief about how relationships “should” work, and you should be okay. Only because of the quirks I asked you to suspend when watching it yourself, I give this 4 out of 6 stars ; it was still a pretty good movie.

Today’s last review focuses on our most recent video game purchase for the Wii. After our friend John brought over his copy of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, I was convinced that we needed it for our own collection of games. Not because of the main game, of course, which is actually quite stupid; but for the mini games. This one boasts 50 different mini games, ranging from bowling, to darts, to ring toss, and so on. You can fly a bird, you can drive hover carts, and you can even slingshot monkey balls at balloons. Some of the games are pretty stupid and simplistic, but many of the ones I mentioned have been played over and over at my house. This is definitely a title to have when people are coming over… just make sure you have enough Wii-motes AND nun-chucks… some of the games require both; and some of those games are quite fun! Overall, I would give this game a 5 out of 6 stars . The only reason it doesn’t get all six, is because the main game is pretty much shit.

Whew! That was a lot to get out! Hope everyone stays warm today… even though, it really isn’t that cold. I hope to start reviewing more stuff for my blog, because I really enjoy doing it. I am also going to work on the CD and DVD review pages… stay tuned for that too!

my favorite CDs of 2006

See!! I told you I would!!! I have been sick for several days, but I am feeling better, and as a result, it is time… because you really wanted to know; my favorite CDs of 2006!! Now, this list is in no way representative of EVERYTHING I was loving in 2006, because I experienced a resurgence in my music interests half way through the year, and as a result, spent a lot of time catching up with great stuff I had missed… but, a lot of that stuff didn’t come out in 2006, so most of it won’t be on this list. Now, on to the goods. Here is the list of my favorite albums of 2006 (in no particular order, except for number one, because it is definitely my favorite of 2006):

Scissor Sisters – Ta Dah

Basically, this is the best CD of the year by a far. It is no secret how much I love this band, and I was more than excited to hear their sophomore effort, and it was everything I could have hoped for and more. Scissor Sisters are definitely one of the most talented bands in music today, and it is great to see such great music being made.

Stand out tracks: I Don’t Feel Like Dancing, Might Tell You Tonight, Everybody Wants the Same Thing.

Shiny Toy Guns – We Are Pilots

This is probably one of the most infectious pop records I have heard in recent months. I discovered this on one of my favorite pop music blogs, and have been loving it ever since. I describe it as if 80s music were done really really well, and was excellently produced, well, you would get something like this (or, if the Killers were good, they would sound like this). With both male and female leads, this group changes it up throughout the record and gives nothing but well produced pop. Pure candy for the ears. (Additional note: There are songs that were not included on the 2006 release (the major label release) of this record and many are fantastic. Make sure and download them any way you can; you won’t be sorry)
Stand Out Tracks: Don’t Cry Out, Waiting, Rainy Monday.

Dixie Chicks – Taking the Long Way

Controversy erupted on this very blog when I advocated support for the Dixie Chicks because of their outspoken take on politics, and I took flack for implying one should buy a CD because they agree with someone’s politics; but what was missing, was the fact that I love the Chick’s music as well. This CD is perhaps their best, in my opinion, and is obviously a big FU to those fans that turned their backs on them; they are staying, and are extremely talented, whether you want to admit it or not. It seems they don’t care if you do.

Stand out tracks: The Long Way Around, Not Ready To Make Nice, Bitter End.

Hellogoodbye – Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!

I discovered this band through the video for the song “Here (In Your Arms), and initially, gave them very little thought. But, that song proved to be so infectious, that I checked out the rest of the CD, and ended up finding one of my favorite records of the year. If you like the aforementioned song, the whole record will fill you with sheer delight. Trust me. They are awesome. I saw them at the Masquerade, and these boys put on a great show, too. Definitely a band to keep your eye, and ears, on.

Stand Out Tracks: All Time Lows, Touchdown Turnaround, I Saw It On Your Keyboard.

