Tag: bush

covering your ass and why I hate cell phones now (apparently)

Minor, not-even-worth-paying-attention-to-if-I-were-you-update: the coward parade gains a new member! LOL It must be hard to be so right and awesome all of the time, because keeping that up means that you feel the need to pick on others to make yourself feel even more awesome and right. How cool! LOL!!!! Pathetic.

First the cell phone thing, because it will be brief. This morning, driving to work, I saw what I always see, some asshole driving like a maniac, that I or other people have to avoid to prevent an accident. In this morning’s case, it was a woman that ran a very red light at a very precarious intersection, because she was blabbing away on her phone, and couldn’t be bothered to notice. Be it running a red light, stopping suddenly to make a turn with no turn signal, whatever, the point is, these idiots are putting our lives, and my car, in danger. What is the one factor that I notice about 99% of these people? Just like the woman this morning, they are on cell phones when they are doing this shit. HANG THE FUCK UP AND DRIVE. I rarely talk on the phone when I am driving, and if I do, I keep it short, and get off as soon as I can. I want to be able to focus, and it appears that I need that extra focus, because those that refuse to put down the phone and drive are actually trying to have an accident with me. That is why I now hate cell phones. The end.

Now, I haven’t really said anything about the firing of the US attorneys because I really don’t care that much, but after reading what Mr Bush said this morning, I really want to applaud him for an amazing ability to cover his own ass. Not only is he saying that investigating this beyond what he is willing to turn over is a partisan fishing expedition, but he also is confident that it is an unnecessary confrontation that the Democrats are trying to bully him into. Wow, Mr. Bush, you really know how to prevent people from seeing what really happened. You are great at covering your ass!!!

Basically, if the people that had a hand in this do get supeanaed, they are going to have to admit that they did indeed fire these people because they weren’t investigating Democrats as much as they wanted them to be. The attorneys that were fired have come forward and said that they were pressured to investigate Democrats more than Republicans, and in some cases, as much as a 7 to 1 ratio, so let me ask you, Mr. Bush, who is the one that is doing the partisan confrontation now? These attorneys can’t just be fired because they are investigating stuff that you and others in government have done wrong in the middle, or beginning, of an investigation… oh wait! You covered your ass!! You got Gonzalez to fire them so that they wouldn’t investigate what you didn’t want them to, something that the other ones have been compellingly convinced to stay away from (or else, get fired themselves!)!!! I get it now… you are just covering your ass. (Keep in mind that we KNOW that no other president has fired US BI-PARTISAN attorneys mid-term. It’s cool to fire them when you come in to office, but if you fire them while you are still there, because they may (or already have begun) investigate something one party has done illegally that is currently sitting, well, that just reeks of guilt. That’s practically a confession.)

I seriously wish that someone, anyone, would go after uncovering the crookedness that is going on in the White House, without the big “hell no” that is coming from them. I don’t think that anyone in this country is immune to investigation if there is reasonable suspicion that they have done something wrong, and that includes members of congress, senate, and especially those at the White House. Mr. President, can you please stop trying to cover your ass, because it is getting more and more obvious that you are scrambling to do so, and, calling the Democratic effort to call you out on your shit a partisan confrontation for political gain, is both laughable and pathetic. If you do something wrong, you need to be cooperative, because it is well known that not do is almost always the first sign of being guilty; and low and behold, you don’t want to cooperate. Maybe, you aren’t covering your ass at all… Hmmm… maybe you are just covertly admitting your guilt. Interesting thought. I hope that you and the rest of your office aren’t able to sweep this away like you want to. I hope that it gets the attention that it deserves.

Finally, I know that there are several of you that are all “bomb the fuck out of Iran”, but I am seriously terrified of what will happen if we do. I seriously can’t afford $5 a gallon for gas, and I don’t know many that can. I also don’t want to see us pulled into more war, especially since we have such a broken military right now (and I especially don’t want to see ANY MORE lives lost to this war). The best way to put out a fire is NOT to throw more fuel on it, and that is exactly what we will be doing if we bomb Iran. Yes, they are dangerous. Yes, they can cause more and more harm, but NO, we should not go to war with them. That is going to make things WAY worse. The ONLY thing that comes out of war is death and destruction (well, unless you are a government contractor, because then it is wealth and fortune, but that is beside the point). We have got to figure something else out, and stop occupying the middle east already!

Alright. Vent is over for now. Discuss.

what to blog… what to blog…

Hmm… I have been sitting here wondering off and on to myself all day, “self, what should you blog about?”, and honestly, I haven’t come up with much of anything. I would love to say something about Bush and his speech last night, but I couldn’t stand listening to him long enough to make it all of the way through. What I did hear was a bunch of promises that I don’t see how he can meet; but we will see. At least it is a start. On the other hand, I did agree with pretty much everything Senator Jim Webb said after the SOTU speech. He is one smart and brave guy, in my opinion.

I discovered Netvibes last week, and just started using it today. We will see how long that keeps my interest.

Also today, I am in a sort of debate with Recovering Baptist about the whole abortion = murder thing, and I honestly still can’t wrap my head around why people tend to be all or nothing on this issue (i.e., there are no circumstances in which abortion isn’t murder, etc.). I can understand that one would be against abortion; fine, but abortion isn’t murder, and it is also important to point out that there are regulations on abortion to prevent it from becoming murder (i.e., not allowing them in the 3rd trimester in almost every state; because the third trimester is widely held as the first time a fetus can live outside of the body, with very being able to survive few before that). So I just wonder, why am I seen as advocating the murder of a child, when I am not? What I am advocating, is the right of a woman to choose what happens to her body, her uterus, and her life; not whether a potential child should or should not be allowed to grow and become a separate living, breathing person, which again, isn’t murder. I am not advocating or promoting abortion; if it were me, I don’t know if I could honestly say that I would have one… but I would at least like the choice to be made by me, for me.

