Category: happenings

“have a nice night, ladies!”

Last night, James, John, Andrew and I went to Flat Iron in the EAV for dinner, and chose to sit outside, because those of you that know this place, know it can be rather smoky inside. We found a table near the back of the outside section, and pulled up a few chairs, ordered our food, and got ready to enjoy our dinner.

While we were sitting there, we made comments about the people around us, nothing negative, more along the lines of, “hey, that guy right there is really cute, don’t you think?”, and we made small talk about this, that, and the other. Nothing that was said about the cuteness of anyone around us was said at an audible level where others could pick up what we were saying. We enjoyed ourselves, and our meal was good; but the guy sitting behind James, who was sitting with two other women at the last table (meaning no table was behind their’s) continually chain smoked, and blew the smoke directly at us and our table, even though there was no one on the other side of him. I remarked a few times at how rude of a smoker he was, because most people that smoke have the respect for others to not blog smoke continually in their faces; but this guy lacked that basic curtosey. I never made a remark other than, “what a rude smoker”, and again, only at an audible level necessary to have only my table hear my remarks.

While I did notice that the table seemed to react to most of what we were talking about when we were speaking at normal volume, I didn’t really pay it any mind, because I figured they just had nothing better to do, than listen to our conversation.

Just as we were finishing our meal, the three of them got up to leave, and the two women went first, while the guy stood up to put on his coat. In doing so, he hit James in the head with his arm, and flung his coat right in James’ face. While James let it go, it wouldn’t be the last interaction we would have from this guy. As he walked behind John and Andrew, he leaned in to our table and said loudly, “have a nice night, ladies!”. We all looked at each other, and said, “was he talking to us?”, and when it was quickly decided that he was, we said loudly, “um, what the fuck? What did he just say?”. Upon hearing our retort, he comes quickly back over to our table, leans in and says, “just so you know, you aren’t in a neighborhood where you can just talk shit about people you don’t know. I would be aware of that, if I were you.”. Kind if in awe, we all just looked at each other, and tried to figure out what “shit” we had talked about this guy (other than he was really cute; which went out the window at that point).

What I don’t get, is how this guy felt that us being gay, and talking amongst ourselves in the EAV was the “wrong neighborhood” for “us”. Basically, he was saying that we didn’t belong in that neighborhood because we were gay; and he was angry because apparently, we were talking shit about him. He is right about one thing, we did talk shit about him. He was a fucking asshole for blowing smoke in our faces the entire time we were there, and as such, I repeatedly mentioned that he was a rude smoker. But that was it. If he took offense to the fact that 4 gay men thought he was cute, that is his issue; but the problem, is that he was obviously uncomfortable around us, presumably because we were gay.

I also find it interesting that the EAV, for him, was the “wrong neighborhood” for gay people, espcially on that night, as the brand spanking new lesbian bar was opening one block over, which is just a hop skip and a jump from one of Atlanta’s most popular gay bars, Mary’s.

It was clear, that we were being gay bashed, even if it wasn’t name calling, physical violence, or something worse. The girls at the table next to us were also upset about the exchange, and told us that they were sorry, and that they hated people like that, but we tried to drop it and move on. It really wasn’t that big of a deal, to be honest, and I realized that then, and still believe it now, but even though it was a minor interaction with a homophobe, it really brings back the fact that, to many, we are not welcome because of who we are. People hate us because we are gay, and there isn’t anything that we can do about that. It is nice to have the shield that comes from living in the city, but this proves that even this close to the heart of Atlanta, we can still encounter hate and ridicule because of who we are.

I for one am glad that there was no further altercation, and that it wasn’t any worse; but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, because I never expected something so crass at a place like Flat Iron. I also never thought that I would ever be “gay bashed” in the East Atlanta Village, a place that James and I really think of as part of our neighborhood, and home. I honestly hope that this guy doesn’t run into me again, because I would definitely be forced to say something to him again. I just wonder why people like him find it necessary to live in the city (or come to places that are extremely open and accepting like the EAV and Flat Iron), if they are unwilling to be accepting of different cultures, people, and sexualities? I am not going anywhere, buddy, so if you have a problem with gays, I suggest you hightail it up to Cobb county, because that is one place you won’t see many of “our kind”.