Shayne Ward

The self-titled debut of the winner of the UK’s X-Factor has a lot of what Kelly Clarkson’s debut had: Raw talent. Not only is this boy extremely beautiful, he can sing beautifully! I can’t even describe how well he sings, other than to say his version of Over the Rainbow gives me chills. If you love pop, this is totally for you. An appropriate number of covers, and some very well written “launch” singles. Why can’t they do that for the Idols that win here? Oh well, at least we have Shayne…

Stand Out Tracks: No Promises, Stand By Me, Next To Me.


The American Idol cast off proves that not only can he sing, but he’s got the goods to make a great album. This rock album is not what I was expecting from an AI alum, but I am pleased that it wasn’t; it’s excellent! It is seriously an album of singles, great singles. It was obvious when he was on the show that Chris has a talent for rock, and now he has had the chance to prove himself, and prove himself he did. If you like good rock, check this out. It doesn’t hurt that he is definitely nice to look at as well…

Stand Out Tracks: It’s Not Over, Over You, Feels Like Tonight.

Danity Kane

Laugh all you want, but I followed these girls through their grueling tryouts on Making the Band, and they can sing, dance, and do it all. This CD doesn’t disappoint either; I am not a huge hip hop fan, and I love this record. It is just so well produced and fun to listen to. I was glad to see the CD came out so well, because I watched the show in anticipation of their debut, hoping I would be pleased with this group I just wanted to love. Needless to say, I was more than satisfied. Diddy did something great by forming his girl group, and I for one can’t wait to see what they do next.

Stand Out Tracks: One Shot, Hold Me Down, Touching My Body.

All Saints – Studio 1

If you have heard of the All Saints, you should check out what they bring to the table with their “comeback” record. These girls are back with everything I liked about them back in the day (haha, just a few years ago, that is), and totally bring a fresh sound that is great to dance to. This is pop with a pulse. A bunch of the songs definitely have an edgy vibe, but it only brings out the ghettoness I have come to love in the All Saints; trust me, it sounds like you really shouldn’t piss these girls off. This is one import from the UK that you should be ordering if you want to hear a sample of what’s good that is going on over seas.

Stand Out Tracks: Rock Steady, Not Eazy, Hell No.

Dreamgirls Motion Picture Soundtrack (Deluxe Edition)

What else do I need to do to get you to see this movie??? Seriously, one of the best movies of the year, which also happens to be a kick ass musical, has a spot on the favorite CD list because after you see the movie, you will be singing the songs over and over in your head. This edition has every gem from the film, and if you liked this movie, is a CD that should be in your collection. I love when they remake musicals for film and get it right. This is one of those times. Jennifer Hudson is simply amazing. Wow.
Stand Out Tracks: And I’m Telling You, Move, One Night Only (both versions!!!), Listen.

Girls Aloud – The Sound of Girls Aloud… Greatest Hits

Basically, this is the MUST have Girls Aloud CD. It has all of their hits, and even some new great tracks. In case you are like, um, who is Girls Aloud, well, then it is time for you to come out from under that rock and realize that these girls are doing everything they can to save pop overseas… and they are doing a great job! A very danceable group, with the occasional ballad, Girls Aloud usually find themselves at the top of the charts for a good reason; they make great fun music, and I for one, am all about it! If you are just getting into them, this is the CD you want to start with. Now that you know, go and get it now.

Stand Out Tracks: Something Kinda Oooh, The Show, Love Machine, Biology.

Tunng – Comments of the Inner Chorus

The song Woodcat was recommended to me by a friend with a rather eclectic music taste, and I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the weird vibe the song has. Since my interest was peaked, I decided to check out the whole CD, and it has a sound like I haven’t heard before; very airy, natural, acoustic, electronic, with interesting samples of vocal cuts, and just weird sounds in general, all coming together to make an enjoyable musical sound. This is definitely not a radio friendly record, but that is partly why I like it… It is probably the record that if seen in your car, people would be like, WTF? But you would know that it is something pleasant and awesome to listen to. I haven’t heard anything else quite like this.

