Tag: school

checking in….

It has been a few days since I have posted; and not without good reason. I am BUSY!! School is continuing to flex its muscles; seriously, this statistics course is acting like a grad level course. I wonder if the professor knows it is supposed to be intro? Either way, I just hope I can make it out of the class with a good grade. Also, my first anatomy test is this week, and I am studying like mad to make the best grade possible… here’s hoping for an A on the first test.

Other than that, I got more tattoo on my ankle yesterday, and it looks so much better. While I liked just the flowers, I thought it was rather plan, and Malia agreed, so she added some waves and rocks to make it more of a “piece”. I think it looks amazing, even though it hurts like crazy, and I will try to get some pictures up soon… as soon as I am finished with my anatomy test!

Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is having a great week… I know that I have been enjoying this much cooler weather; I have even been kind of cold riding into work these past few days, as I have been riding with all of the windows down and the sunroof open. MAN, I love fall!!! Bring on the fleece!!!

wait a second…

What do you mean that the weekend is OVER?

That was fast! However, it was a great weekend. Fun times with good friends. That’s how every weekend should be!! Not much else to report here… just plugging along with my Stats homework, wondering what the first Anatomy test will be like, and hoping that I do well in all of my classes from here on out.

I kind of feel a little “in the fog” today, which I hope will pass soon. There’s nothing fun about drifting through the fog, waiting to see what will happen next.

I have started working out again too, and I have to say, I have felt like I have been hit by a train for a few days now. I also can’t wait for that to end…. But I am back to the treadmill tonight! I will make it stick this time!!

who really cares?

Everyone’s raving about another defecting Republican, who got caught giving in to his homosexual tendencies… but really, who cares? I mean, this guy goes up in an airport restroom to score some cock, and everyone is all abuzz about it. Please. I am so sick of the “news” covering stories like this one, or this and that about Britney Spears’ night out on the town; what is really going on in the world? Tell us that stuff!

Seriously. I mean if you really want to look at it, he didn’t even do anything but proposition the guy! No gay sex was involved!! What a freak, and what a non-news situation. Seriously, find something important to talk about, for crying out loud.

I do, however, think it is funny that so many of these anti-gay jerks find themselves in a restroom somewhere begging for a bit of man on man action… which really makes it clear that the more homophobic you are, the more you are covering up your own homosexuality; and honestly, that’s just sad.

I just wish people could be happy with themselves, and the world wouldn’t judge you because of what you do between the sheets. Perhaps people like this would be able to express themselves in a healthy (and more legal?) manner, and instead of being so against our “agenda”, they could just join us in place where you can be happy for who you are, you can enjoy personal acceptance, and people will understand and accept you for you. Man, wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing; and potentially, something actually worth reporting (for a change)?

Who knows… Now back to your regularly scheduled Michael Vick update… wait… I don’t give a shit about that either! HA!

In duane-related news… I have been really working hard at Statistics, which, if you are not a math wiz, is seriously another language. I just hope that I can pull out some magic knowledge or memory, and somehow score an A in this class. It is, after all, the only math class I have to take. At least I am getting it out of the way first!!

Finally, I don’t now if anyone is actually taking my music suggestions seriously, but here is another fantastic one: Kate Nash, Made of Bricks. Wow. She is a little bit Lily Allen, and I love her! The whole CD is a great listen, and I love her writing style. The song “Foundations”, is seriously infectious, and so well written. I have been listening to it on repeat for days. Do yourself a favor, and check it out! This CD is definitely one of my favorites of the year!

policy cancellation and first class impressions

First of all, I wanted to say something about the craziness that is my mortgage company (and in a related note, the craziness that is my insurance company). We have had our loan sold many times, but this was the first one that never sent us payment information (like, where to send it, and when), and then threatened a late payment for the payment we didn’t know existed. Anyway, cut to the other day…

We got a notice that our home insurance policy was about to be canceled, due to a lack of payment. Since the mortgage company are the ones that make those payments on our behalf, we called them up. After a little talk, it was cleared up; not their fault, because they made the payment back in June.

So I called Allstate. Turns out, that someone issued a refund two days after said payment was received and processed. The best part? There was no reason for the refund. All is taken care of, right? Well… not exactly. See, the refund check went to the mortgage company, who, you guessed it… cashed the refund check. Now, we have to get them to pay again.

You know, you would think that companies that deal with many loans, and many customers would be able to keep better track of what’s been paid, who’s paid up, and where $800 some odd dollars are at all times, you know? Well, at least we found out BEFORE our insurance was canceled, eh?

In other news, I have been logging in to my online classes each day, and I really think that I am going to be able to manage this quite swimmingly. I went up to the school yesterday to take care of getting an ID card, a parking pass, and my books, only to discover that the bookstore doesn’t carry my stats book. No matter, I said, I will check amazon! Well, turns out, even better for me, that you can just buy one year’s access to the book online; which is part of a program that I was going to have to buy anyway. The best part, is that it was cheaper, AND I won’t be stuck with another book sitting around that I won’t really need after this class is over. What isn’t so great, is that my anatomy book and lab manual cost me $300! Damn! I forgot that books were so expensive! Oh well… at least I have it, right? Weirdly, the anatomy teacher hasn’t updated anything on the anatomy class website, so we’ll see where that one goes… onward!

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday… I can’t wait for tomorrow to be over, because I am off on Friday and Monday! Woot!