The whole experience just makes me realize just how shielded we are by living in the city, and how lucky we have it that we don’t have to be as hidden as those gays that live in smaller, more suburban areas. It also makes me never want to live in a small suburban area ever again.

see, I told you I would give praise where it was due…

Today, I am going to write a post PRAISING George W. Bush. That’s right, you heard me correctly. I am going to praise him for something wonderful he has done. Something that is so close to my heart, and my life’s cause, that I can’t let it go by without acknowledgement. Does this mean that I think that this nullifies all of his other fuck ups? No, but it does mean that I can definitely see good where it truly shines; and today, that is in Bush’s recent requests from Congress.

Yesterday, Bush requested that Congress authorize $30 billion dollars to combat AIDS, and to provide medications for those afflicted with the disease. This money would go towards stopping AIDS worldwide, and providing medications for those that cannot afford it, in areas that are too poor to afford outrageous pharmaceutical mark ups. This is in addition to the $15 billion that he asked for back in 2003, and shows a clear and concentrated effort to truly help those afflicted with AIDS worldwide. This is amazing coming from the president, especially when you consider, that Reagan never even said the world AIDS during his presidency. Truly a monumental achievement to have our president focused on such an amazingly humanitarian effort.

I am honestly speechless that this amazingly large support for ending AIDS worldwide comes from a president that still touts abstinence only as the only method we can use in teaching our children how to prevent HIV infection in the states. At least somewhere in him, he realizes that the need for more than that is real, and as such, he is actually working with world leaders to make this a global effort.

There are critics to his plan, that focus on the fact that this is not enough money to truly make the type of dent that is necessary to take control of the epidemic. While I do agree that it is not enough, and while I see where they are coming from, I think that Bush has the right idea; it is important for every nation that can throw money at this thing to throw money at it. It can’t be something that the US does alone; if we want to stop it worldwide, we have got to use the rest of the world to do it with us. I for one, am excited to see what comes out of the upcoming global summit, with regards to what other top nations are going to offer as well. I will also have my attention focused on what Bush says about climate change, but we won’t get into that today, because I want to focus on the positive.

Bush, you have done a great thing. Even if one of your main motivators is giving the US good face, since we have been responsible for the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, it is STILL a good thing. I do, however, find it extremely odd that Christians, and Christian conservatives are so willing to embrace these efforts to help those that need it most in developing nations, when they continue to turn their backs on the people right at their doorsteps. I also find it weird that the focus on ridding the world of AIDS seems to be solely focused on the developing world, when it is still a real problem here in the US. I know that you can’t always have your cake and eat it too, and I certainly don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, so these are things that I will just silently ponder; because while they are still important points, I don’t want to shit on the good that is being done with this initiative.

Again, THANK YOU Mr. Bush for showing that you have a compassionate bone in your body. Perhaps, this effort for the US to provide more generosity (even if it is only for the sake of saving face) will spill over into other issues, and we can continue to do more good in the world; perhaps so much, that we can stop doing the bad things, and focus solely on the good things. This is the direction we need to be going in as a nation, and I for one, am glad to see that not only are we capable of doing it, but there is at least some momentum that is going in that direction; even if it is only a little bit. If we want to have a great nation, we have to have it in a great world, and the only way we are going to make that happen, is through leadership, support, and compassion. The only way to make ourselves truly great, is to help those that we can, and do what is right.

(source; for the image too)

an important note from the editor

I have been giving a lot of thought as to what has been going on here for the past couple of days, as well as what has transpired over the past few weeks, and I have to say, I am getting quite fed up with feeling like I have to constantly defend myself with everything that I say. Point being, that I have made some decisions regarding this blog, as well as decisions regarding what I am willing to put up with in the future. I have made these decisions, because before a couple of months ago, I actually enjoyed blogging, and now it has become a complete and utter nuisance, because I know, that no matter what I say, there will be someone who feels like it is their right to come around here and fuck it all up.

Now, I know that I can ignore those people, and go about my business as usual, but honestly, I don’t think that I should have to. I am the one that pays for the hosting service and the domain name I am the one that uploaded wordpress, and tweaked the style to be how I like it. I am the one that wrote all of the content, including the “non-blog” stuff. So, as far as I can tell, this is my space on the internet. This is my home. And, I am sick and tired of letting people come over to my home and shit on the floor. I am not going to continue yelling at these people for shitting on the floor; I am going to kick them the fuck out of my house, and clean up the shit and move on.

