Category: blog on blog

we may be experiencing technical difficulties

MT is acting weird. If your comment doesn’t go through, or if you see ANYTHING weird, LET ME KNOW in the comments on this post. I know, I know, that may be counterproductive, but it’s the best I got, people. Work with me here!

UPDATE: It is monitoring comments because of the word “insurance”. WOO HOO! Go spam bots! Go spam bots!

podcasting, here I come!

I used to think podcasting was a little silly; mainly because I don’t listen to any, and I don’t really know that much about them. Yes, that is something you should know about me, if I don’t know it, I ridicule it. Things work better that way. Anyway… Now, I have been invited to be a member of the Georgia Podcast Network, that some of my friends created. Last night, we had our first podcast party, and I recorded my very first podcast. While I thought I was a little silly, and do have doubts as to whether anyone would actually want to listen to me go on and on about whatever for however long I talked, I definitely thought it was fun. Too bad Rusty deleted it. Anyway… Next time I do one, I will let you all know so that you can check it out over at the Georgia Podcast Network’s site, when it goes live. I am pretty excited about being a part of something like this, and I really appreciate Amber and Rusty designing it, and wanting me to be involved! Can’t wait till the next podcasting!

Also, we are making up funny “commercials” and “PSAs” that will play like real commercials during some of the other podcasts. Watch out for those, because some of them are hilarious… that is what happens when I get together with a bunch of creative people (I’m looking at you Tony!), and have beer a flowing! Stay tuned…

what I learned at the dogwood festival this year:

— It is possible to drink for 12 hours straight and be alright.
— Lori’s buffalo chicken dip stuff is the food of the gods. I want that recipe.
Do not leave children unattended. Seriously. They may find, and start drinking, alcohol.
— I am not the only person that is OCD about clean hands.
— Some of the art at the festival is actually cool.
— You too can get yourself air brushed.
— It’s actually superheros that kill fire ants.
— Midnight blue doesn’t only ryhme with purple shoe; it is a purple shoe.
— Shh… we are seceding.
— Threadless shirts rule. Everyone has them; at least, the cool everyones.
— Watch the ground, you may find money.
Free koozie = awesome. Thanks Dave!
Jumping on a trampoline may seem innocuous at first, but someone inevitably gets hurt (sorry Brian!; I really do feel bad!).
— I think I may have torn something in my knee. (see trampoline related injuries)
— You too can be embarrassed because you are outside having a stupid argument with your boyfriend on the phone while everyone else is inside playing Cranium. Weirdness. Sorry guys.
— Playing charades is awesome; and frequently hard. Especially if you are drunk.
— I think I drank like 90 beers yesterday. AND, that totally massive rum and coke; seriously, it was made in a Nalgene for crying out loud.
— And last be certainly not least; blogging is cool because it has allowed me to make friends with some of the coolest people ever.

So, we will do this again soon, right? We don’t need no stinking dogwood festival as an excuse!!

trying something new…

I always check flickr like 10 times a day; even when I haven’t uploaded anything new, and I wonder why. I guess I just want to be up in the know about what is going on, who’s updated, who’s commenting, etc. I know that I don’t upload as much as I want, and I want to be able to have super powers of photo-editing, but I don’t, which is what prevents me from uploading new pictures every day (even though I have tons just waiting… I know, I know). So, in an effort to both remedy this situation of adding new fun things to my flickr page, AND to finally start realizing and utilizing the full potential (well, at least some of that potential) my snazzy cell phone possesses, I am going to start a new thing! I am going to start taking pictures with my cell phone at random times and places, and send it to flickr; which will give you even more of an idea of where I am, and what I am doing!! (thus upping the big brother component of my life) I think that it will be a fun way for me to share all of those silly little mundane things that I go through each day that aren’t “important enough” to make the blog! Think of it as a supplement to the blog; in pictures!

I know that I am a super dork for being excited about this, but I honestly really am… I think that it is going to be fun. I have already gotten started, so check out the photos I have taken; and stay tuned… more pictures to come!

is that even “leagle”?

Someone just came to my site by searching “leagle 13 year old sex”. Um, yeah. I believe that it is legal. And by legal, I mean, in spelling only, sicko. Check your spelling on those comments folks! You never know what sickos a misspelling is going to bring! (yeah, I feel pretty confident in calling someone who searches for legal ways to have sex with 13 year olds a SICKO.)

new-ish template?!!

A few people said they liked my template, but I did feel the need to tweak this one a bit… thoughts?? Or do you want the old one back? Or do you want me to change more?! Feedback is appreciated. Thanks! Happy Friday!

UPDATE: For the record, IE sucks ass. SUCKS ASS!!!! I fixed it for all you IE viewers though. Damn!

UPDATE 2: I know that this isn’t the most exciting post, but I did work on it, so I figured I would get you to comment on it. Either way, really. Now, about the drinking stigma post from yesterday; basically, I got the message that I shouldn’t worry about it, because other people feel it too (on both sides of the fence). So to celebrate, I am going to go out drinking tonight with blog buddies. Join us, if you want; but we will be… dare I say it… DRINKING!

on blogs, bloggers, and the occasional night out

Last night, I went to trivia night at Mellow Mushroom with a fellow blogger, Amber. While the news that I went to trivia isn’t all that exciting, what is exciting (at least to me), is that I am finally doing something that I never thought I would do; I am interacting with and meeting people in a way that I never thought that I could or would. I am meeting people and making friends with people that I find interesting, based on interests that are similar to mine, based on who they are as people, based on their sense of humor, as well as a myriad of other things. For the first time since I came out of the closet, I am meeting people based on something other than sexual orientation.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my ‘mo’s, and I wouldn’t trade the friendships I have for anything; but I do think that sometimes, for the most part, we only meet people and become friends with people, because the likelihood of encountering them is, for one reason or another, increased. As with the case of being gay, many come out, and go out to gay establishments; and eventually, make a lot of gay friends. Since you are less likely to hang out with straight people, and because most bars generally don’t cater to much more than people’s sexual interests, you tend to make gay friends because they are around more. Not to say that gay friends aren’t of a good quality, in fact quite the opposite; but sometimes I wonder, if both of us weren’t gay, would we have actually became friends? Because, if we weren’t gay, how would we have met?

I heart Blogabees

You know, something has really kept me thinking longer than I anticipated; last week, when my site got all crazy, and went down for a couple of days, I wondered what people thought when they came to my site and found nothing. A couple of people emailed me, and wanted to know what was going on, but I wonder if the casual browsers of bothered to ever come back?

Well, being that I am who I am (a borderline neurotic/perfectionist gay man), that sent me into a borderline “blogsestential” crisis, where I started to question why I write for this blog, to wonder who reads it, to freak out over whether people like it, to ponder what people want to read, etc. Now, I know that there are my loyals out there, and I do love you all, seriously, don’t ever forget that; (in fact, I have met some of you IRL recently, and it is has been awesome… I want to do MUCH more of that) but I think these thoughts came up for a different, yet particular reason. I believe that I sit where most people do in the blogging world; yeah we do it for fun, yeah we do it for ourselves, but overall, truth be told, we like being liked.

the wait is over…

See, I told you that wouldn’t take long! I am back! I still have several things to move over, so if you see something that doesn’t work, don’t worry, it will be fixed soon. I will post my Harry Potter review in a little bit… I know that you are just dieing to read it… I see you shiver with antici……….pation. Thanks for coming back!