Stand Out Tracks: Woodcat, Jenny Again, It’s Because We’ve Got Hair.

Indigo Girls – Despite Our Differences

While I don’t think this is the BEST Indigo Girls record, it is definitely a collection of great songs, some of which are fantastic (some of which instantly became favorites of mine). The only ones that I think bring the record down are some weird Amy Ray cuts; but that tends to be the trend with the Indigo Girls when it comes to my personal tastes. If you are a fan of previous Indigo Girls work, you will be satisfied, because if there is one thing that I love about the Girls, is that they know what their fans like, and are fantastic at delivering it; great acoustic rock with heartfelt lyrics. They also put on a damn fine show.

Stand Out Tracks: I Believe In Love (OMG I LOVE THIS SONG), Rock and Roll Heaven’s Gate, Lay My Head Down.

Sugababes – Overloaded: The Singles Collection

Basically, this description should be close to the description of the Girls Aloud CD above; these girls make great pop, and this is the definitive collection of most of their top singles. There are new songs included on the release, with Easy being probably the best song they have put out to date, and if it signals a move in that direction, I am in for the long haul. If you love girls that love to get down, and if you love some just great pop, this is the group for you. Push the Button is probably one of the most addictive songs you will ever here. Be warned. The only thing that I would have loved to have seen on this collection is their insanely amazing cover of the Arctic Monkeys “I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor”; which is much better than the Monkey’s version.

Stand Out Tracks: Push The Button, Easy, Red Dress, Caught In A Moment.

Rascal Flatts – Me and My Gang

I am not usually a country person, but this is the exception; perhaps because they have been nicknamed the boyband of country music. Most of their stuff is sappy ballads, but that is what I love about them. They have had a few stand out songs in the past, which got me to finally look into a whole CD, and surprisingly, I love almost every song on this disc. If you don’t like country, I would give this a try, because it is definitely more pop than country, and some of the lyrics to these songs will bring more than one tear to your eyes. Sappy pop-country ballads… mmm, what more could you want?

Stand Out Tracks: What Hurts The Most, Stand, My Wish.

Pink – I’m Not Dead

I was only interested in this CD because of the song Dear Mr President; which is excellently written and produced, but when I got the CD in the mail, I was surprised to find out that this is a pretty kick ass record. While Pink hasn’t even really been a favorite artist of mine, she has occasionally put out something I really liked, and in this case, she just happened to put a whole album of things I liked. There are a ton of potential singles from this record, many of which have been released overseas, but not here for whatever reason. It is also good to note that this isn’t like the Pink of yesterday… this is much more rock, and I like this direction she is headed in.

Stand Out Tracks: Dear Mr. President, Long Way To Happy, Leave Me Along (I’m Lonely)


Most people would probably be surprised that I am secretly into hard rock, and specifically hard classic rock, and this is an excellent example of both. Listening to this reminds me a lot of Black Sabbath, and I love it. I discovered this group through their song Woman on Guitar Hero II, and instantly had to hear more. When I got this CD, I was so elated that there was something that could rock the way they used to rock, and stay true to themselves at the same time. If you are a fan of the classic rock sound, and want to hear something new at the same time, these guys may be for you. Their sound also reminds me a lot of White Stripes, but without that creepiness that they give off (at least for me).

Stand Out Tracks: Woman, Dimension, Colossal.