If you don’t like what I have to say, fine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. The opinion represented here is mine. It is what I think. It is based on facts that I have discovered, my worldview, and my knowledge. I am fine with people disagreeing with me, and again, I welcome arguments and debate. But, what I will no longer tolerate, is fucking assholes who think that they have the right to just come in my home and do whatever they want, which over the past few weeks, has focused on belittling me, striving to get a rise out of me, and only seeking to piss me off for the sake of fulfilling their own sick pleasure. If you want to debate about something that I have said, debate it. Don’t go round and round talking shit about me and everything that I believe. If you do, you might as well stay outside, and walk to someone else’s house, because you are no longer welcome here. Additionally, along the same vein, it would be in your best interest to focus on debating what I am talking about if you want a response from me, because continually using broad issues and things that aren’t related to what I am talking about as a retort will fall on deaf ears. I will simply point out that you are not talking about the issue, and will move on. If the debate does steer in that direction, fine, but don’t expect me to just listen to constant generalizations and all or nothing arguments. It has gotten old.

I feel I must address this, because I know there are several all or nothing arguers out there, so here it is: While I don’t believe in censorship, I do believe in limits. Since this website is MINE, and only mine, then I don’t have to put up with bullshit anymore. And quite frankly, I can’t believe that I did for so long. Any challenges as to why I have made these decisions, and the subsequent steps mentioned above, will be met with the utmost contempt. If you find any action that I take to prevent something I enjoy doing in my own home from becoming fodder for someone else to attack, belittle, or demean, then you are completely missing the point of this statement, and my actions. I will not silence the voice of anyone that disagrees with me, but I reserve the right to completely eliminate the presence of someone that uses hateful, demeaning, continually negative, and downright inflammatory comments to try and “prove me wrong” or to simply provoke a response from me. If you could actually prove me wrong, I wouldn’t need to retort, because I would be convinced by the facts. Please keep this in mind when commenting in the future. And just to note, I have only deleted 2 comments EVER from this blog, and both were deleted last week. I don’t foresee many more comments being deleted, so long as everyone can abide by my simple principle of treating me with respect, and not being an asshole while you are in my online home.

If you want to continue to be invited into my home, come to play. Come to have a great time. Come to laugh. Come to debate. Come to share your opinions. But don’t come in, shit on my floor, and not expect me to kick your ass to the curb. Because if you are expecting me to look the other way, and yell at your over and over as I have done in the past, you might as well stay away. This is pretty much the only warning I feel to be necessary at this point, so know that this policy is in effect from here on out.

This is the only way that I can see to prevent me from quitting blogging all together, but I honestly wouldn’t want want to give up something I enjoy, just because a few people are assholes to me. I have also noticed that it is those few that tend to drive away other readers and commenters, and that is something that I have taken into consideration in this mandate. I am not going to stand for that anymore, either. I do hope that everyone has a great afternoon, and I hope to see you soon; but please remember the new policy is actively in effect. I appreciate your time and attention on this matter.

Shiny Toy Guns @ The Loft ATL 5/25/07

So, as I mentioned yesterday afternoon, we had the pleasure of seeing the fantastical Shiny Toy Guns, live, at The Loft, last night.

First of all, if you haven’t been to the Loft, it is really tiny, and it is actually a kind of cool place to see a band, because you can literally get right up front if you want. I managed to find a great spot right over on the right side of the stage, and I stayed there all night.

I took tons of pictures, all of which you can see on my flickr page. If you click the picture above, it will take you to the flickr page for that picture, and then you should see a set over on the right. If you want to see all of them, I suggest you check it out. I managed to get some pictures I really liked.

One final note about the show, while Shiny Toy Guns were AMAZING, and totally lived up to my every desire and exceeded every one of my expectations, the bands that opened for them were total shit. I don’t know if they picked them, but the band that went on before them was especially bad. They were called Hourly Radio, and I don’t get why so many people in the audience liked them; I know bad music when I hear it. Oh well, to each their own.

If we didn’t have to sit through the opening bands, the night would have been perfect. I will definitely want to see Shiny Toy Guns again in the future.