I think, and will always think, that abortion rids the body of cells, cells that are part of the mother, cells that could become a child if allowed to continue growing and developing; but a collection of cells nonetheless. I also feel like I try to see other people’s opinions on things, even if I don’t agree and don’t change my own, but on this issue, I find that most pro-life supporters tend to (with the exception of some) be, unfortunately, very narrow minded, which I find frustrating, because it doesn’t solve nor shed any light on the argument. I know we can all be narrow minded, but I TRY not to be, and wish everyone would. I just wish that everyone could have the right to make choices about their lives; but obviously, I wish this within reason. But, I do know that this is something that is a matter of opinion, and anything that involves religious belief is impossible to truly argue for or against, so, I assume that the discussion will always go on. I know I will not be able to change most opinions on choice or abortion (even though that would be great!), but I talk about it, in order to add a voice to those that advocate freedom and choice, in order to have someone speaking against those that will advocate religious-based controls and the stripping of personal rights for women. These aren’t meant as jabs, they just are what they are; different sides of an issue… in this case, the right to choose.

Other than these random things, I have really been enjoying some great music today. I finally made a new mix cd, and I am very happy with it. I am also going to be getting stuff ready for the music podcast that I want to start doing for the Georgia Podcast Network, which is something that is motivating me to check out new stuff. Sometimes it feels like pushing a rock up a hill to get anything at all done in my life; so I tend to cling to the things that come easy and motivate me (of which, there are very few). Perhaps these things will jump start the rest of it. I also thought about posting the mix (like for DL), but wonder if anyone would actually want it. If you do, let me know… and I might just tell you what’s on it!

stem cells and Jimmy Carter

Two things that as I sit here thinking about, don’t really make sense to me:

1) Why Bush (or anyone) is so opposed to stem cell research, especially because of the amazing benefits that it can bring in curing many different incurable diseases, like cancer and Alzheimer’s. More importantly, why Bush should be the final say in the decision for the stem cell bill that passed recently with a vast majority.

Okay, so you don’t agree with abortion. Fine. I get it. It may mean you are a little narrow-minded, but you don’t like it, I understand that. I still stand by the position of, “if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one”, but I understand that doesn’t work for everyone. But why attack stem cells? First of all, these cells are not the reason people get abortions. The source of stem cells may come from aborted fetuses, but they also come from embryos that were slated for in vitro fertilization; that is, eggs that were fertilized outside of the body for later transplantation, that for whatever reason, were not used. Now, the only other option, is to throw these cells away. You can also clone these cells, but I can see where some are against cloning too; but if it is only for the purpose of research, and the cells are going to be destroyed anyway, why not? Especially when the benefits are so potentially great? That doesn’t make sense. Think of what the world would be like without surgery. They had to practice it and try new things when it was first developed; do you think people didn’t die? At least in this circumstance, people wouldn’t be dieing; it would be cells slated for destruction, cells that could potentially allow someone who is paralyzed be able to walk again. Making this decision as one man, is completely selfish and unrepresentative of the people that live in this country, and those that will be living here and affected by this narrow-minded decision in the future. I just don’t understand that, especially because, hey, don’t we have 3 arms of government? The two should keep the third in check, right? So why does he just get come in and veto it? It just doesn’t work for me.

2) How people can be saying that Jimmy Carter is anti-Semitic with his book, and why 14 people decided that he is so “evil” that they resigned from the board of the Carter center.

First of all, it is pretty clear that anyone that calls Jimmy Carter an evil man is a pretty delusional person. The man won the Nobel Peace Prize, is an amazing diplomat, and possibly most contradictory thing to the “evil” label, is the fact that he is a renowned humanitarian. Jimmy Carter is not anti-Semitic, in fact, he isn’t anti-anyone; which is why he wants peace in Palestine, and not apartheid, which is basically enforced discrimination and separatism resulting in the denial of human rights. The statements he has made in favor of peace for Palestine (and Israel) make complete sense if you look at them in context. People have said that he is anti-Israeli because of his stance against bombing Lebanon and Palestine; but he is against this because he is against war and killing. He stated that Israel has no right to destroy and reclaim Palestine, because, well, they don’t. Just because you believe “God” ordained something for you to have, doesn’t mean that you can take it by force. Sure, Palestine doesn’t have a spotless history, but when do you stop and say, “let’s think about our future?” A great man once said, “An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.”, and you know what, Gandhi was right. Continued fighting over the right to this tiny piece of land will bring about nothing but death and destruction in both places, and what Jimmy Carter is highlighting with his book, is that it doesn’t have to be like that. A call for piece is a call for survival. It is a call for humanitarianism, and should never been seen as anything but civil and just. People have got to stop hiding behind religion and killing each other over land and differences of opinion… and that is what Jimmy Carter sees. We as a nation have no right to stand on either side of that fence and state “we agree” with either side; it is not our place. But if we have any involvement in the region or the discord between these two nations, it should be one of peace making and diplomacy; something that Jimmy Carter knows a lot about. That is why I wonder how people can still think he is anti anything, other than anti war, anti death, and anti hate. I don’t know about you, but he sounds like a pretty good guy to me. UPDATE: After several conversations, I feel the need to follow up on these statements I made about Jimmy Carter, and have done so in this blog post. Please check it out.

Man, I have been thinking way too much lately. A nice 3 day weekend is just what the doctor ordered. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and a great Monday remembering such a wonderful man, Martin Luther King, Jr.!