And two honorable mentions (only because if I call them “best of 2006”, I might get egged or something like that, because I am sure many will NOT agree. Either way, they are both lots of fun, and actually are pretty great CDs whether you agree or not; seriously.):

Paris Hilton – Paris

I heard today that there is actually some controversy as to whether or not it is actually Paris singing on this album, and honestly, that doesn’t surprise me, the songs on the record are fun, radio-friendly, and totally dance-tastic. If you love pop as much as I do, and love good pop (not that shit Fergie and Gwen Stefani call pop) then you will appreciate the cheesy deliciousness of this CD. Also, remember, that you don’t always have to take yourself so seriously… this is one excuse to let your hair down and have fun for a minute. I mean, the sample from Grease in I Want You is worth the entire price of the CD in my opinion. Cheesy? Yes. Fun? Hell Yes. Really well produced? Surprisingly… that is why it is so good; NOT Paris Hilton.

Stand Out Tracks: I Want You, Screwed, Turn You On, Nothing In This World.

Pussycat Dolls – PCD

HOT DAMN. Seriously, I tried so fucking hard to resist these bitches, but they kept putting out better and better singles. And then it happened, they dropped fucking Buttons on me. Buttons was, and still remains one of the top 5 songs released in all of 2006. That song is so hot, you better not touch the single too long, or you will get burned. H-O-T is what P-C-D is all about. Sure, they aren’t really a band, they are burlesque act; but they are a really good act, and they can actually sing (well, Nicole can). Either way, they are full of great production, and each single is the type of pop I want to hear on the radio; Black Eyed Peas take note!! This is how it SHOULD be done; stop that shit you are doing.

Stand Out Tracks: Stickwitu, BUTTONS (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I Don’t Need A Man.

Hope you guys liked my list. Let me know what you were digging in 2006; I am always open to new suggestions!!! Also, I know many of you are scratching your head thinking, “Where is Gnarls Barkley?”. While I do like that CD a lot, I think it was WAY over hyped, and I am not going to continue that hype here. It was good, but not THAT great, ya’ll. Also, understand that there are probably other great CDs that came out in 2006, but these are the ones I listened to and fell in love with. Again, if you feel like something is missing, let me know and I will check it out!!! The movie list should be coming up soon too… stay tuned!

year’s end movie and music raves and rants…

I usually do that year end music and movie set of posts, and this year will be no different; only thing is that I will probably have to spill over into 2007 a little… as December has been a hectic month.

But I am sure you forgive me, don’t you? Stay tuned, because there are some CDs and movies that I am just gushing over, and can’t wait to share with you. Now I see you shiver with antici….


Check back! Right now I am trying to enjoy what little “vacation” I actually got this year!

Tower Records is closing

But it makes me wonder… this was inevitable right? I mean, $25 for a CD is hardly something most people would pay when they can get it for $15 cheaper at Target. Well, I went today to check out the closing sale (30-50% off!!!!), and was hugely disappointed. All of the imports were still over $20!!! WTF? Maybe they will get cheaper when it gets closer to the actual closing.

The experience did inspire me to write Tower a little letter, though, and I shall post that here (and on my LJ):

Dear Tower Records,

I went to your Atlanta store today to check out some of the hot deals you claimed to be offering, since all of your stores everywhere are closing due to the subsequent end of your business. But, much to my chagrin, all I managed to see (minus a few choice used CDs I was able to locate and purchase, thankfully) was the stuff that you sell at jacked up prices offered at a mere 30-40% off; which, in many cases, doesn’t decrease the price to within an acceptable proximity to prices on the same things online or even at our friendly neighborhood Target store. I was confused, because I mistakenly came into your store seeking deals on items that were most often labeled with higher prices than any other establishment. While I understand that you want to get the most you can on this closing, I challenge you to look at this situation as a learning opportunity; it is my bet that, at least in some partial capacity, the reason you have gone out of business is because said prices were way to high to attract and maintain a loyal customer base. For instance, when I want to purchase an album by an artist that is from the UK, an import CD, if you will, while I know it is available in your fine store, I, being the able-minded boy that I am, also know that I can purchase the exact same thing from a fine online retailer such as, or even the collector’s paradise known as ebay. Again, I understand your need for profit, but when I can have the same CD you are selling for $25 delivered in pristine condition to my home in just 5 short days for only $6, well, then, my decision has been made for me, and I must admit that I have then become part of the momentum that has caused your business’s demise. While I do hate to see your fine retail establishment concede defeat, I will not miss the prices which caused me to seek out other means of fulfilling my UK pop/import CD needs. I do want to wish you good luck in all future endeavours, but urge you to please use this information in an attempt to potentially save yourself future financial downfalls.