Side note: If you are at the Loft, and you want a liquor drink, getting the larger size is only $1 more. Good to know.

Hope everyone is having a kick ass Saturday!

tonight: Shiny Toy Guns

Tonight we get to see the Shiny Toy Guns at the Loft. I am so excited, because I love them. Here are some songs that you should have on your ipod, and be playing a lot, because they are fantastical in every way:
Le Disko:

You Are The One:

Now, I hope to get some great pictures of this great band tonight. If you haven’t heard of them before now, it is clear that you aren’t listening, and you need to start! Check them out. You won’t be sorry! Hope your day is going swell!

when I grow up…

I had my meeting at GSU yesterday, and I got more than I was expecting; I got a huge dose of hope. I went into the meeting a little bit apprehensive, because going back to school seems like the biggest step in the whole world, but I am more confident now, that I am going to make it.

Turns out, they are going to count many of my undergrad classes towards the admission guidelines (YAY!), and, of the courses that I have to take that are prerequisites, I can take them online, or at a another school. This is great news, as I was hoping to be able to knock out those prerequisites quickly, and doing them online will give me the opportunity to do just that. Additionally, I don’t have very many of those courses to take before I can apply to the nursing program.

This has been something that has been a long time in the making, and instead of feeling overwhelmed as I walked across the GSU campus, I felt excited. I am truly invigorated that I am making small steps at improving my happiness, and improving my life. My goals don’t seem so far out of reach now, and I honestly feel like this is something that I can do. I feel like I will be able to take the steps that I need, and never look back. I need to now focus on starting the journey, and realize that the end will come; as long as I keep moving.

It is funny, sort of, that I was so worried about going back to school. See, while I hated undergrad (mostly because of the school I was at, and just the issues of being in the closet), and didn’t do too terribly well, grad school was an amazing experience. I learned so much, not only about the world, and how people and culture adapt and survive, but about myself as well. I learned that I can really do anything I put my mind to, and I have to start believing that again. I actually liked school when I was in grad school, so it is funny that a BSN program seemed such a far stretch; when chances are, even though it will be tough, and probably difficult at times, I am sure that I will enjoy it, and I know that I can do it.

They are definitely right when they say that going to school later in life usually makes for a better student; you just don’t look at things the same way, and you have matured to a place where you know how important the whole thing is. Also, you REALLY know how much those classes are costing, so you take them more seriously (at least, that was the case for me).

So, now that I have made this step to find out what I need to go to nursing school, what next? I have a list of the prerequisites that I must fulfill, and I am going to begin doing some searching for programs and schools that I can take them at. I also would like to look into as many different options for nursing schools as possible; especially online programs, because of their convenience. Any help from any of you is much appreciated (hint hint).

Wish me luck. In fact, continue wishing me luck for the long haul; I am going to need it. Perhaps, in a few years, I’ll get to be what I want to be when I grow up…

the post-New York post…

times square subway stationSo here it is, back from New York with a few stories to tell, and some slowly healing shin splints. I didn’t come home with much else, other than a ton of photos, which are now up, and getting attention on flickr. Check them out.

Alright, so here’s where we start: I got the closest spot to the terminal I have ever gotten in the parking lot on Sunday. Nothing monumental, but something I was excited about, both on Sunday, and then again on Tuesday, so worth mentioning, I guess. After flying up to NYC, I checked into my hotel, and wandered around Manhattan for a while. I walked to the Empire State building, and back up to Times Square. It was kind of cool not having an agenda, and being able to wander around and take pictures of the city. It was a lot of fun. It was then, that I wished I had brought my SLR, but I am even more glad I didn’t; I didn’t want to have to deal with it to be honest.

After my adventure around the city, and after an hour spent in Virgin Records (oh the love I have for this store), I met up with my good friend Steve for dinner and drinks. It was a good first day in New York, especially considering the last time I was there; it was freezing, raining, and I was very sick. Thank God that is not how it went this time!

Now on to the first day of working in NYC. I was supposed to meet my team around 8:30, upon which time we would travel over to the site for the site visit. I called them several times, but got no answer, so I figured I would just head over to the hotel. I had forgotten which hotel they were staying in, but quickly fixed that with a call to my buddy Deb. Just as I am about to head out to the hotel (after waiting 20 minutes for them to call me back), I get a call. It’s them. They are already in Brooklyn. Fuck. So, I walked up to the subway, and took the 2 train to Brooklyn. Now, I wasn’t nervous or anything, because I have done public transit in England and France (as well as here), so I pretty much knew how it worked. But, I made a mistake and got off 2 stops too early. That meant I had the wonderful opportunity to wonder around the ghetto in Brooklyn, and walked like 10 blocks to get to the site. All that, and no apology for leaving me. Nice. grand central station

That night, after having drinks with my coworkers is a cute gay spot in Chelsea (which I still think it is hilarious that my cute lesbian coworker took us there… my other two coworkers are straight, married men), I bought a ticket to see Avenue Q. I was fourth row. It was fantastic. I had the cast recording, so I knew what to expect, but it was better than even that. I loved it. After that, I went back to the hotel and crashed. Walking around the city in the wrong shoes is not a good idea.

After heading back to the site the next day, and having the best bagel ever, we headed back to the airport to come home. I had a great trip, got to see a great friend and a great show, and got to really enjoy New York, unlike before. I can definitely see the appeal of the city now… before I was blinded by blistering cold, torrential rains, and hallucination-inducing sickness. And, I had to stay in Newark last time, so staying near Times Square made everything just so much better. And that was my trip to NYC.

I can definitely say, that now, I too love New York. I want to go back soon…

I want to be a part of it…



Today, I am off to NYC for a few days, for work. I am excited to go to the big apple, because last time I was there it was BITTER cold, and I was uber sick. I am going to take my camera with me (not my SLR, even though I know that I probably should, I am just not feeling comfortable about taking it for whatever reason), and hope to have a little fun and get some pictures of the city. I am very excited to be seeing my friend Steve while I am there, even though I still have to do some work too.

I will only have my Q for email and such, so I won’t be posting any long responses to comments. Feel free to leave them though, and I will do my best to address them when I return. Here’s looking forward to fun in NYC! I also hope to catch a show while I am there!!!

See you when I get home!

Now I am off to the store to by travel sized tooth paste and what not, because of the crazy flight regulations. I won’t be throwing it away this time, airport security man!!!

[fyi, this image isn’t mine. I will try to get some pictures while I am there, and they will eventually find their way to flickr.]

February’s APWBWGTTD

barry through the boozeLast night was our monthly meet-up, and we had a great turn out! I was glad to see 10 people show up, even though, most of us were the regulars… which is actually a good thing, and I wish we could add more to our regular APWBWGTTD line up. Fun was had, booze was consumed, and even a few people ate. We did have a good time, and I have say, that I am super jazzed to find out that Manuel’s has a non-smoking section! I didn’t know that before last night, but I can guarantee that it will increase my desire to go there for drinks and whatnot… I won’t have to leave smelling like a bar.

There were a few things that I observed last night that I would like to share here:

  • No one should be bribed with beer to drink Au Jus. Seriously, that is just mean. And gross.
  • Maigh is a fucking freak for fireballs. And rightly so, they are delicious. (see below for proof)
  • Sometimes being around someone that you haven’t talked to in months doesn’t have to be too awkward. So long as you are willing to just let it go; even if they pretend nothing happened. Oh well.
  • At Manuel’s (at least), you can order your own pitcher… no questions asked. Sweet!
  • Apparently, this super deluxe has some funny shit. And the President’s song isn’t as funny when it comes from three drunkards. Perhaps I will have to check it out for myself. And Barry loves kitty no legs. Whatever that is.
  • Anna Nicole is not a celebrity, and people should just shut up about it already. At least, according to dave.
  • Passing your camera around to let everyone have an opportunity to take pictures at different angles may or may not be a good idea for the future… Dave wanted to take it to the bathroom, and instead just ended up taking close ups of my head. Which I deleted. (sorry dave). Other than dave’s proposed adventures with my camera, we did get a bunch of fun shots of the crew.
  • When you schedule an event on Wednesday because one person wants it to be on Wednesdays so that he can attend, don’t expect him to actually attend, or you may be let down. I realize (and this is the only reason I took the reigns from Lori), that people are going to show up, or not, and it doesn’t really matter, as long as those of us that ARE there have fun (which we did).
  • There are a bunch of political groups that meet at Manuel’s on Wednesdays.
  • Apparently, a black eye (which I have from banging my head on my chest of drawers) can be perceived as eye shadow on some… like on me. I just think it is funny that some thought I was wearing eye shadow (period), and even more, that I was only wearing it on one eye. Classic.