Yours Truly,

Now mark down those imports before I come back, please!!!!

continuing musical awakening

It is like I have suddenly been jolted from sleep; I have one of my biggest and best hobbies back in full swing. In fact, it is like I am making up for lost time!!! Here’s some of the great stuff that I have uncovered lately:

Shayne Ward – Shayne Ward: Winner of X-Factor in the UK… (hottie in the picture left) teh hotness; and a BEAUTIFUL singer. Seriously, my knees get weak when I hear some of those songs. He commands a powerful voice, and sings some seriously beautiful songs. Lots of covers too, but it is to be expected.
Ronan Keating – Bring You Home: He’s back!!! A few covers (to be expected), but overall a good show from a good singer/producer. Pop goodness.
Shiny Toy Guns – We Are Pilots: A terribly fun throwback to 80s synth-pop, with a more modern feel. Really good stuff. I usually don’t like something instantly, but for some reason, I really like this.
Hellogoodbye – ZOMBIES! ALIENS! VAMPIRES! DINOSAURS!!: I mentioned them before, but I am officially in love. LOVE. Seriously, I want to see them at Masquerade on Nov 9. Anyone in?
Anastacia – Pieces of a Dream: I FINALLY got her greatest hits (damn you US and your silly music “import” crap!), and I must say, I still don’t understand why she isn’t super famous here. Seriously.
JoJo – The High Road: This is a cute little pop-hip-hop CD. She definitely can sing, and definitely works hard for the money. I LOVE that she sampled Africa by Toto… awesome.
Paris Hilton – Paris: I know what you are thinking, Paris Hilton?!? But seriously, she did snag some hot producers, because they turned out some hot tracks for her. I don’t like everything, but of what I do like, I really like. I know, I know, I should be ashamed, but I am not. Deal. It’s not like I said “Fergie” or anything. Bleck!
John Mayer – Continuum: I haven’t gotten to listen to this as much as I would like to, but I really like what I have heard. I felt like I sold it short initially, because I was all, “eh”. But a deeper listen reveals that Mayer is definitely growing. I think this could even be better than his debut.
Jem – Finally Woken: It couldn’t be more appropriately titled; because where the hell have I been, asleep? Those of you that know that I love Imogen Heap should have told me about Jem. Shame.
The Backstreet Boys – Never Gone: Um, I know what you are thinking (again), but why did this CD not do better? Seriously, it’s good! Trust me! (If you like BSB, that is)

I find that as I am getting back into music, I am getting very lucky in having a friend that shares my music tastes, and is constantly introducing me to more and more UK pop that so many have made so much fun of me for such a long time. Yes, I own every Westlife album, and now I can wear that badge with pride (at least around him). As a result, I ordered some pop albums I missed out on:
Hear’Say – Popstars AND Everybody
S Club 7 – 7
Girls Aloud – Chemistry
Sugababes – Taller In More Ways
H & Claire – Another You Another Me
Liberty X – Thinking It Over
Now, if you are wondering who these acts are… go wiki them, they are/were all famous UK pop acts in the past few years, and I have fallen in UK pop love. I am just glad that I have a friend that has shown me where I left the path, and how to get back on. Thanks Stu!

I have also been exposed to/am currently in the process of checking out some Da Buzz (who knew they had multiple albums and not just one fantastical song???), Atomic Kitten, Clea, new Ben Folds, Delta Goodrem, and new Damien Rice (finally).