maigh is a fucking freak for fireballs
Well, that’s about it… I am sure that everyone else could come up with some stuff from last night, but I will leave it here. I had a great time, and I can’t wait until next month. Be there or be a gelatinous blob, bitches! The next APWBWGTTD will be on March 14, so mark your calendars now… I will send out an evite shortly. Thanks for coming out! (photos are obviously on flickr, so check ’em out, if you want)

the upcoming movies I want to see post

I mentioned on Wednesday that there were a lot of movies coming out in the next month or so, and that I should probably make a list; so I am. After seeing some good movies recently, I realize that while I don’t really like to go to the theater (who needs it when you have a 42″ TV and a soft couch at home?), there is some stuff I feel like I have to see, without waiting for DVD; although, I am sure that I won’t see ALL of them in the theater… Here’s my list so far (listed in the order in which they are coming out):

  • Because I Said So: I will probably go see this tomorrow with John and the boys. It looks cute, and it has Mandy Moore. She is awesome, and that is pretty much any reason to see a movie she is in.
  • Ghost Rider: Now, I HATE Nicholas Cage with a passion, but I LOVE comic book movies. I will probably give in and see this one. I just hope it doesn’t suck monkey nuts; because it definitely has the potential to. And it isn’t a good sign that they aren’t letting reviewers see it before release… that never is, really.
  • Zodiac: Jake Gyllenhaal movies are always worthy of a trip to the theater. Seriously.
  • 300: Holy fucking shit I am so excited about this movie. I talked with Deb about seeing this at IMAX, because based on the MANY previews I have watched, this movie is going to be stunning. I predict it will make my best of 2007 movies list.
  • Premonition: I saw the trailer, and it looks like it could pretty cool. I really like Sandra Bullock too, so perhaps she will make this one worth seeing. I find the whole idea of someone dying, and you waking up the next day and it didn’t happen yet, as a pretty creepy idea.
  • Blades of Glory: I am going to seriously have to see some trailers for this; because it looks really promising, but also looks like it could pull an Anchorman (which wasn’t that funny). At least Ben Stiller isn’t in it (even though he is one of the producers), because that would make it a definite NO.
  • Grindhouse: Holy nerd’s wet dream, Batman: Tarantino AND Miller in one film?!? Well, it’s actually two films, but I am still totally excited. Rose McGowan’s character has a gun for a leg. Fuck yes.
  • Hot Fuzz: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost?!?!? AGAIN??? These two did Shaun of the Dead, one of my favorite movies. I will see anything they do. This one is a top of the list type movie.
  • Spiderman 3: Duh. No need to explain this one at all; I still can’t believe Venom is in it. Wet dream anyone?
  • Shrek the Third: The second one was better than the first one… will the third be better than the second? We shall see.
  • Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer: OMG. I was terribly excited when they announced this, and have been following it ever since. I really liked the first one, even though many didn’t, and can’t wait to see Silver Surfer in action!
  • Transformers: Alright… I’ll bite, but I am not going to be running to the theaters. I liked them when I was a kid, but not that much. I would love to see a Thundercats live action movie. That would be awesome.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Duh again. Harry Potter movies are always must see movies.

Wow, that is a pretty short list. I was thinking that there were more movies that I was excited about… what am I missing? What are you excited about seeing? I am probably just drawing a blank on something, so let me know what I am missing, kids!!!

Also, totally unrelated, but I am FINALLY getting my camera; my tax refund was much more than I was expecting, and I am getting a digital SLR!!!! I have wanted one forever, and now I am getting it (just the body, though, because my GREAT FRIEND Deb is giving me a lens!!!)! Woohoo! In case you were wondering, it is the Canon Digital Rebel XT; but I am getting the 8MP version, because it is about $200 cheaper than the 10, and I don’t think there will be THAT much difference, you know? Still, I’m excited!!! Hope everyone’s Friday is rock awesome!